Restart the world

Chapter 453 4 big helpers

Chapter 453 Four Helpers
The video recording went smoothly. Although Wen Jing was a little nervous, practice makes perfect, and she completed the task after only two recordings.

Then Wan Li called Yu Wei out and asked her to learn how to cook with Wen Jing, while he took two portions of diet powder and sent them to Jianchao.

After dinner, late at night, Wen Jing was sent to watch DVD with Yu Wei, and Wan Li made a proposal in the bedroom alone.

In the past half a month, he entered the secret realm of the heavy mountain twice, looking for the high gravity inside, supplemented by the blood of the heavy, and broke the physical limit twice.

In order to temper his brain more deeply, so that his mental power, which has been improving rapidly since he was able to separate his mind from the body, can be further improved, he postponed the progress of the breakthrough, and the breakthrough can only be made before the re-election of the military supervisor.

Breaking through the S rank, his strength will have a leapfrog improvement, but whether he can be invincible is still in doubt.He did not forget that Su Wujian said at the Wujian meeting that he had already found the way to the SS class.

Taking Su Wujian as an imaginary enemy, Wan Li must be prepared to break through the SS-level strength and also advance by leaps and bounds.So in the past few days, Wan Li has been working on a plan, a plan on how to maximize the benefits after the network is restored.

He hoped that at that time, the bloodlines of the five great fathers that had been activated would be at least mid-tier nine, and even one of them would reach super-tier!
Publishing the formula and refining process of slimming powder free of charge, and recruiting apprentices for refining medicine is the first step.Opening the market with another energy-restoring drug is the second step, and then the third step is...  

"But the key problem is that there is a shortage of manpower!"

The dignified head of Wusi Martial Arts Bureau, with close to a thousand subordinates above grade A, is now worried about the lack of manpower.

His subordinates are subordinates, and they all belong to the public. Most of what he wants to do now are private matters, and it is inconvenient to order people around at will.Those who can be used are Lao Wang Lin Xiaoqi and his classmates, Cao Yanan's half-disciple, and Sun Kai's half-person.

Alchemist apprentices need someone to guide them, transport business needs someone to grasp, transaction information needs someone to coordinate, and online promotion needs someone to promote...

"Hey, there must be a way for a car to reach the mountain. If it doesn't work, let's waste some time and find a way to recruit from the folks. Now there are quite a few folks who have A-level and above. But for those who don't know the basics, use it... Tsk, God, bless you Let me help you!"


the next day.

"Thank God." Wanli murmured.

"Little brother, what are you talking about, what the hell? Asking about the situation of your teacher's wife."

"Senior brother and sister, I miss you all!"

In this season when the information was not clear, Yan Shen, Yao Yao and the four of them took half a month to learn the news of Dao Li's arrest, and they found Usi gropingly.Wan Li talked about God's power, and gave the four of them warm hugs one by one. The excited look made them a little dazed...

A few seconds later, Yan Shenshen frowned and said, "Little Junior Brother, what is the situation of Master Mistress? Why was she arrested? What happened? Is she safe now? Where is Xiaowei? Tell me?"

"Brother, calm down, calm down." Wan Li smiled and said, "Xiao Wei is fine, she is at my house. Aunt Dao's situation is more complicated, let me take my time."

He told the four of them what happened in Yanjing half a month ago, while observing the changes in their expressions.When talking about the cause of death of Uncle Yu and Lang Bing, they looked sad, but they were not too surprised, obviously already knew.

They didn't show surprise until they mentioned Hao Zheng's various reactions. Yao Yao murmured, "Could it be Hao Zheng? Impossible?"

"Why do my wife and my brothers and sisters doubt Hao Zheng? Just because he was an air force general?"

"Exclusion method." Yan Shen said in a deep voice: "There are only eight or nine people who are capable of doing tricks."

"Have you investigated the others?"

"That's not true, but some people can't do that kind of thing." Yao Yao said: "For example, Wu Wujian, Guo Zhan, Meng Wujian, Commander Zhou..."

"There's nothing impossible about it."

Wan Li sighed and said: "Everyone can be confused for a while. Don't worry, brothers and sisters. In a few months, I will investigate everything and find out. By the way, the four of you have come from afar. Get hungry. Let's go, I ask you You eat."

"Don't worry about it, little brother, let's go to Yanjing to eat..."

"What are you going to Yanjing for?" Wan Li quickly interrupted: "Come here, don't even let me invite you for a meal, is it plausible? Wen Jing! You go to Sangzhu Tianlin Hotel to book a table, and I will take my brothers and sisters at noon Go there. Oh, come home and call Xiaowei!"

"Got it!" Wen Jing shouted outside the door.

Yan Shen smiled wryly: "Little brother, my wife is still in prison, how can we..."

"Then what do you want to do? Prison robbery?" Wan Li's face suddenly became serious: "Master specifically told me to take good care of you. Since you have come to Wusi, don't leave before the Chinese New Year, and you won't be able to!"

The four looked at each other.

Wan Li blinked, and suddenly changed his tone and said: "Senior brothers and sisters, many old accounts have been uncovered after Zeng Jiangeng's death, and your current wanted status is very ambiguous, so there is no need to go to Yanjing to confirm the identity of wanted criminals.

What's more, the success rate of prison robbery is about zero.I can feel the strength of the four senior brothers and sisters. Senior brother Sun Kangxin is still in the third realm. Senior sister Yao Yao and senior brother Gan Kai are both at about 30% of the fourth realm. Senior brother Yan Shen, you have more than 60%. Hao Zheng is about the same.

But to put it bluntly with this strength, I can beat you four by four.Now the number one military supervisor, Su Wujian, is in Yanjing. He alone is stronger than me. He can destroy you all. What are you going to do? Eat prison meals with your wife? "

The four looked at each other, all smiling wryly.

"Then we can't watch my wife suffer for three years in prison, after all, she's old..."

"My God, Aunt Dao is only in her early forties, with the strength of the fourth level, she can't sit in prison for a few days? Of course, three years is a bit long, but I won't sit idly by here. After the year is over, I will find a way Get her out on bail!"


"Well. The four senior brothers and sisters will stay in Wusi during this period of time, take care of Xiaowei, help me a little by the way, and also strengthen their aura attributes to improve their strength. After the new year, we will go to Yanjing together , Bail teacher's wife!"

"Can you really get bail?"

"Sure." Wan Li nodded his head heavily: "What kind of aura do the senior brothers and sisters have?"

Sun Kangxin: "Spirit."

Yan Shen: "Soil."

Gan Kai: "Fengrui."

Yao Yao: "Fire."

Wan Li looked at Sun Kangxin strangely for a few times, another man with a spiritual department... When he heard that Yao Yao was of the blood of Yan, his eyes immediately brightened.

"Brothers and sisters, please do me a favor and stay here. Don't worry about my mistress, I am familiar with Director Heidanyan Hei, and she will help me take care of my mistress. It's only four months, four months. Can't wait?"

The four looked at each other, and finally Yao Yao made a decision: "Let's think about it again, and we'll talk after lunch."

"Okay!" Wan Li smiled happily, and the four super helpers were coming to the bowl.

Looking at Wan Li's expression, Yao Yao felt a few goosebumps on her body, always feeling that she should have done something wrong... The others felt the same way.

Two days later, they knew where this ominous premonition came from.

(End of this chapter)

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