Restart the world

Chapter 454 Han Dong Mansion

Chapter 454 Han Dong Mansion

Two days later, the network was repaired as scheduled.

After a lapse of four months, the Sangzhu region finally joined the Internet family again.Many people sat in front of their computers and clicked on the websites they were most familiar with. Among them, the Martial Arts Forum was the most visited one, and Wanli was one of them.

Someone moved very quickly. After Wanli clicked on the leisure irrigation section, he found a lot of posts like 'We Sangzhu people are back' and 'helloworldfromsz'. There are dozens of comments in the posts every second, most of them are'* *The people sent a congratulatory message'.

As early as a week ago, all parts of the country began to restore the network one after another. The Sangzhu area has many mountains and forests, which affects the progress of the restoration. Even if Wan Li repeatedly urges, the efficiency of restoring the network can only be ranked in the middle.After scanning the posts for 5 minutes, Wan Li connected his phone to the computer and clicked 'post'.

Topic: 'Inspirational! The 600-jin giant fat lost 250 catties in half a month, the truth turned out to be this! '

He chuckled, pulled up fifteen groups of photos, and then pulled up Wen Jing's medicine refining video.It would cost more than 8000 martial arts points to post this post, but Wanli is no longer that high-level boy who needs water experience, and the martial arts points are simply inexhaustible.He was so extravagant that he used 1 Martial Arts Points to change it to the top for [-] minute.

After posting the post, Wan Li turned his head and said with a smile: "Three senior brothers, I will work hard for you next."

Yan Shen, Gan Kai, and Sun Kangxin nodded sullenly with blank faces.

"Okay, everything is ready, I only owe Dongfeng. Burn your calories, super super!"


Sure enough, as soon as the weight-loss powder video was released, it caused an uproar on the Internet.

It is true that there are very few fat people who need to lose weight these days, but most importantly, this video has opened up the minds of countless people.

Was the spirit grassland originally used like this?
In the secret realm, the output rate of spirit grass is more than five times that of spirit fruit. Many people have made a bunch of strange herbs and spent money to keep them properly, but they don't know how to use them.Even the Lingqi Research Institute has only made some small progress in the research of herbal medicine at this time, and has not yet successfully formulated any medicinal powder.

Everyone has guessed that spiritual grass is a good thing, but a good thing that can't be sold without being used, and can't be sold at a high price is equivalent to garbage.

Since Slimming Herbs with Spirit Ginseng can be mixed with traditional Chinese medicine to produce some kind of Slimming Powder, there is no reason why other Spirit Herbs should not be used.

Many people even try it out, thinking that Wanli Yang is so stupid, there is no problem at all with the prescription of slimming powder selling for hundreds of millions, and it is released for free?I will not be stupid, if I develop a new prescription, I will not worry about it for the rest of my life.

Especially those who study Chinese medicine are very familiar with the medicinal properties of various Chinese medicines and are full of self-confidence.

Leaving aside these people who have set foot on the road of no return, some people, as mentioned in the Wanli video, sent him private messages.

Handong Mansion in Chancheng is one of them.

He is 25 years old, has graduated from university for two years, his strength is at the peak of A-level, and he is now the head coach of a martial arts club.

As one of the best existences among folk warriors, Han Dongfu lived a happy life in his childhood, but he always had a wrinkled face and a bad face. A 25-year-old guy looked like a 35-year-old.

He has always been very dissatisfied with the status quo of life.

Three years ago, when he was in his senior year, Foshan Martial Arts University was first established and recruited first-year students. He wanted to transfer to another school, but he gave up the idea under the earnest persuasion of his parents.

He has regretted it ever since.

The annual salary of the Martial Arts Club is tens of millions, which sounds a lot, but in fact, you can't buy 1000 spirit stones, which is about the same as the annual distribution of resources for an A-level student of the Martial Arts University.

Students of Martial Arts University also have various tasks and other rewards. After graduation, they enter the Martial Arts Bureau. The annual salary is not high, but the benefits can top him ten.What's more, after entering the Martial Arts University and receiving good training, he has already been in S rank, right?
Maybe she can become world-famous like that Wan Li Yang, so don't you want as much as you want?
It's a pity that if you miss it, you miss it. Foshan Martial Arts Bureau has recruited several people from the society in the past two years, but the salary is much worse than that of the students trained by Martial Arts University. powerful.

Some time ago, the appearance of Mistlock Land made him feel even more unlucky.

People enter in groups, even if they teleport randomly, there is always a chance to get together, and they can communicate with each other after leaving the fog lock land.

What about yourself?Going in four times, being chased and killed by stone monsters in the fog-locked land five times... The harvest is very little, and the spiritual fruit obtained is not suitable for attributes.

Seeing that the strength of the A-level students in Martial Arts University is not as strong as his A-level students' aura attributes are fourth-rank and fifth-rank, but he stays at second-rank. He can only play with some flames every day, and light a cigarette fancy, what's the use?

The past two days have been more depressing.The network was finally restored, and he wanted to go up to play two games, and the server was being repaired.I want to go to Casino Royal Macau, but the website is lost.

So what is the use of this network repair?Visiting the martial arts forum to see a group of boring people talking nonsense?
Never mind, the nonsense is quite interesting.

The head coach's job is very easy, and he has nothing to do to make a name for himself in the practice club, so he spent two days on the martial arts forum.

Until I saw Wanli's post.

The standard mentally handicapped title, a 600-jin fat man loses 250 catties in half a month?It's almost the same if you reduce it to 250.He opened the post with a smile, and couldn't stop laughing, his eyes widened.

Developed!The aura of the fire element is developed!I developed!

This was his first thought, and his second thought was that there would be a surprise when sending a private message, what surprise?He sent Wanli a private message.

The opposite replied in seconds, it looked like it was copied and pasted: "Usi recruits alchemy apprentices, including food and lodging.The benefits of the apprenticeship period, the fire-type aura is trained to the fifth grade for free, and then a one- to three-year employment contract is signed according to the individual's talent.For specific salary conditions and other matters, please come to Us to discuss in detail. '

"It turned out to be recruitment." Han Dongfu muttered, and managed to look away from the free training to the fifth grade, "Employment for one to three years, it is estimated that it is an overlord's clause, and you want me to sell myself? Where is the evil? Capitalist! Huh?"

"Wali sheep? Wali sheep! Isn't this who?" He was stunned, hesitated for a moment, and sent a private message: 'How do I get there? '

' Explain the detailed address, and wait for someone to pick me up downstairs at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. '

"Will someone come to pick you up at nine o'clock tomorrow?" Han Dongfu gritted his teeth and did it in the name of Wan Liyang!
After arranging everything, at eight o'clock the next morning, he packed his bags and ran downstairs to wait.At the beginning of nine o'clock, the person who picked him up finally descended from the sky with such a threatening aura that he couldn't help but take a few steps back, greatly surprised.

I've seen a few S-class ones myself, but they're definitely not this powerful.Could this be the legendary third-level super expert?Wan Liyang is really awesome!
It made him a little more confident in his choice.But... He looked at the pendant on the master who picked him up, and was a little dazed.

The man's left and right arms were holding a young woman in her twenties, and a young man in her thirties was tightly hugging her left thigh.

Then I...?
"Handong Mansion, right?" Yan Shen put the two girls down with a dark face, and then shook his legs to shake the young man away: "Put your luggage back, only bring necessary items, there is nothing missing at Wu Si. Move quickly After I take you to fly back, there are still many people to pick up."

Han Dongfu was stunned for two seconds, seeing the master's eyes flashing fiercely, he nodded quickly.

Yan Shen looked at his back and sighed a long time, his cannibalism was short, the bastard little junior had stuffed him with too many spiritual fruits in the past two was a trick.

(End of this chapter)

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