Restart the world

Chapter 462 3 goals

Chapter 462 The Three Goals
"Wanli, Wanli! Hahahaha, I broke through, I finally broke through!" The two-hundred-jin fat man ran around in Wanli's office, shaking the documents on his desk, and the water-based pen fell to the ground.

Wan Li smiled and said: "Congratulations, I have already prepared, why are you still so excited? It's not about breaking through the SSS-level world invincible."

"You don't understand." Jian Chao pouted.

With a height of 186, he can be called strong rather than fat at 200 catties, but his face is still very big and fleshy.

"Okay, okay, I don't understand."

"Hey, thank you, Wanli, I thought I would be stuck in the half-step E class for the rest of my life." Jian Chao put his hands on the table: "Call Lao Wang and the others. I'm treating you to the self-service barbecue restaurant at noon today!"

"Pull it down, hiccup and blow it up for us." Wan Li laughed, "And I have something to do at noon today."

" a problem."

"It's okay, wait until you're B-level and A-level, and it won't be a problem if you have stronger aura control." Wan Li raised his eyebrows and said, "I've prepared a breakthrough gift for you, ten drops of spiritual liquid, and you can mix each drop with a bottle of mineral water." , Drink it in three days, and you will almost reach B-level after drinking it all, it only takes one month. Let's celebrate after you get B-level!"

After Jianchao had a meal, his face was full of emotion: "Wanli, you are too kind to me, why don't I promise you with my body?"


"Alright Director Wan, I'm leaving."

"Wait a minute." Wanli said helplessly: "D-class doesn't need to practice all day long, just be active. I'll find something for you so that the flesh doesn't bounce back."

"Just play it. Anyway, I have already broken through. I'm not used to losing weight."

"I'm willing to degenerate!" Wan Li scolded with a smile.

Jian Chao chuckled, and suddenly said with a mournful face: "It's fine to find me something to do, but put me in a place where there are not many people. I will be surrounded by people everywhere I go now."

"It's a good feeling to be an Internet celebrity. I remember when you laughed and I laughed very happily."

"Hey, Lin Xiaoqi is a big beauty. Now she flies around the country every day to deliver and receive couriers. Are you taking revenge on her?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I don't have any. Lao Wang is also doing it, and I can't help it. There is a real shortage of people. If you can fly, you have to go." Wan Li shook his head: "Stop talking, it will be noon soon, I will take you to practice The pharmaceutical factory, manage the warehouse with Cao Yanan. Check the warehouse, can you do this job?"

"Yes, yes, it's overkill."

Wanli was helpless: "Okay, Dacai, sit on the sofa for a while, and I will fly over to you later."

Speaking of this, Wan Li's face turned awkward, and he remembered the scene of flying past with a 600-jin pig on his back half a month ago.



At noon, the refining factory.Wan Li arrived early, and he couldn't feel the breath of any of the three senior brothers, and everyone in Yanjing hadn't arrived yet.

He led Jianchao to find Cao Yanan.

"Yanan, in the future, I will give him all kinds of chores and manual work. You don't have to stay in the factory all the time. You should go to the Mistlock Land more often."

Cao Yanan nodded slightly.

"Chaochao, you can live in a dormitory or a nearby hotel. Don't be late for work. From [-] to [-], food and lodging are included, and I won't give you your salary."

"Understood, unconscionable capitalist."

Wan Li glanced at him, then suddenly smiled and said, "Chaochao, do you want to know the attributes of your spiritual energy?"

"Huh? Can you know if you don't reach A-level?"

"Of course, in addition to space fruit, there are all kinds of spiritual fruit in the warehouse. You can take a first-grade fruit of each and eat it. Which one doesn't cause diarrhea."

Jianchao grimaced: "Then if I'm a space attribute, wouldn't I pull my stomach seventeen times for nothing?"

"Fart, if you are a space attribute, and I write my name upside down, Yanan will go crazy."

Cao Yanan smiled shyly.

Jianchao is also very ruthless to himself, the key is that eating slimming powder will also cause diarrhea, he has gotten used to it these days: "I will try, I think I must be a space attribute, God will make up for me!"

"what ever."

After half an hour.

Jian Chao's face was pale, distraught.

"Why, why! I've already had diarrhea 16 times, why did I end up with the last one?! My God!"

"Oh, fat is so pitiful." Yu Wei, who came over to watch the excitement, coaxed the child.

She has already moved out of Wanli's house and moved next door...not living by herself, she is capable of taking care of herself, but Yao Yao still treats her as a child, lives with her, and takes care of her.These days, Yao Yao took her by her side every day.

When Yao Yao practiced medicine refining, Yu Wei planted small trees with wood-attribute aura outside the factory, and had a great time playing by herself.Although her intelligence has returned to normal, she is still very simple.

When Wan Li was laughing wildly and Fuck Yanan was holding back her laughter, she was the only one who gave Jian Chao a word of comfort.

Jianchao looked at her gratefully, then quietly turned to Wanli: "Is it that funny?"

"...cough, it's okay. Well, the earth-type aura is quite suitable for you."

In fact, Wanli played a trick secretly.The aura attribute is generally related to the previously awakened superpowers. The flatulence bomb recommended by Chao is relatively hot and earthy, so Wanli intentionally or unintentionally guides him to finally eat the five-element attribute spiritual fruit...

Seeing the vanity on Jianchaofat's face, Wanli decided not to tell him the truth.

Just at this time, he felt that someone had arrived outside the factory, and said: "It should be a certain brother who has returned, I will go out to greet... Hahaha..."

Jianchao followed with a resentful expression on his face.

Walking out of the factory, Wan Li saw senior brother Yan Shen half-squatting and smoothly lowering a woman on his back, and immediately showed a little astonishment.

Brother Yan Shen usually unloads the goods very roughly, why is he so gentle this time?
After seeing the woman's face clearly, the astonishment on Wan Li's face quickly disappeared.

With a height of around 170, it can be considered long legs if you don't stand in front of Lin Xiaoqi. 23 At the age of four, she has a small face, small nose, small mouth, pointed chin, and almond eyes. The combination is unexpectedly good-looking and charming. A beauty with a comprehensive evaluation of 85 points or above is no worse than Senior Sister Yao Yao. Senior Brother Yan Shen It's normal for a gentleman.

Jianchao next to Wanli was even more exaggerated, muttering directly: "Wow, what a beautiful young lady, I'm in love, Wanli."

"Get lost." Wan Li kicked him lightly.

On the opposite side, as soon as Fu Hongyan stood firm, he saw Wanli, the primary mission target, and quickly turned his gaze slightly to keep his expression from showing.

Then she saw that her face was flamboyant, as if she was over-indulgent, and she was looking at her Jianchao "smilingly"... She immediately made a cautious expression, then turned to look back at Wanli, thinking about the mission in her mind.

Get involved first, and it's best to get acquainted with one of the three targets—Wan Liyang, Wen Jing, and Wan Liyang's cronies.

It's difficult to get acquainted with Wan Liyang, because there is a gap in status, and he seems to only like Wen Jing's flat figure.

It's easier to get acquainted with Wen Jing, but don't be too deliberate, it's easy to expose.The adults said that even if the mission fails, it cannot be exposed.

As for Wan Liyang's cronies... which one is easier to get close to?
Thinking of this, her heart skipped a beat, just in time to hear Wan Li say: "Brother Yan Shen, this is my brother, Jian Chao."

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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