Restart the world

Chapter 463 Opening Meeting

Chapter 463 Opening Meeting

Fu Hongyan's expression was a bit awkward, Wan Li noticed it, but didn't take it seriously.

Every alchemy apprentice who came to Sangzhu would show a strange expression when seeing him. After all, he is also a celebrity, especially some young ladies, many of them regard him as an idol.

But after discovering that she had glanced at Jianchao a few more times, Wan Li also glanced at Jianchao strangely, and kicked him angrily.

Can you be a little promising, shame on you!

Jianchao twisted his buttocks, smiled embarrassingly, and turned his eyes to Yan Shen: "Hello, senior brother."

"Hello, have you become so thin?" Yan Shen smiled and asked Wan Li, "Gan Kai and Kang Xin haven't come back yet? There is no one who wants to come, my work is finally over."

"Well, senior brother, you are the fastest." Wan Li nodded: "It's been hard work, take a two-day rest and continue to accept my exploitation."

Yan Shen was stunned, and laughed and cursed: "You are really impolite. Forget it, if you want to get off the pirate ship, you can do whatever you want. Is Yao Yao still refining medicine? Let's go, Xiaowei, go find You sister Yao Yao."


Originally, it was Yan Shen's job to lead the three people to be familiar with the refining factory.But since Wanli was here, he said this and walked quickly into the factory without looking back.

He needs to find Yao Yao to settle his mind.

"Brother is also earth-type aura." Wan Li emphasized the earth-type, and stabbed Jianchao fiercely, then looked at the three of them with a smile, thought for two seconds, and said: "Yanjing Fu Hongyan, Bei Wurihan in Xinjiang, Gao Kaituo in Ji Province, right? Welcome to Sangzhu and become an apprentice in refining medicine."

The address, first name, surname, and contact information were all entrusted by Wanli to Yan Shen, so after a little recollection, he was able to call out their names accurately.The dignified head of Wusi Martial Arts Bureau called out their names in one gulp, how could they not be inexplicably excited?
Wan Li thought so, but apart from Fu Hongyan who nodded shyly and excitedly and called out 'Director Wan', the other two reacted unexpectedly.

Wu Rihan patted his chest, "You're right" all over his face, "It's me."

Gao Kaituo was even worse, and only let out an 'ang' sound.

He was a little chubby, his face was shiny, his chest was straight and high, and his expression was sweet and confident, as if he didn't come to be a medicine refining apprentice but a medicine refining teacher, as if he knew something.

Wan Li smacked his lips, Wu Rihan’s reaction was probably due to differences in folk customs, and Gao Kaituo was probably the type of person he was least adept at dealing with...

He pretended not to be interested, waved his hands and said, "Yanan, you take Chaochao to familiarize yourself with the work, and take the three of them to familiarize yourself with the factory by the way."

"En." Cao Yanan responded softly, and Jian Chao cast a few grateful glances.

gratitude?Wan Li was taken aback, this fat man originally liked beautiful young ladies, but now that he has lost weight, his heart has sprouted?Let him go, this young lady surnamed Fu is in trouble.


As time passed, Gan Kai and Sun Kangxin also returned one after another, bringing back the last eight alchemy apprentices, all 164 of them were present.

In a short time, people from Yanjing who came to learn medicine refining techniques also arrived, two more than the original number, a total of 12 people, all in the first, second and third realms of S-level.There are a few people who are familiar to Wanli, and they should have seen it somewhere, but they have nothing to do with each other, and their names are unknown.

Besides them, there were two other third-level people who came together.

Hei Danyan had greeted him before, so Wan Li had already prepared, knowing that the two men were sent by Qin Wujian to supervise the factory and guard against foreign spies.

He didn't refuse, although he felt that with Senior Brother Yan Shen and the others around, no foreign spies could get in.But in this respect, after all, they are professionals, and they are prepared. Anyway, there are no secrets in the factory, and the supervision is the supervision.

Of course, I can't let them mess around in my territory, Wanli called four senior brothers and sisters, gave them a simple warning, and then appointed them as deputy security captains...

Afterwards, the inaugural meeting of the alchemy apprentices was officially held, and Wan Li gave a speech in front of 164 apprentices from general recruitment and 12 apprentices from special recruitment.

"I'm very glad that everyone from all over the world can gather here and become a glorious alchemy apprentice. Believe me, you will not regret your choice today. Alchemist, you will become the most respected pharmacist in the world in the future." Profession!
I won't go into details about the benefits of alchemy apprentices and their choices after graduation.Now, I have good news and bad news for you.

First off...well, the good news first.You have all seen the 12 specially recruited apprentices from the Military Reiki Research Institute of the Budo Bureau and other places.

They are all fire-type aura owners above S rank, and the lowest aura level is fifth grade and the highest is even seventh grade.And among the 164 students you have recruited, only three are newcomers to S rank, and they are inherently at a disadvantage in terms of aura control.

But I believe that hard work can make up for one's weakness.One month later, whoever surpasses any of the 12 in terms of refining medicine will be rewarded with a sixth-grade flame fruit, and if he exceeds 12, he will be rewarded with 12 sixth-grade flame fruits, allowing him to quickly reach the seventh-grade fire element Aura, are you happy? ! "


Responses were a little sparse, obviously not many people were confident.However, there were also a few people who shouted loudly. Wan Li raised his eyes and glanced, Han Dong Mansion, Gao Kaituo, three S-level...

And the 12 specially recruited students looked at each other and smiled helplessly, so they were caught off guard and made targets?It would be a real embarrassment if they were not compared to them in a month.

"Isn't it full of confidence." Wan Li shook his head and smiled: "It's not loud, so I'm going to tell you bad news, so don't shout at me!
164 people were recruited, much more than I expected, so I have to slightly change the assessment rules.Originally, there was only one monthly exam, but now three weekly exams are added, and 20 people are eliminated each time! "

boom!Bottom instant fryer.

"It's all loud now?!"

hum!Wanli roared, shaking everyone's ears and eyes, and the noise quickly disappeared.

"My spiritual fruit didn't come from a strong wind. Even if it's a loan, you have to have some credibility, right? If you fall into the bottom 20, it means that you don't have the talent for refining medicine. No matter how you cultivate it, it's useless. Don't waste my waste materials. Spirit Fruit..."

The more Wan Li said, the more impolite he became, and Wen Jing's face showed a bit of frustration, but Wan Li had to do this.These people, to put it bluntly, dare to break through and fight hard, and come to Sangzhu to fight for the future.To put it bluntly, they are all losers.

At present, when the average grade is C-level, A-level belongs to the upper-middle class. If you are really good, you will not come here to fight. If you have a bicycle, you are willing to fight for a motorcycle. 164 out of 20 people are not bad. The rest are all Not even a bicycle.

Only when you know your shame can you be brave, and if you have the ability to throw a sentence to Wan Li, don't bully the young and poor, Wan Li will look at him with admiration, and then let him go...

An opening meeting made the atmosphere of the whole factory a little depressing.At this time, two people sent by Qin Wujian came to Wan Li.

(End of this chapter)

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