Chapter 477

Two days later.

Wan Li sat in front of the wooden round table, biting the fish king's flesh fiercely.The meat of the king fish that has been boiled for two days is still very thick, and only a few people have the teeth to eat it, while others can only drink soup.

"I originally told Wen Jing and Nier that they would go back in five days, so it seems that they will have to release the pigeons for a few more days. It took me one day to travel, and another two days to treat the refugees. It may take two or three days to get the golden nickname. Adding it back... The big frame on Uth's side has been set, so there shouldn't be any problems...

It's good to come back a few days later, save more spiritual fruits, and it's best to be able to directly push a certain bloodline to the ninth rank. "

The father's bloodline is promoted to the ninth rank, and the more the father's bloodline attributes are developed, it is equivalent to a super rank.As for the super-grade bloodline, there is a huge gap with the first nine grades.

Wan Li's strength has basically come to an end at the current stage, even if he breaks his physical limit three or five times, he still can't make much improvement.

What can be greatly improved, one is the advanced breakthrough of mind power, the other is to find the space fruit, the third is to break through the S level, and the fourth is to get the super blood.

"Since the last time the mind power broke through 500kg and was able to separate a ray of consciousness, it has improved rapidly. Now it has an absolute power of one and a half tons. The separated consciousness lasts longer and longer. It is estimated that it is not far from condensing the mind body. Bar?"

Wan Li ate the last piece of fish, got up while chewing, turned around and walked out of the simple wooden house.In the outside world, warriors of various skin colors from seven or eight countries are running around, and when they see Wanli, they will stop and nod to show respect.

Among those who rescued Brunei, the strong and the doctors were respected, and Wanli had both, and both ranked first, so they were especially respected.

He turned his head and looked around, and could see sporadic wounded being brought back from the rubble by the rescue team, but he didn't need to treat them.It has been three full days since the disaster happened, and those who can survive will not be too seriously injured, and they need food and fish soup.

After searching for more than ten seconds, Wan Li vaguely sensed where Fang Guangbo was, turned around and walked away.

Fang Guangbo is in the middle of a camp belonging to the Chinese.It is not the Chinese who came to aid, and the Chinese who came to aid will take two or three days to arrive.

They are Brunei Chinese.

Brunei has a total population of 42, of which 8% are Chinese, and there are about [-] Chinese in Bandar Seri Begawan.However, only less than [-] survived at this time.

Thanks to Wan Li and Fang Wujian, they received some preferential treatment, which also caused a lot of trouble... Every day, many people went to ask Wan Li and Fang Guangbo to send them back to Huaxia, crying and even behaving badly. Wanli has a headache.

Fang Guangbo appeared there, presumably to make Wanli quieter and concentrate on treating the wounded.

Sure enough, when Wan Li approached, he saw five or six uncles and aunts surrounding Fang Guangbo, chatting loudly.

"Fang Wujian, we are not greedy for life and afraid of death, it's just that after this kind of stimulation, the old man's mood is very unstable, and he doesn't know how long he can live." An old lady wiped her tears and said: "The old man just wants to die. Now, go back to your hometown and have a look, can you arrange for us to be the first to go?"

"Our family is too." An uncle echoed.

"There are no elderly people in our family, but the child has never seen the motherland in his life, especially after seeing you show off your prowess, he always clamors to go back. We really can't control it." Another aunt said.

"Our family is too." An uncle echoed.

Fang Wujian is patiently explaining.

"Hmm!" Wan Li coughed loudly, attracting everyone's attention, "Any old man is in poor health, bring them to me for recuperation, and keep them in better health than before the disaster.

The children are crying, those who want to see the motherland, the best and most handsome people of the motherland are here, why go back in a hurry, let them come to see me! "


Cold field.

"Fang Wujian, please come here." Wan Li said again.Fang Guangbo had been waiting for his words for a long time, and he looked at him, and his figure disappeared at the same time.

After going two kilometers away in an instant, Fang Guangbo let out a long sigh of relief: "Is your treatment over?"

"It's over for now." Wan Li nodded, and said, "Fang Wujian, you don't need to pay attention to those unreasonable troubles..."

"It's not unreasonable. When overseas Chinese suffer from irresistible disasters such as terrorist attacks, our Chinese rescuers should be in place within 24 hours to take them back to China."

"But it's not ten times the distance...

"The above principles are unconditional. If you don't do it, you don't do it. There is no need for excuses. It's nothing more than listening to a few nagging." Fang Guangbo smiled.

Wan Li was stunned, and said helplessly, "As long as you're happy... I'm going to start the next task."

When Fang Guangbo heard the words, his expression straightened: "Slaughter sea beasts? Do you have a plan?"

"Probably, I need your help. The sea is too big to kill them indiscriminately, and the threat it brings to them is too small. You have to help me find a place."

Wan Li took out the 'inaccurate' detailed map of Southeast Asia, and pointed it out to Supervisor Fang Wu, "I plan to take the coastline of Bandar Seri Begawan as wide and ten thousand miles as long, and slaughter all the sea animals! It's a lot of work and requires you to..."


Meanwhile, Us.

The chaos in the coastal countries did not disturb Us in the slightest. The refining factory, logistics and distribution, and spiritual fruit collection were proceeding in an orderly manner.

A wave of commercial espionage was arrested, and Wan Li was dealt with severely, so that even if Wan Li was not there, no Chinese would dare to peek at the prescription.

But this is limited to Huaxia.

A few kilometers away from the refining factory, in a private room of a certain restaurant, island country agent Takano Hideki was frowning, sipping tea one by one.

It has been three days since he came to Us, and from the initial ecstasy when he learned that Wanli was not there, it has evolved to the current frown.

He has basically figured out the situation of the refining factory.The more you understand, the less you know where to start.

He is just an ordinary S-rank. Although he has the ability to stealth and is good at infiltrating, it is really difficult for him to infiltrate several fourth-level refining factories.

At this time, the door of the private room was knocked lightly three times, and then it was pushed open, and it was Yamada Yoichi who was walking with him, the blood of phantom.

"Brother Tian, ​​you are late." Takano Hideki said in fluent Chinese.

"I'm sorry, Brother Gao. The company's procurement department is in some trouble, and the procurement supervisor at the beginning of the A-level is clamoring for a salary increase."

Takano Hideki was taken aback, purchasing supervisor, A-level junior?
Yamada Yoichi continued: "That woman relied on her husband being a classmate of the big boss, and she was not satisfied with stealing a high position. She was greedy, and my younger brother was trying to find a way... to fire her!"

Takano Hideki's eyes brightened slightly, that's right, why didn't he think of starting with purchasing?Those who purchase medicinal materials do not necessarily know the prescription, but they can deduce it according to the amount purchased each time.

"This kind of stupid woman can be taken care of. But since she is the wife of a classmate of the big boss, brother Tian should act carefully and don't get burned."

"I know, I'm looking for opportunities."

The two chatted a few words, ate lunch happily, and happily embarked on the road of no return.

(End of this chapter)

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