Chapter 478

Bandar Seri Begawan, by the sea.Wan Li held the map, looked back and forth, and sometimes rose above the sky to fine-tune the angle and direction.

"It's almost there." At a certain moment, he stopped his figure, and a rich white spiritual light enveloped his body, and he shouted: "Get up!"

The ground under his feet shattered in an instant, and a thick green tree full of vitality sprang out from under his feet.This wooden stake is about five meters in diameter, and it jumps higher and higher, with the potential to lift up the sky.

The spiritual energy in Wanli's body was pumped out crazily, and it didn't stop until the stake rose to nearly a thousand meters.Sitting cross-legged on the stake, he took a deep breath.

At the same time, he converted all the two simulated magic in his body into super qualifications to speed up the recovery of aura, and will keep them in the next time, barring any accidents.

The most difficult part of slaughtering the ocean is the amount of aura.Wan Li didn't believe that there were many sea beasts in the sea whose strength was comparable to or even surpassed his own, at most there were three or five, and he might not encounter them.He is not too afraid of besieging, he is only afraid that if his spiritual energy is exhausted, he will encounter a hard stubble again.

While recovering his aura on the stake, Wan Li looked to the left. After 5 minutes, he frowned slightly: "Why is Fang Wujian moving so slowly?"

His aura was almost fully restored, but Fang Wujian, who had been appointed, hadn't started to act yet, so he couldn't help scratching his head in confusion.At this moment, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a position parallel to himself on the right, and a beam of aura light stretched across the sky, which lasted for a long time.

"...So it's on my right?" Wan Li looked at the map and threw it away casually. "The map is broken and the directions are not clearly marked. What do you need?"

He breathed out lightly, the aura poured into his vocal cords, and shouted loudly: "Turtle son! Go!"

As the sound fell, a few kilometers away, the sea surface suddenly turned into waves.Wanli's figure flickered, and he slanted away.

Half a minute later, he sat on the back of the huge turtle, at the tail of the turtle, took off his shoes, and put his feet in the cold sea water, "Ah, cool!"

"Go in a straight line, don't go off track, you son of a bitch."

He gave an order, and looked from a distance at the thick wooden stake he had condensed, and the spiritual beam of light shot by Fang Wujian.With double pointers and a turtle mount, you will not get lost if you are steady!

The blood of the fourth father, the blood of feeling opened!

The feet protruding into the sea emit a white aura, and Wanli closes his eyes slightly, concentrating on perception.

Occasionally, he raised his finger, shot a ray, and jumped into the sea, where a Grade A sea beast would die.


Meanwhile, Us.

In an abandoned warehouse.

Takano Hideki and Yamada Yoichi looked at Lin Yuling, the procurement supervisor, who was terrified in front of them, tied to a chair with steel wires and stuffed with paper balls.

"Sure enough, she is a stupid woman who became a purchasing supervisor only because of her husband's relationship. She doesn't even have the vigilance of a C-level at the beginning of the A-level, so easy to catch."

"Woooooo..." Lin Yuling struggled again and again.

Yamada Yoichi pondered: "However, at the beginning of A-level, it is still a bit troublesome to read the memory. Look at her, Brother Gao, let's interrogate her?"

"Yes." Takano Hideki said: "Is Lin Yuling right? We don't ask for money or sex, we just need you to answer a few questions, and we can let you go. But if you don't cooperate..."

"Woooooo..." Lin Yuling nodded repeatedly.

Takano Hideki smiled and took out the ball of paper, Lin Yuling gasped: "Who are you?"

"You want to know?"

"No, I don't want to!" Lin Yuling said quickly.

"Hehe, it's not too stupid." Takano Hideki said slowly, "Let me ask you, besides Slimming Powder, do you know the formulas of the other two medicine powders?"

"Two types? Not five... Ah!" Lin Yuling shut up hurriedly, her face full of remorse.

Takano Hideki's eyes lit up, and he and Yamada Yang looked at each other and smiled. The cunning Huaxia people even hid three kinds of medicinal powder...

"What are those three?"

Lin Yuling hesitated for a moment, and seeing Takano Hideki's staring eyes, she quickly replied, "Body quenching powder, divine power powder, divine speed powder."

Takano Hideki nodded in satisfaction: "Tell us about the efficacy and formula."

"Quenching powder is for tempering physique. I don't know the exact formula, I only know the raw materials..."

Takano Hideki frowned, not surprised by this situation.He would only doubt it when Lin Yuling told the specific formula, but he still felt a little regretful.

"Then let's talk about ingredients."

"Well, the raw material is Body Tempering Grass..."

The whole interrogation went very smoothly.No matter what she asked, Lin Yuling told them all like pouring beans from a bamboo tube.

It went so well that they were a little skeptical.

"Lin Yuling, I hope you are not playing tricks. Brother Tian, ​​come and check."

Yamada Yang nodded, and pressed his palm to Lin Yuling's forehead with frightened eyes, but suddenly stopped in the middle, and retracted it again.

Takano Hideki's eyes froze for a moment, as if he had forgotten something, and said slowly, "Lin Yuling, right? Let me ask you, besides Slimming Powder, do you know the formulas of the other two medicine powders?"

"Two kinds? Isn't it five?" Lin Yuling blurted out, Takano Hideki's eyes lit up, and the cunning Huaxia people actually hid three kinds of medicinal powder...

"An island idiot." At the door, Lin Yuling leaned against the wall, looking at Takano Hideki and Yamada Yang one by one and snapped at the interrogation chairs over and over again.

"Take your time and wait for a longer trial." Lin Yuling disappeared slowly, "This kidnapping has helped me a lot, and I will let you live for two more days..."


At sea, Wan Li frowned, and swayed 43 yards of black feet in the sea: "Turtle son, are we six hundred kilometers away from the shore?"

The turtle under the seat trembled violently.

"Have you got it? Are your sea beasts too weak, or are they all scared away by me? This is [-] kilometers, and Dad only killed [-] A-levels. Where are the S-levels?" Wan Li wondered. road.

If this is really according to the mission, it would be ridiculous to slaughter sea beasts for thousands of kilometers.

The turtle swayed from side to side.

"You don't know either? What's the use of you, and you can't say a word, you just nod and shake your head."

The turtle trembled violently.

"Heh, you still agree." Wan Li smiled and turned his head to look left and right.After traveling for more than 600 kilometers, even if the earth is enlarged by a hundred times, it is time to reach the deep sea area, and he can feel that the sea water below is more than 2000 meters deep...

"Huh?" At this moment, Wan Li frowned suddenly, retracted his feet like an electric shock, quickly changed his position on the turtle's back, stretched out his hand, and put a middle finger into the sea water to sense it.

Gradually, he became very happy.

"Stop, stop, son of a turtle. I'll go. I said where are all the sea beasts. It turns out that they gather together so that Dad can kill them. You're so filial."

He vaguely felt that there were nearly a hundred S-level sea beasts parked five or six kilometers ahead, and one of them was very conspicuous, which was the fourth level of S-level!

Although he was a bit puzzled about the situation, Wanli Yigao was bold enough to pat the turtle shell to signal it not to move. He took off his clothes and trousers, took a deep breath, plunged into the sea, covered his breath, and swam towards the gathering place of sea beasts. dragged away.

Wanli's water quality is not bad, and with his lung capacity, he can hold his breath for half an hour.

The light problem and water pressure problem on the seabed are even more trivial matters for him.

In a blink of an eye, he dived a thousand meters.

Sensing the situation over there, Wanli was stunned.

"This is...the undersea spirit stone mine? I guess it's also the lair of the fish king I killed?"

The sea beasts he sensed were not a group, but two opposing parties, the most numerous were the subordinates of the Beastmaster killed by Wanli, and the few were the fourth-level sea beast and its subordinates.

They seem to be communicating in unique ways.

"Is this a land grab? I killed the Beastmaster, the land should belong to me, and the Lingshi Mine should also belong to me. And those two injured third-level... should be the culprit who slaughtered Brunei!"

Wan Li's murderous intent was overwhelming, "Not one of the 103 S-class sea beasts can escape today!"

(End of this chapter)

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