Chapter 480

Of course, Wan Li still doesn't know what happened to the General Martial Arts Bureau.At this time, he was exhausted like a dead dog, lying on the huge Lingshi mine, not wanting to move.

It didn't take him much effort to kill all 103 sea beasts, and the consumption of spiritual energy was only [-]%, and the consumption of physical energy was even a drop in the bucket for him who still had two untiring bodies.

But moving mountains really exhausted him.

The seabed Lingshi mine is small, but its area exceeds five square kilometers.Wanli selected the central part, cut it with a light blade, and chopped off the central essence of the mine, which consumed a lot of his spiritual energy.

more tired after that.

It is impossible to move a mine of tens of thousands of tons by force, even in water.

Wanli spent countless auras and used the blood of Zhong to lighten the weight of the mine to less than a tenth of its original weight.

At this time, he still couldn't move it, so he fused the blood of weight with the blood of water, changing the density of the surrounding sea water and greatly increasing the buoyancy.

With these, he exerted all his strength, and finally got the mine from the bottom of the sea to the surface of the sea. At this moment, he didn't dare to relax, and had to maintain the gravity field to keep it from sinking.

Fortunately, when he reached the surface of the sea, he needed much less strength. His spiritual energy consumption and spiritual energy replenishment basically balanced his income and expenditure.

There is always about [-]% of the spiritual energy left in the body.

"I hope I don't meet the Beastmaster again, sinking my mine, I have to do it all over again."

Wan Li prayed in his heart, and shouted: "Guild son, come to work, let's go back!"

The great cause of slaughtering thousands of miles of sea beasts will be temporarily suspended. The number of spirit stones in the mine is about tens of millions, which is equivalent to 1000 billion!
A trip to earn 1000 billion is worth the trade.

What's more, there are three dead fishes and two third-level beast kings in the mine.

Those two third-level fish seemed to be the big fish that attacked Bandar Seri Begawan earlier, and they were pulled back and stewed into soup for the Bruneian people to relieve their anger!
"The Lingshi Mine is still a little troublesome. I brought it back with my ability, and the martial arts supervisors will definitely not be ashamed to ask me, but how to bring it back from Brunei is a problem. It is far enough to go by water. If you want to store equipment... "


At the same time, the Tactic Room of the Martial Arts Headquarters.

Everyone stared nervously at the screen.

The pictures on the screen are constantly switching, because Su Wujian is running away at a high speed, sometimes losing his figure, and sometimes recapturing him.

And every time his figure is caught, there will be a huge shadow in the sea area directly below him, like a shadow.

Occasionally, thick or thin water columns will shoot out from the water.It seems to be an ordinary water column, but Su Wujian, who was shot, has a little difficulty in dodging and defending!
"It's the Beast Emperor, there really is a Beast Emperor!" Guo Zhan said in a deep voice, "It's so easy to show its traces? The immeasurable."

Someone nearby quickly said: "This is a good opportunity, Director General. Superintendent Su is leading it around in circles. We have time to mobilize strong men to surround and kill it! Kill the Beast Emperor, and the chaos of sea beasts will naturally disintegrate, and we can slowly Settle with them!"

Guo Zhan frowned slightly, and at this time another person said: "The sea beast is very intelligent. This beast emperor showed up on his own initiative. He might just use himself as bait to lure and kill us humans. What's more, once Qin Wujian Hao Wujian and the others are recalled , I am afraid that the place where they are stationed will be attacked by sea beasts again..."

"It's very possible, but it's a great opportunity, we can't let it go easily. Doesn't Supervisor Su think the same way, that's why he is leading it around? The Beast Emperor is so big, if we don't solve it as soon as possible, what if it comes to attack the coast?"

A group of people argued for a while, and finally Guo Zhan waved his hand and asked, "Where is Wan Liyang?"

"He is returning to Brunei with the mine."

"Go back?" Guo Zhan squinted his eyes: "Notify Hei Danyan, recall him, and kill the Beast Emperor!"

"Director General..." Several people were startled, trying to persuade them to act cautiously, Guo Zhan waved again.

"The Emperor of Beasts shows up easily, and it is indeed more likely that he will use himself as a bait, but we human beings cannot let the fish be underestimated, and send a message to the United States, Britain and other countries through satellites, asking them to send strong men to the ships that will respond to Su Wujian Let's join together and kill the Beast Emperor!"

Guo Zhan said in a calm voice: "Even if the Beast King has a conspiracy, at most it is just secretly gathering some Beast Kings as an ambush. If this is the case, let's fight the decisive battle with the sea beasts in advance, we humans will not lose!"

"But Director General, in case those countries..."

"They won't be so short-sighted." Guo Zhan interrupted: "If the Beast Emperor doesn't kill us, we have the most powerful people in China and the most stable defense. The other coastal powers are even more frightened. Go send a message."


Several people divided their work and filed out.

Guo Zhan looked at the screen again, frowned and murmured: "Even if the strong men from all over the world gather smoothly, it will take about three days. Su Wujian wonders if he can hold back the Beast Emperor for so long... Hey, Su Wujian is spinning around in the sea area, Are you really dragging the Beast Emperor..."

He suddenly became worried.

At this time, the door of the tactical room was suddenly pushed open by someone, and the person who came hurriedly said: "Director, it's not good, the special underground prison in the XC area has been invaded, the intruder is extremely powerful, and the prison's defense force has almost been broken through. !"

"What?!" Guo Zhan was startled: "Wei Ming, you are watching here. Feng Huan, you go to notify Meng Wujian. I will go to the XC district prison first!"

After a few orders, Guo Zhan disappeared in a flash, and the goddamn red organization envoy dared to take advantage of the fire to rob him!


At the same time, around Yanjing XC area.

Lin Yuling was a little confused, should she go to save Liu Runquan and Jin'er?

Originally, she had been kidnapped and had obtained a perfect alibi. Even if Wan Li asked her, she could push it to the second envoy, so she flew to Yanjing quickly.

But when things came to an end, she hesitated.

After finally getting rid of the relationship with my past self, if I save someone...

"Hehe, a bitch is hypocritical." She laughed at herself, and quickly gritted her teeth: "I only save Jin'er, not Liu Runquan. A year and a half in prison, almost!"

Finding a psychological comfort for herself, with a flash of her figure, she arrived near the entrance of the special underground prison in the XC area that had been investigated long ago, but suddenly heard some strange noises.

She frowned, wrapped herself in a thick spiritual energy, concealed her figure, and was suddenly startled, and stepped back more than ten meters.

boom! !

The ground exploded, and in the smoke and dust, a person who used spiritual energy to cover his body like her appeared in front of her, carrying a person on each shoulder.

"Liu Runquan, Jin'er... this guy... is the second envoy who will take over from me!"

The second envoy successfully rescued the person, fought out from the ground and fled, but suddenly faced a person who was dressed in the same costume as himself, and was a little dazed for a while, very surprised.

When Guo Zhan arrived at the scene, what he saw were two mysterious people looking at each other.

"Damn..." Lin Yuling looked at Guo Zhan and cursed in her heart: "I shouldn't have come, what a good opportunity, those two kidnappers from the island country are so annoying!"

(End of this chapter)

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