Restart the world

Chapter 481 Two things

Chapter 481 Two things

When Wanli saw the coast of Bandar Seri Begawan from a distance, it was almost dusk.

Because he was returning along the original road, he was lucky not to encounter a powerful sea beast attack, and successfully transported the mine back.

The sea route of more than 600 kilometers has been a great test for him who has been using the blood of Chongzhi, and for Guizi who pulls the mine. At this moment, he finally sees the dawn of victory.

"Guild son, work harder! You have run 100 kilometers, and you are not short of these [-] kilometers. When you go back, Dad will give you extra food!" Wan Li roared, and at the same time he muttered to himself, Fang Wujian should have seen the mine, right? ?If he comes to help, should I give him ten Lingshi or [-] yuan?
One thousand, not more!
As soon as the idea came into being, Wan Li noticed an undetectable change in the weight of the mine, as if a person had stepped up.He was slightly taken aback, wondering why he didn't notice Fang Wujian's arrival, and turned his head to look hard.

"Fang Wu... Huh? Chief Black!"

A few tens of meters away from him, a familiar figure dressed in black was standing upright, who else could it be if it wasn't Hei Danyan?At this time, she was facing Wanli sideways, with a slight tiredness on her face, and she was looking at the fish king's body carefully, with a focused expression, as if she could see something.

Wan Li was very puzzled, and said: "Director Hei, why did you come to Brunei? The chief has orders? Don't bother looking at the fish king's body, come and help me get the mine to the shore."

"If you don't want to see the fish king, why should you want to see you?" Hei Danyan smiled, his side face reflected the brilliance of the setting sun, so beautiful that he regarded Wan Li as a dementia.

Soon, a burst of coolness woke him up again.Embarrassment quickly appeared on his face.

Wow - boom!

Amidst the bang, the mine swayed and fell into the sea, Wan Li jumped up, covered his vitals with his hands, and jumped down: "Turtle son, you didn't lose Dad's clothes, did you?"


5 minute later.

Sitting on the mine with a little white tip protruding from the sea, Wan Li invoked the blood of the flames, baked his wet clothes, and glanced at the smiling Heidanyan next to him with resentful eyes from time to time.

"Director Hei, you really... don't know how to see no evil? Alas, my mine has sunk to the bottom again, and God knows how much effort it will take me to get it up again... What a crime!"

"Hehe." Hei Danyan smiled: "It's better to leave the mine in the sea, so as not to make people greedy when you move it back to the shore. And if you want to transport the mine back to the country, you will probably have to go by water in the end. Do you want to hire local people?" , dig out the spirit stones in the mine, and then find a way to transport them with a transport plane?"

That's not enough gas money.Wanli has already made some plans on how to transport the mine, but the conditions are not yet mature, so he needs to plan carefully, and temporarily put it in the sea... let's put it in the sea.

He was really scared to move the mountain again.

The fiery red aura gradually disappeared, his clothes were completely dried, the wet feeling on his body dissipated, even the fatigue in his heart was relieved, and he quickly forgot about the previous embarrassment.

Just look at it, there are quite a few pieces of meat.

He looked at Hei Danyan who was more tired than himself, and said with concern: "Why are you overdrawn again? This is not good for your health. Why is it so urgent? Could it be that sea beasts attacked Huaxia?"

"The Beast Emperor has appeared."

"Beast Emperor?!" Wan Li was startled, and said with surprise on his face, "Is it Su Wujian?"

"En." Hei Danyan nodded: "About 1700 kilometers east of the Acropolis, in the Pacific Ocean, the Beast Emperor appeared and was chasing and killing Su Wujian, and Su Wujian was leading it around in circles.

According to the satellite images, the Beast Emperor seems to be a white whale with a huge body, about half the size of this mine. "

Wanli's eyes twitched: "Mine?"

Heidanyan nodded lightly, indicating that Wanli heard correctly, it was half the size of the mine.


In a sense, body size also represents strength. Wanli couldn't imagine how strong an SS-rank beluga whale would be with such a large size. It might really be able to swim with this mine on its back.

If he was hit head-on, Wanli's defensive power was fully activated, and he might be instantly killed.

It's just about strength.

As for the defense, the amount of aura... I underestimated the Beast Emperor, Su Wujian is in danger, I have to help!
As soon as this thought came to him, Heidanyan said again: "Don't worry, rest for another hour, let's go back together."

After a huge meal, he nodded.The map was thrown away by him, and it was not a matter of 24 hours to go back by himself, 48 hours was enough.

What's more, I really need to recuperate my tired spirit, and Hei Danyan needs it even more.

"Director Hei, you can just lead the way. You don't need to take me to move in space, or move a few times less, or your body can't bear it. Someone should support Su Wujian from the side. He will run for a while, it's fine.

With our level of strength, who hasn't done some unique tricks at the bottom of the box?Since he dared to deal with the Beast Emperor, he must know it well.

The question now is, if Su Wujian delays enough time, how can we get rid of the Beast Emperor?Killing sea beasts in the sea is really too difficult. To kill this beast king with more than 30% of it, I need to catch it by surprise and give it a fierce attack. "

"The Director-General has sent people to contact major countries in the world. Not surprisingly, they will need about three days to assemble. The final number is about 20, and they are all top 80% of the world's top powerhouses in the Fourth Realm." Black Danyan replied.

"That's... almost. Then I'll just watch Su Wujian, at least I have to deal with the Beast Emperor until I rush to replace him..." Wan Li thought to himself.

"Before I set off, Su Wujian had delayed the Beast King for nearly an hour, and none of the Beast Kings participated in the battle." Hei Danyan said: "So it should be no problem to delay for a day or two."

Ok?Wan Li was stunned, and said in shock: "The Beast Emperor is using himself as a bait to kill us humans?"

"Probably yes."

Wan Li silently: "Dangerous opportunities coexist, is it a successful battle or a crushing defeat..."

"Besides the Beast Emperor, there are two more things I want to tell you. You have to be mentally prepared." Hei Danyan suddenly said again.

"...Psychological preparation?"

Hei Danyan nodded: "The first thing I got was that two people kidnapped Lin Yuling, the wife of your classmate Wang Bo, and they haven't been caught yet. They are suspected to be spies from the island country, and they intend to prescribe medicine."

Island spies?Kidnap Lin Yuling?

Wan Li's face became weird, he wanted to laugh but couldn't, and finally suppressed some worry.

Hei Danyan continued: "Second thing, before I left, the second envoy of the Red Organization attacked the special prison in XC District and rescued Liu Runquan and Yan Jin'er. The Chief Director, Meng Wujian and I went to meet them, but found that There is another superpower who hides his identity, and in the end we are defeated.

The second envoy took away Liu Runquan, and the unknown strongman took away Yan Jin'er.

The two left separately. "

"Rescued? An unknown strong man?"

Wan Li frowned, and was taken aback for a while. The unknown strongman...could be the kidnapped Lin Yuling, right?

Huh?Why did Director Hei say these two things together?not……

(End of this chapter)

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