Restart the world

Chapter 486 First Battle with the Beast Emperor

Chapter 486 First Battle with the Beast Emperor
After probing a few more times, Wan Li finally confirmed that the majestic Beast Emperor only has 0.6 to 0.7 tons of mind power. Even if he doesn't defend himself, as long as he doesn't get hit at the weak point, he will be fine.

"It feels like I met a fake beast emperor." Wan Li dodged the attack again and muttered.

Su Wujian beside him yelled in a deep voice: "What fake beast emperor? Little guy, this is the chief culprit for the attacks on more than a dozen countries and nearly tens of millions of casualties. Together, we will kill it!"

Are there close to ten million casualties?Wan Li's eyes flickered, he glanced at Su Wujian, and nodded heavily: "I will assist, you attack, go!"


Su Wujian responded, and moved at the same time as Wan Li, stepping on the waves from left to right and bringing out two white lines, and rushed straight to the huge body of the Beast Emperor!

The huge waves rolled, and the sea water rolled back. The Beast Emperor seemed to realize that these two 'tiny bugs' were going to attack it actively, so he turned over.

Hundreds of meters of sea waves hit head-on, and a huge amount of pure white spiritual energy was wrapped in it, and the power contained in it was hundreds of tons!
"This size is really troublesome." Wan Li frowned slightly, dark purple spiritual energy gushed out, and the fusion of heavy and dark, the spiritual energy condensed, 100%!

He suddenly took a few steps forward, rushed to the front of Su Wujian, and plunged in against the huge waves.When the monstrous waves and spiritual energy hit the dark purple giant, they were instantly swallowed up like a black hole.

Thousands of miles passed by, and a gap more than two meters wide appeared in the huge wave, allowing Su Wujian to cross easily, and then the huge wave crashed down, hitting the sea with a deafening sound.

Wan Li took a deep breath, calmed down the aching muscles from the surf, and continued to rush towards the Beast Emperor at the head of the horse, smashing the thought power emanating from the Beast Emperor by the way.

Behind him, Su Wujian looked solemnly, clasped his palms together, during which spiritual energy gathered, more and more gathered, and condensed into a thin piece.

Wan Li glanced sideways for a while, then shook his head slightly and continued to charge forward.In front of him, dense water jets came rushing one after another, with restless aura wrapped in them, which made Wan Li realize what it means to control aura from farther away.

The aura in the nearby air, as the water column rushes, unexpectedly condenses in it quickly, giving the water column greater hardness and stronger power!
Manipulating the aura within a radius of one kilometer or even further, and letting them move as he pleases, Wan Li suddenly feels a little envious. Does this count as mastering the power of heaven and earth?
"Don't rush, don't rush, with the control of spiritual energy cultivated by the condensed form of spiritual energy, I may be able to cross the first, second, and third realms once a week, and the fourth realm... a genius like me must be able to complete the practice quickly. In the first half of the year, when the time comes, go directly to the SS rank.

After half a year, can Su Wujian's mind power catch up with me?not necessarily!That is to say, after half a year, I may not only be number one in the world in strength, but also in level. "

As for the beast emperor who will compete with him for the first place in half a year?Just let it live before then!
"Drink!" Wan Li yelled, waved his fists, and punched them with triple gravity to crush them!
Bang bang bang bang bang bang!

One after another, the water jets exploded, and the water splashed, every drop had the power of a bullet, like Gatling hitting the body.But for Wan Li and Su Wujian, the aura of the body protector can easily bounce them away, and Gatling with blue flames is not easy to do, it can only hit a dick...

It's getting closer, it's getting closer to the Beast Emperor!
Woo~! !
At this time, the Beast Emperor seemed to have sensed a hint of danger, he neighed, his body shook, and the body hidden under the water finally revealed a little bit.

The silver-white dorsal fin is like a knife, and the tip shines dazzlingly in the sun.

At the same time, it twisted its body, and its white tail, hidden hundreds of meters below the water, was like the sharpest big knife, causing the air to scream, tangential to... Wanli and Su Wujian!

Before the tail arrives, the waves arrive first, and what arrives earlier is the beeping of the siren in the heart!


"I can!"

Wan Li replied with a roar, and immediately afterwards, he increased the output of spiritual energy in his body to the maximum, and the blood of heavy water merged, turning the oncoming huge waves into a solid shield, and at the same time condensed into angel wings, protecting him in front of him.

"Get lighter for me!"

Bang! !

Like a missile blasting into the sea, the monstrous spray covered everything. Su Wujian looked at Wanli worriedly, and felt that the Beast Emperor's attack had indeed stopped. He suddenly increased his speed, and as he passed, the aura compressed in his palm began to expand again.


He raised his hands and swung forward suddenly, the disk-shaped aura formed by his palms turned into chopping waves, hovering in the air, and slashed towards the center of the Beast Emperor's body.

The chopping wave clearly passed by, but the water surface was still cut hundreds of meters deep, and it didn't recover for a long time. A cutting force lingered for a long time!
Woohoo! !
The beast emperor's screams resounded throughout the sea area.

"Did you make it?"

Feeling the looseness of the beast emperor's tail on his hand, Wan Li murmured, and healed his fractured arms and injured internal organs with the reversal of heaven and earth.

Wanli used most of his means just now, but in the end the gravity water wall shattered, the angel's wings were broken, both arms were broken, and he used [-]% of his spiritual energy to reduce the weight of the Beast Emperor for a moment at the last moment, and finally managed to catch the tail flick .

It would definitely be easier to reverse the situation earlier, but the comrades-in-arms cannot be trusted wholeheartedly, which makes Wanli distressed.Su Wujian's condensed attack was no worse than the tail flick of the Beast Emperor. If he accidentally hit him from behind, something serious would happen. Wan Li had to take a little precaution.

Fortunately, Su Wujian's attack was indeed aimed at the Beast Emperor, and also hit the Beast Emperor.

After screaming, the Beast Emperor started to attack frantically, his tail twitched wildly, and his body writhed wildly.

Wan Li didn't dare to stay any longer, and hurriedly dodged to retreat, retreating a few hundred meters, and finally saw the whole picture of the damage suffered by the Beast Emperor.

A huge wound tens of meters long and five to six meters deep spanned the Beast Emperor...a quarter of his body width, and the nearby sea was stained red with bright red blood.

Wan Li frowned slightly. The injury looked serious, but to a human, it was just a knife wound in the palm of the hand. It was painful but not fatal. If it wanted to be fatal, it would take another ten cuts, or two or three more wounds on the same part. The knife... But the wound is healing at an extraordinary speed, as if someone is treating it with a healing light.

"It's really a monster-like physique." Su Wujian's voice sounded from the side, and said with emotion: "It's not an ordinary difficulty to kill it."

"Yeah." Wanli nodded lightly: "But the chance is still..."

Whoosh!A jet of water hit them, and the two of them dodged in an instant, retreating again and again, the Beast Emperor had turned his head towards the two of them, swimming towards them at top speed.

"...Yes." Wanli continued: "Your hatred has been held more steadily, this time you will assist, and I will attack. My strongest attack is stronger than yours, but it will be consumed in one blow. I'm about half of my Reiki.

Let's cooperate, you hold it back, I will recover my aura and attack again, five or six times, don't let it run away, maybe I can really kill it! "

The premise is that there is no beast king to make trouble... Wan Li is not optimistic about this, but forcing out the beast king in advance is better than a group of humans falling into the trap of sea beasts, right?

(End of this chapter)

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