Chapter 487

Just when Wan Li and Su Wujian switched from attacking to assisting and preparing to launch a second wave of offensive against the Beast Emperor, Qin Wujian and Hao Wujian also rushed back to the General Bureau of Martial Arts and asked about the situation at this time.

"How long will it take for the European and American powerhouses to arrive?" Qin Wujian asked after thinking for a moment.

"It's going to be half a day fast, and it's going to be more than a day slow. Before tomorrow evening, we can probably all gather." Guo Zhan replied: "The journey is too long, even if they arrive, they will be very tired, and they want to be in the best condition The siege of the Beast Emperor will take the morning after tomorrow."

"The morning after tomorrow..." Qin Wujian frowned.

"There's no need to wait." Hao Zheng interjected, "Soldiers are precious and fast. If we drag on, the beast kings who attacked the small country will probably be rushed over. The fish king who attacked Indonesia didn't decide the winner with me, so he ran away suddenly, sure. It’s time to help the Beast Emperor.”

"The Malay king fish escaped with its tail broken, and I didn't stop it." Qin Wujian said, squinting his eyes to look at the satellite image, frowning from time to time, his expression changing frequently.

Because of the hazy fog and the raging waves, the image is not clear, but with his strength, he can roughly infer the specific situation of the two fighting together from the surrounding environment and the splash of water.

"Qin Wujian, do you want to inform Commander-in-Chief Zhou to let the strong men who came to help you join the battle?"

"Wait a little longer." Qin Wujian shook his head: "I always have a feeling of uneasiness. The beast emperor who manipulates sea beasts to selectively attack weak and small countries is definitely not an idiot. How could he suddenly put himself in such a dangerous situation? Bai Whales... whales, huge in size!"

He suddenly frowned: "You say, how many beast kings can be hidden in the belly of such a huge beast king? 100? 200?"

Guo Zhan's pupils shrank suddenly: "The beast king... is hiding in its stomach? This...?!"

Hao Zheng was also surprised, and then quickly shook his head: "Impossible, hiding the beast king in his stomach is equivalent to exposing the most vulnerable side to the eyes of his subordinates who have not long been subdued. The beast king would never dare to do this, as long as there is one The beast king is not willing to be ruled by it, and its life is in danger!"

Qin Wujian frowned when he heard the words, obviously Hao Zheng's question was on point, the theory of hiding the beast king in the stomach is a little untenable, but it is not in the stomach, and there is no surrounding sea area, so it is true that there is no beast king?

He looked at the satellite image for a while: "Wait a few more minutes, wait until Su Wujian and Wan Liyang's offensive is over, and see how the Beast Emperor will react if he is injured again, and we will make a decision!"


At sea, the second wave of offensive was not as easy as the first wave.On the one hand, after the Beast Emperor was injured, the attacks he launched were more intensive, and the power he used was also three points stronger.On the other hand, Su Wujian's support is only at the diamond level, far inferior to Wanli, the strongest king.

As an exporter, Wan Li still has to use flash to hide from the enemy's skills, which is very uncomfortable. Unlike Su Wujian before, he just needs to store his power and enlarge it.

"Fortunately, I don't need to store energy." Wan Li sighed softly in his heart, and shouted in his mouth: "Su Wujian, this distance is almost the same, let's make a perfect operation!"

Su Wujian didn't respond and took action directly.He quickly condensed and slashed, this time he didn't charge for a long time, he slashed when he was condensed, condensed again after slashing, and slashed after condensing.For a moment, dozens of disk-shaped slashes flew towards the Beast Emperor, tangentially tangential to the center of every incoming water column!


In the water column, the Beast Emperor's spiritual energy was wiped out inch by inch, and the power of the water column dropped sharply. In the sky filled with spray, he traveled against the water for thousands of miles, riding the wind and waves!
Snapped!Snapped!Snapped!Su Wujian didn't have much energy left after chopping through the water column, and was shattered one by one when he hit the beast emperor's protective aura, which was equivalent to scratching the beast emperor's itch a dozen times.

And following these chopping waves, Wan Li also turned himself into chopping waves, and slammed straight into the Beast Emperor!
The dark purple giant formed by the aura had collapsed, and Wanli's right fist was clenched so that the air continued to explode.

The beast emperor is too big, no matter how big the giant is condensed with spiritual energy, the fist is still very small in front of the beast emperor, so it is better to use the body to dig a deeper hole in its forehead!
Ten times the gravity punch!

The universe is reversed, the reverse force!
"I hit!"

Woo~! !
Just when it was about to hit the Beast Emperor, it actually used the sound wave control skills, and the neighing that was close at hand made Wan Li's head almost explode. Di Hailang twisted his strength again and punched his right fist.

However, because of this momentary delay, the Beast Emperor had time to respond.Its huge head was suddenly pressed into the deep water, and its 0.8 square kilometers body rolled forward.

Mount Tai is overwhelmed, but it is!
The eyes were completely covered by the shadow of the beast emperor's body, Su Wujian's "quick dodge" came from afar, and the attack with a force of thousands of tons was close at hand, and Wan Li's mind instantly became extremely clear.

Get out of the way?where to flash?underwater?court death?

If you can't flash it, then do it with all your might!
Fifteen times the gravity punch!The universe is reversed!

The remaining [-]% of the spiritual energy in the body began to overflow crazily, covering the fist, and Wan Li punched the strongest punch in his life!
The aura of the Beast Emperor's body protection collapsed in an instant. Its body weighing more than [-] tons was in stark contrast to Wanli's tiny fist. When the two collided together, it was like a mayfly shaking a tree!

However, the scene of this single fist supporting the sky was deadlocked for a second, which represented that in this second, the power output by Wanli was equivalent to the weight of the Beast Emperor!

"This little guy has improved again. I may not be able to beat him if I try my best. He is really a terrible talent in martial arts." A thought flashed through Su Wujian, and Su Wujian moved quickly and plunged into the sea.Because after that second, Wan Li was still pushed into the water.

Woo~! !
The Beast Emperor screamed for the second time, louder than the last time, his body was jumping wildly like a big fish thrown onto the shore.

But this fish is too big, jumping up makes the whole sea area feel overturned.

Half a minute later, Su Wujian and Wan Li emerged from the sea three miles away. Su Wujian waved his hands to defend against the tsunami, while Wan Li sat on the sea surface and drifted with the current.

The second wave of offensive ended perfectly, and the results achieved were greater than expected. After all, Wanli, who originally wanted to consume half of his spiritual energy, consumed [-]% of it.

A huge crater was added to the back of the Beast Emperor. The deepest part was more than ten meters deep, and the diameter was even close to a hundred meters!
This kind of injury is definitely considered a serious injury for the Beast Emperor. No matter how strong his physique is, it is impossible to recover quickly.If there is another punch like this at the same position, it should be a fatal injury.

Su Wujian also thought so, so he asked Wan Li to recover quickly and find a way to do it again.

Wan Li shook his head in surprise.

At the moment of the stalemate just now, he felt... There was something in the body of the Beast King, a living thing, a very powerful living thing-it was the feeling of the Beast King!
"Hiding the beast king in its stomach? How dare it?" Wan Li had the same doubts as Hao Zheng, and quickly whispered it to Su Wujian.

Su Wujian looked slightly condensed: "Really?"

"Well, I'm afraid we can't fight anymore, and if we fight again, it will force it to release the Beast Emperor to besiege us. Not only will we not be able to kill it, but it will be in danger.

Even if it was injured, it kept hiding the Beastmaster. It probably wanted to make a big deal out of it. It also felt that even if it released the Beastmaster, it would not be able to kill us. Beastmaster... that's a disaster! "

"What a cunning guy..." Su Wujian frowned and thought for a moment, then said: "Just plan?"

"I think so too. There are too many beast kings in the sea. If you kill the beast king, there will be no guarantee that there will be another beast king in a few months. Why don't you take this opportunity and fuck the big one!"

"...Be careful, don't be fooled by your cleverness." Su Wujian said in a deep voice, "Then you go back and make arrangements, or should I go back?"

"I'll go back, my condition is not very good, and my hatred value has exploded." Wan Li stood up: "Su Wujian, you have worked hard, slip away."

Thousands of miles away, Su Wujian looked at the manic Beast Emperor and the giant deep pupils locked on this side, with a slightly bitter expression on his face.

"It has increased the difficulty of maneuvering a lot."

(End of this chapter)

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