Chapter 494
Guo Zhan said that the amount of spiritual liquid is not much, he is not modest, it is indeed not much.All the inventory of the Martial Arts Administration is actually only a small glass bottle, about a hundred drops.Wan Li, who was used to using coke bottles for ectoplasmic liquid, was surprised to see the amount.

In order to reach the A-level peak, he consumed [-]% of his spiritual liquid storage, and now the remaining [-]% is much more than what is in the bottle. The Martial Arts Bureau is too poor, right?But after thinking about it, I can't blame them.

Spiritual stone mines are divided into small, medium, large and super large. Only large or larger spiritual stone mines can produce spiritual liquid.A general large-scale spiritual stone mine can only produce about 10 drops of spiritual liquid, and a super-large one can only produce about 50 drops.

In the whole of China, there are only [-] or [-] large-scale spirit stone mines, two super-large spirit stone mines, plus those who were obtained by the lucky ones and divided up. It is not easy to save about a hundred drops.

But a hundred drops of spiritual liquid are far from enough!

I have more than 31% of the spiritual energy gap, so I have to use fifty or sixty drops of it alone. Others don’t have as much spiritual energy as me, and the consumption is not as big as myself. Five or six drops are barely enough, but now there are [-] people... No wonder who Guo Zhan asked Urgent need for elixir.

But who needs it?Everyone needs it.

Facing the Beast Emperor, the better the state, the more security, so when Guo Zhan took out the bottle containing the spirit liquid, almost everyone turned their attention.There were a few exceptions. Commander Zhou bombarded the sea without changing his face, and said in a deep voice: "Give more to Su Wujian and Wan Liyang, they are the hope of killing the Beast Emperor... Be careful!"

Suddenly, he tilted his body sideways and knocked General Lu away with his shoulder. A ray of white light flew past General Lu's original position at an extremely fast speed, and took away a large piece of flesh and blood from Commander Zhou's left arm. He looked pained.

"Old Commander!" General Lu exclaimed, blood flashed on his face, he gritted his teeth and went straight to the Beast Emperor, but was dragged back by the faster Su Wujian.

"Calm down!" Su Wujian said in a loud voice: "Don't use spiritual liquid for more than half of the remaining spiritual energy. If it is less than half, replenish it to half. For those who are injured, add two more drops. Give the rest to the little guy. His attack needs a lot of energy." Spiritual Qi, and only he can cause fatal damage to the Beast Emperor!"

Fan slightly opened his mouth and said nothing, his ion ray was basically impossible to hit the Beast Emperor.

A few of the rest of the crowd complained about this, but when the Beast Emperor flew back and launched another attack with bloody rays, and almost knocked the bottle in Guo Zhan's hand into the air, they immediately kept silent—— Unclear, everyone will die!
Wan Li stopped being polite to them, grabbed the bottle from the chief executive, and poured it in a big gulp, probably thirty or forty drops. The emptiness in his body was filled, so comfortable!

“Too many! (too many)”

The injuries on his body recovered in a second, Wanli ignored the exclamation of the British team leader, stretched his palms together, gave Heidanyan and Commander Zhou a brief treatment, and helped them stop the wounds from bleeding. There is no time for more detailed treatment. .

Then his body moved, collided with the oncoming white light, and they all retreated.While retreating, a dark purple aura giant enveloped Wanli inside.Aura Condensation Type, 100%!

Eighty percent of the spiritual energy, if you don't use the universe to reverse it indiscriminately, it is enough to fight this guy!

"Su Wujian, let's go, do it!"

"Its thought power is suppressed..." Su Wujian paused for a moment, and suddenly found that the thought power that originally pushed him back to the fourth realm by [-]% or [-]% had weakened a lot, and he could get rid of the suppression with his own thought power.

"It's solved!" Wan Li laughed, the two silver-white lines were almost digested, and his mental power increased from 1.6 tons to about 1.9 tons.

Although it was still a bit behind the Beast Emperor, after his offset, the strength of the Beast Emperor's thought power was basically unable to interfere with the strong human beings.

Digesting two silvery-white threads in succession is a heavy load for his brain, since it is enough, let's keep the third thread in his body for now.

The Beast Emperor also noticed the failure of his mind power, hovering in mid-air, his two scarlet fish eyes staring at thousands of miles, and suddenly plunged headlong into the sea.

He threw himself to kill it, quickly landed and chased after it, and then there was a water column that circled into a sea dragon and came to bite him!

It's an extremely familiar attack, the big whale used this a lot before... No, that should be used by it too, manipulating it in the belly of the big whale.

At this time, it entered the sea in person, and the strength of the water column naturally increased sharply.Thousands of miles tossed and dodged, but the water column followed him like a shadow. As a last resort, he could only punch several times with double gravity fists to disperse the water column.

After the scattered water column, the figure of the Beast Emperor rushed towards him, and rushed straight to his chest.

"What the hell can't be a new routine, hiding behind the water column or tsunami every time." Wan Li cursed in his heart, without any panic, triple gravity punch, sledgehammer, smash!
However, at this moment, the figure of the Beast Emperor suddenly turned into two, one in front and the other behind, which made Wan Li dumbfounded!
Is there really a new routine?But what the hell is this?Doppelgänger?How did you use it?Clone wow, coach, I want to learn this too!

Pulling his left arm back, Wan Li's first reaction was that since there are two, each of them should give it a hammer, but then the siren suddenly rang in his heart.

Something's wrong, don't go head-to-head!
He hurriedly dodged, and on the other side, Su Wujian came forward, his fists were filled with spiritual energy, and he slammed straight at the 'clone' of the Beast Emperor.

The attack hit, but also missed.

The pillar of awe-inspiring spirit passed through the body of the 'clone' and hit the sea surface, causing huge waves.But the 'clone' of the Beast Emperor, unscathed, twisted its body, and shot towards Su Wujian together with the Beast Emperor's body!
"Hide!" Wanli shrank his pupils and shouted.

Surprised on Su Wujian's face, confused by the failure of the attack, he listened to Wan Li and dodged subconsciously, but was still rubbed to the outside of the arm by the "clone" of the Beast Emperor.

His arm was fine, but the "clone" of the Beast Emperor disappeared with a puff, and then Su Wujian's movements suddenly froze, his eyes straightened, and he began to fall freely, falling into the sea.

As for the Beast Emperor's body, it stabbed squarely at his chest.Wanli was in a hurry, and it was too late to intercept him, he had an idea, turned his mind into a hammer, and with one hammer, Su Wujian's body flew sideways, and finally avoided the impact of the beast emperor.

However, the Beast Emperor had already sensed the movement of Wanli's thought power, and his body naturally refracted it. The target was still Su Wujian's chest, vowing to smash him through.

"Su Wujian!"

Everything happened in the blink of an eye, it was too late for Wan Li to use his thoughts again, and Hei Danyan was far away, so he might not be able to arrive in time.

Just at the critical moment, a silver-white ray shot from diagonally above, slightly blocking the Beast Emperor's advance route, and on the other side, a strong man with golden light all over his body slammed into him, knocking the Beast Emperor into the air. After a certain distance, Su Wujian was finally out of danger.

"Huh...Fan, Arlo." Wan Li breathed a sigh of relief, these two guys were really timely.

Arlo, a strong man, gave him a thumbs up and said in English: "Let's go together, it's not just an enemy of the two of you."

Wanli leaped and smashed the Beast Emperor who attacked Arlo in retaliation: "Thank you for the rescue!"

At this time, Su Wujian finally regained control of his body, and his head was covered with cold sweat for a while: "What the hell is that?! Psychic attack?!"

"It's the phantom of mind power." Wan Li said in a deep voice.

The phantom of thought power that I had only seen in Fang Lu before was used as an attack, but it was... so terrifying!
(End of this chapter)

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