Chapter 495
Nianli phantom, from the first time I saw it at Lin Yuling's wedding, I didn't know what it was, and then I had a guess when I practiced Nianli, and today, I finally confirmed it on the beast emperor.

The practice of mind power can also be divided into three stages for the time being.The first entry stage, the stage where the mind is separated from the body after the ultimate strength reaches 500kg, and the stage where the phantom of the mind can be separated.

In Wan Li's perception, the Beast Emperor's mind power is not much stronger than his current self. He estimates that he will soon reach the phantom phase of mind power, and the most likely is the integer of 2000kg.

Of course, it is also possible to bring some odds?

But the attack effect of the phantom surprised Wanli. After Su Wujian was hit, he lost his soul and became slaughtered. The only person who could defend against that thing was himself with stronger thoughts, but Wanli didn't want to Test yourself.

Fortunately, looking at the appearance of the Beast Emperor, it seems to be a little sluggish. Obviously, the phantom of mind power consumes a lot of energy. How many times the Beast Emperor can be released, or even whether it can be released a second time is another matter.

The comrades around him gathered more and more, and after sharing two drops of psychic liquid, the strong human beings who had recovered most of their state would not be instantly killed by the Beast Emperor, which would bring great trouble to the Beast Emperor.

They use various tactics together.

Commander-in-Chief Zhou, Wang Yuxin, Qin Wujian, and Hao Wujian stood in four directions, standing on the sea surface, their auras formed threads, and cooperated with each other to form a solid aura network, which was accumulated by the Huaxia Navy in dealing with sea beasts. experience.

The rest of the people also followed suit, weaving a net of aura around the Beast Emperor, Wanli Su Wujian Arlo and others faced the Beast Emperor's suppressive attack, gradually narrowed the Beast Emperor's movement range, and restricted its speed to bring troubled.

Fan Ze stood still in the air without making a move.His ion beam is a powerful weapon, but it is difficult to hit it, and it is easy to accidentally injure one's own side. It is good to use it as a deterrent and blast a few spiritual energy occasionally.

For a frontal kill, it has to be Wanli, as well as Su Wujian, who is afraid of dying and surviving, and will be annoyed later.

Su Wujian showed his wonderful skills in manipulating the spirit energy. The spirit energy in his hands is ever-changing, sometimes forming a knife to cut through the sky, sometimes forming a seal (brick) to slap violently, and sometimes forming a fist to bombard fiercely!
Under the condition that the Beast Emperor's spirit was sluggish and his thoughts were basically canceled out, Su Wujian showed a demeanor worthy of the rumored and in fact the number one powerhouse in the world. I don't know if it was an illusion, but Wan Li felt that he was hiding something before. ...

Of course, Wan Li is not to be outdone, he is now in the state of 'As long as the aura is enough, God can poke a hole', although the aura is only enough to swing three axes, but his ax is invincible!
"Just use some conspiracy!"

Boom!Twice the gravity punch.

"Hiding in the belly of the big whale and manipulating it secretly!"

Boom!Triple gravity punch.

"Ambush humans, a fish, why do you need such a high IQ, eat me and become a fool!"

Boom!Five times the gravity punch.

Click.Amidst the slight sound of bone cracking, the Beast Emperor was hit by Wanli's punch on the head of the fish, and it flew towards Su Wujian. Afterwards, Wanli did not change his face and healed his arm injury with the reversal of heaven and earth. Shout out ashamed.It will be more vigorous to shout and fight, no matter what others think.

It seems that the difference between the five times the gravity punch and the three times the gravity is only twice, but they are not the same.Only when he punches with five times or more gravity, Wan Li's body strength, which has broken through the limit of his body 36 times, will not be able to withstand the reaction force and damage himself!

The big whale is an exception, its skin is too thick and its blood volume is too high.The Beast Emperor's body was attacked by a five-times-gravity fist, and he would not be seriously injured with the spiritual energy protection, but dizziness was inevitable.But in a fierce battle, a brief absence of concentration will kill it!
Goo! !

From the battle till now, the Beast Emperor uttered a cry for the first time, the volume was far inferior to that of a big whale, but it was mixed with some mental power, which made everyone feel dizzy, and made Fan Yiton, who was about to shoot out ion rays in the sky, Missed opportunity.

After screaming, the Beast Emperor seemed to be a little more sluggish, but it was not out of danger, it had already cultivated its power, and Su Wujian, who had suffered a loss, was not deterred by its screams.


He used the disc chopping wave again, accurately chopping in the middle of the Beast Emperor's body!

The chopping wave spun extremely fast on the Beast Emperor's body, its edges were abnormally sharp, the protective aura on the Beast Emperor's body was wiped out almost instantly, a few crimson scales danced in the air, and a wisp of dark red dripped down.

The Beast Emperor was injured!
The big whale can heal itself extremely quickly, mainly due to the effect of the silver-white thread overdrawing its vitality. The Beast Emperor's body is red, obviously not parasitized by the silver-white thread, or he hasn't used it yet, so the wound will not heal in seconds.

The blood dripped and fell into the churning waves, and it had no time to use spiritual energy to stop the bleeding. Instead, it overdrawn its spirit and used the phantom of its mind again!

The appearance of the phantom of the mind made Wan Li frown slightly. He had already prepared the Ten Times Gravity Fist and the Reversal of the Universe to injure the Beast Emperor, but it was hard to say whether he would be able to take this thing.

Do you want to give up this opportunity?
At this moment, a figure suddenly slanted past, smashing the phantom of the mind into pieces.Wan Li's heart skipped a beat, and he slammed down his clenched fists heavily.

Bang! !

Bloody, broken arm, flying upside down Beast Emperor.

The picture froze slightly.Commander-in-Chief Zhou on the surface of the sea exclaimed "Little Lu", and together with the other three, used the aura net to bounce the Beast Emperor who hit the sea surface, and then caught the falling General Lu.

The one who resisted the phantom of the Beast Emperor's mind for Wanli turned out to be General Lu who has always disliked him!

Wan Li was full of surprise and worried about his injury, but now was not the time to think about that, his punch hit the Beast Emperor firmly, and the opportunity to kill it came!


Fan stretched out his hands, and ten ion beams intertwined, spinning and shooting towards the Beast Emperor.

Goo! !

The Beast Emperor let out a piercing cry, feeling that his life was in danger, he swung his body desperately, the dark red blood continuously oozed from under his scales, he was seriously injured by Wan Lina's punch!

Relying on the force of his mind to move himself sideways, he finally avoided all the ion rays, but at this moment a fist emitting golden light hit it again.

"Ah~!" Arlo, a strong German man, roared extremely loudly when he attacked, his voice was powerful and thick, and he felt like Wan Li that shouting could increase his strength.

Boom! !This punch was really ferocious, it turned the Beast Emperor into an afterimage, and as it passed through the air, more blood oozes from its scales.

However, due to the twisting of the Beast Emperor's body, the punch missed the target, and it failed to pass the ball to Su Wujian accurately, and shot towards the spiritual energy net on the left.

That aura net was jointly woven by several European and American team leaders, and it was somewhat stronger than the net woven by the four Huaxia people. It is a hood for the Beast Emperor!

Goo! !

Under the crisis, the Beast Emperor really desperately shot out four phantoms of thoughts in a row, but this time the phantoms were much lighter than before, and as they ran, they became weaker and weaker.

Even so, the four European and American team leaders did not dare to take it head-on, and had to dodge away from their original positions, dodge to the area where the Beast Emperor hit the net, and make a joint attack!
boom! !

The surging shock wave spread around them, covering up the surrounding scene, and at the same time stirring up a monstrous wave.Wanli Su Wujian moved in unison, and shot towards the middle of the shock wave, vaguely saw a crimson shadow fleeing to the distance, and then slid a little staggeringly.

As for the four European and American team leaders, two of them had big holes in their chests and fell down weakly and unbelievably!

"There is still such power?"

"Probably the last strength. Now it's too difficult to fly, so we can't let it escape!"

"The injury is so serious, it dare not enter the water, where does it want to run, chase!"

(End of this chapter)

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