Restart the world

Chapter 500 Bloodline of the Sky

Chapter 500 Bloodline of the Sky

Su Wujian carefully looked at Wanli.

No injuries on the body, vigorous vitality, except for the torn pants on the thigh area, there are almost no traces of a fierce battle, and the condition is good.

But why are you giggling all the time?

"Wan Liyang, you killed the Beast Emperor?"

"Beast Emperor?" Wan Li was startled, his smile slowly disappeared, and his eyes widened: "Su Wujian, I kicked him back, you haven't killed him yet?"

"The Beast Emperor didn't come here." Su Wujian looked around and sighed: "Or he observed secretly, and left after seeing the situation is not good? Trouble."

"No, Su Wujian..."

"It's hiding something." Su Wujian interrupted with a sigh: "The attribute of its aura is space."

"Space attribute?" Wanli's pupils narrowed slightly, his fingers lightly moved, he stroked the three silver-white rings on his middle finger, and suddenly murmured: "No wonder, no wonder the highest space fruit in the treasure house is only the third rank, I thought the beast emperor was also dark-faced, high-grade It's all eaten by it. This guy, it turns out to be a space attribute... It's hidden really deep!"

He didn't doubt that Su Wujian misjudged his judgment, he frowned tightly, all kinds of thoughts flashed, and all kinds of connections made him feel a little scared for a while. The strongest eight catch all in one go!
"It got in here? Let's go find it!"

"I'm afraid it's too late. It's been more than half an hour since it came in. Maybe it was watching from the side when you were fighting with those two beast kings, and it saw the situation was not good and fled." Su Wujian shook his head and said, "Speaking of which, the fog lock The weird rules of the land did not affect you? Also, what are those three silver wrenches and bracelets in your hand?"

What the hell are rings and bracelets!

Wan Li raised his hand and took a look. Well, just pull your fingers. It’s really not very good-looking. He didn’t have much experience in refining for the first time, so he only used one-third of the stored equipment in the Beast Emperor’s treasury to refine materials. Three space rings and one space bracelet are produced, so I can hold all the things and let it go.

"How can this little inversion of the rules stump me, but it helped me kill those two beast kings. As for these, they are good things I found when copying the beast royal family." Wan Li replied.

"In that cave?" Su Wujian looked in the direction of the cave, "Only these four things?"

"Hey, everything else is in here."

"Inside?" Su Wujian was startled, his pupils shrank suddenly: "Is this storage equipment?!"

"Low-key, low-key." Wan Li said calmly: "Let's think about it quickly, is it possible to kill the Beast Emperor? It's hard to beat him to serious injuries..."

Su Wujian took a deep breath, no wonder the little guy had been giggling before.He glanced at Wan Li's right hand, really wanted to snatch the little guy!

But in the outside world, it is enough to grab it, but in this upending the rules, it is even more impossible, right?
Bah, bah, bah, don't be greedy.

"Kill the Beast Emperor, kill the Beast Emperor, um... little guy, how big is each storage ring, can you sell me one?"

"...I'm not short of money. My Martial Arts Mutual Aid Club, you know, 10 billion points, a 36 cubic storage ring, isn't it expensive?"

"One billion points." Su Wujian paused, and smiled bitterly: "It's not expensive, let's talk about the Beast Emperor... There is nothing to say, the Beast Emperor who can move in space is very difficult to kill, let alone we can't find him.

This battle killed more than 200 beast masters, and you killed more than 90% of these two beast masters, and the sea beasts also lost their vitality.In addition, the beast emperor is seriously injured, we should have a buffer period of three to five months, let's go out and discuss how to deal with the sea beast.

Alas, the Beast Emperor, who can move in space, doesn't have a perfect chance, so it may be difficult to kill him. "

'It's not difficult, space movement, basic skills, everyone knows it.In three to five months, if I find it, I can kill it alone! Thinking about this, Wan Li felt a lot more relieved, but on the surface he nodded heavily, agreeing with Su Wujian's point of view.

"Then we... go out now?"

"Well... oh no. Go out by yourself first, and I will wander around the Mistlock Land for a few hours to see if I can get lucky and go back before dark."

Wan Li was stunned for a moment, saying that you were the one who couldn't find the Beast Emperor, and you were the one who was looking for it... No, Su Wujian couldn't be looking for the space ring in the secret realm of upside-down space, right?
His eyes flashed, the temptation brought by the storage equipment was higher than he expected, even Su Wujian was so restless, after going out, there was a lot of room for manipulation... Come on, old man, take your time.

"Then I'll go out first. Oh, by the way, Wujian Su, Wujian Qin and the others didn't come in?"

"No, they are guarding outside, you can look for them first after you go out."

"Okay, then I'm leaving." Wan Li waved his hand, and flew away, and immediately flickered again and again when he was out of the sight of Su Wujian.

Feeling the dramatic changes in the scenery, Wanli's heart was surging, and the joy that had been suppressed before rose again, but the occasional thought of the escaped beast emperor somewhat affected his mood.

In addition, the scenery is upside down, flickering too much, and a little dizzy, very irritating.

"Forget it, let's go out first, and when we return to Wusi, the bloodline of the sixth father will reach the seventh rank, and it will be cool to jump over a long distance."

According to Wanli's settings, the first to third ranks of Kong's bloodline can only teleport for a short distance, and the distance range is 0-100 meters.For example, Sun Kai, the space attribute in the third rank, can teleport about 70 meters at a time, which is better than nothing.

Ranks 0 to 5 are much better. They can teleport for medium and long distances, ranging from [-] to [-] kilometers. For example, Cao Yanan on Rank [-] can teleport one kilometer at the farthest time, which is already very useful.In addition, the fourth to sixth ranks can also move other things in a short distance and lead people to move, but the consumption is relatively large.

Ranks 0 to 100 can teleport over long distances, with a distance ranging from 25 to [-] kilometers. Heidan geese on ranks [-] can move more than [-] kilometers at a time, and they can also move other objects in medium and long distances.

As for super products, the upper limit of the distance has been increased by ten times, and it can move up to a thousand kilometers at a time!
In addition, the blood of Chaopin Kong can also condense its own space, condense a space that allows people to survive, and allows the owner to jump back and forth to avoid attacking space, which belongs to the super enhanced version of Cao Yanan's portable space .

The upper limit of ordinary people's bloodline is super-grade, but Wanli is different, his father's bloodline can be more than one grade, so Kong's bloodline will have a super-supergrade...

"At that time, the bloodline of space will be no different from the space ability of Kaguya Hime, the goddess of Mao in Hokage.

Hmm... The Goddess of Mao.I am a rabbit in 99, huh?Mao Rabbit is also Mao, the father of Mao?
How the hell did you make a pair with her?

No, no, the father of Mao? "

Wan Li muttered, found a stake to leave the secret realm, and left the secret realm of the upside-down space.

On the vast sea, Wanli turned around the secret island with self-knowledge, meeting with Qin Wujian first, or God knows where he would get lost, and the blood of Kong would not cure Luzhi.

However, ten minutes later.

"What the hell...seems like I've turned around twice?"

"Where is the person? Got in? Playing with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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