Restart the world

Chapter 501 Turmoil

Chapter 501 Turmoil
"Qin Wujian! Arlo! Fan!"

"Is anyone there?! Hey!"

"What did you say to stay outside?!"

Wan Li was silent for a moment, looked up at the sky, it was noon, the sun was high in the sky, he couldn't tell north, south, west, east at all.

He didn't dare to choose a direction to move at will. Even if he knew how to move in space, he was only at the sixth-level level. Facing the Pacific Ocean, which had expanded ten times, if he made a wrong move, he would have to turn around for a few days, or even ten days before returning to Huaxia.

"Su Wujian missed me." Wan Lichang sighed, thought for a moment, then murmured: "Should we wait for him to come out? Or wait for the sun to set? Or...

Uh, there is a way! "

A few seconds later, he randomly chose a direction and flickered away.Instead of waiting and wasting time, it is better to catch an S-rank sea beast that knows the way, and let it take him back, at a slower speed.


In the early morning of the third day, Wan Li finally returned to land.The big fish who brought him back only vaguely knew where Huaxia was. As for more, whether it was the battle between humans and sea beasts, or the location of Huaxia's ships, a fish that had just entered the S rank was not clear.Therefore, Wanli could only return directly to Huaxia, unable to find a ship, and unable to choose a landing place.

As for the big fish, it was still controlled by his phantom blood, convinced that his father had returned to the depths of the Pacific Ocean.Quan regards it as a spy, and Wan Li doesn't care too much about whether it will be useful or not.

"Haizhou Donggang, Haizhou, I remember it seems to be a city in Suzhou Province." Looking at the signboard of the port in front of him, Wan Li muttered while recalling: "Is it too early, and there is no one there?"

"It's fine if there's no one." His clothes were so tattered that he could hardly hide his shame, and it was inconvenient to appear in front of others with this image.

He turned on his invisibility, flashed to the street, and looked around for a shopping mall, wanting to get some clothes first, but what he saw made him frown deeply.

It's so deserted!

It is true that it is only five or six o'clock in the morning at this time, but some hardworking office workers should have gone to work, at least there should be some uncles and aunts who exercise, but there are none.

The city is very quiet, as if empty.

"What's going on?" Soon, Wan Li found a shopping mall with a locked gate, moved into it, and found something even more surprising to him.

Most of the things in the shopping mall have been emptied, and it has been abandoned.It can be seen from the traces that it was discarded in a hurry, and some less valuable things were left out, and they were displayed in a mess.

Blinking to the third floor, he found a suit of clothes that fit him, removed the label and put it on, Wanli listened with his ears up, and made sure that the whole shopping mall was really empty, so he went out directly through the window, using his thoughts to prop himself up into the sky, Look around.

It was really like an empty city, and Wanli managed to find three figures at the end of his field of vision.

That is a family of three.

A middle-aged couple in their 40s, a tall 180 and weight about 180, about 20 years old, a fat girl who was rarely seen in the practice era.

Three people, each with their hands full and a big package on their backs, were hurrying away with the sun on their backs.

Wan Li thought for a while, then frowned suddenly, and had some bad guesses.After a long absence, he changed his appearance with simulated magic, landed behind them in a flash, and quickly chased after them.

He didn't restrain his footsteps, and was quickly noticed by the family of three. They turned around one after another, and the fat girl was staggered by the package on her body.

Seeing the front face, Wan Li realized that she was not ugly, she was fair and clean, and she belonged to a potential stock.But her image is not very elegant at this time, she looks tired from the luggage, and her head is sweating.

"Is there anyone behind us? Younger, alone? No luggage?" the head of the family asked, his eyes slightly wary.

Wan Li smiled kindly: "Yeah, just one person, uncle, what's your surname? Where is this going, do you mind taking a guy with you?"

"A partner?" The uncle became more vigilant.

"It's good to be a partner, Dad." At this time, the fat girl said: "I really can't carry the luggage. If we go like this again, we will be the last family. Don't be dragged down. I see those who said The one who wants to pick us up is unreliable. It's been a long time and we haven't come yet.

Hey buddy, my name is Zhang Manyao, I was born in 99, how about you?Which neighborhood do you live in? "

As she spoke, she handed over a big pink box, and said carelessly, "Don't move around, it's all my personal belongings."

"Man Yao!" Zhang Manyao's mother called her angrily, and said to Wan Li: "Young man, let's walk slowly, don't delay you."

The implication is to let him go first.

Wan Li glanced at them, took the box with a smile, and said, "It's okay, my name is Dade, the Dade who is grateful to Dade, who loves to do good things since he was a child. Where are uncles and aunts going? Maybe our destination is the same. ?”

Zhang Manyao said: "Dade, Dade? Why is your name so awkward... Let's go to Us."

"Usi?" Wan Li was startled: "It's a long way to go to Usi, it's thousands of miles away, how about walking?"

"Tiger, walk, go to Haizhou Station and take the train." Zhang Manyao looked at him strangely: "The place you want to go is close, can you walk there? But it's useless nearby, it's also very dangerous, why don't you go with me?" Those who don't want to die stay together."

Wan Li blinked: "Old girl, by the accent, are you from the Northeast?"

"Hey, you too? It's Gada's?"


"Bincheng? Fellow countryman!" Zhang Manyao wiped the sweat off her brow and looked back at her parents.

Her parents were very surprised, and gradually, the vigilance in their eyes disappeared a lot, and they all nodded to Wan Li in a friendly manner.

In this way, Wan Li quickly merged into the family of three, learned what he wanted to know, and changed his mood for a while.

The afternoon before yesterday, that is, when he had just found the guide fish and returned, some news spread on the Internet for some reason.

The coastal city of a small country that suffered heavy casualties after being attacked, the battle between humans and sea beasts, the powerhouses of various countries that suffered heavy casualties, the escaped beast emperor, and the coming...revenge!
Some people exaggerated that the coastal cities would be attacked and retaliated by sea beasts, and even attached pictures of the cities that had been attacked. How can the people of the coastal cities stay still?

No one wants to sit at home and suddenly be smashed into pieces by a pillar of spiritual energy. Nothing is more important than a small life.Although the Martial Arts Administration claimed to strengthen the coastal defense force and increase the number of strong guards, some people pointed out that the number of strong men is limited. In the vast sea, who can guarantee that there will be no fish that slip through the net?
So a large-scale move to the inland started vigorously.

The action intensified, and in the end the Martial Arts Administration had no way to stop it. It could only arrange for people to properly guide the people in these coastal cities where they wanted to go. After registering, they would help them, and even contact the local people to resettle them properly.

Wan Li really didn't expect that he would have such a big turmoil after only two days of floating at sea.

Who is spreading the news?Deliberately playing up the situation to the bad, could it be that the new second envoy of the red organization finally couldn't help but show up?
(End of this chapter)

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