Chapter 194 Fighting (4)

Zombies don't talk about loyalty at all. They believe in the law that the strong are respected. Whoever has a hard fist is the boss, so there are always things like seeking power and usurping the throne.

However, this kind of thing will not happen to infected zombies. After all, once the zombie king dies, these infected zombies will also die.

The situation in front of him belongs to the former, and this spirit-eating zombie is trying to give the new subordinate a blow.

The sixth-order zombies who watched the whole process immediately expressed their loyalty, and the scene suddenly became lively.

Seeing that the spirit-eating zombie was about to walk into the group of zombies, Qiu Chengying snorted coldly and was about to get up, but Lin Ling suddenly pressed her shoulder and pulled him back.

"Wait!" Lin Ling's almost shrill voice rang in Qiu Chengying's mind.

Qiu Chengying's body froze, after hesitating for a while, she squatted back.

Her temper has never been very good, if it was someone else, Qiu Chengying would have exploded already.But the one who stopped her was Lin Ling, and she was able to be so obedient out of trust.

Lin Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing Lin Ling's dignified expression, Qiu Chengying swallowed her doubts back, and the sudden change in front of her also attracted their attention.

The spirit-eating zombie didn't know what it had done, the subordinates of the high-ranking zombie commanded the soldiers to go away, but it stayed where it was, quietly watching the zombies recede like a tide.

After about an hour, the army of zombies disappeared without a trace.

The two stared at the spirit-eating zombies who were still standing still as if they had turned into statues. Qiu Chengying couldn't help muttering: "This guy won't liberate the zombie army, right?" An independent high-level zombie.

Lin Ling didn't answer.

Qiu Chengying also understood that this situation was almost impossible.If she were the leader of the zombies, it would be impossible for her to let go of these surprisingly powerful subordinates easily.

"Are they all gone?"

Suddenly, a deep voice sounded out of nowhere.

To avoid being found out, Lin Ling and Qiu Chengying didn't use their mental strength to check where the owner of the voice was, but even if they didn't check, the person quickly showed up.

It was a gray-haired middle-aged man, handsome but slightly wrinkled, wearing a strange black robe embroidered with strange patterns, with a restrained aura.

Lin Ling and Qiu Chengying looked at the indistinct "Tao" character on the black robe, coupled with the familiar face, they immediately recognized this person: "Tao Jingyi!"

Tao Jingyi, the second in the country Z master list, the leader of the western base, and the eighth-level peak wood-type supernatural power.

One more sentence: in the previous life.

As the two of them thought before, Tao Jingyi really came.

But unexpectedly, this Tao Jingyi and this spirit-eating zombie seemed to be very familiar.

Seeing the ferocious spirit-eating zombie obediently allowed to be touched by Tao Jingyi's hands, Qiu Chengying felt as if she had been struck by lightning.

She frowned: "Witchcraft is so powerful?" Even zombies can be controlled.

She turned to look at Lin Ling who had been silent all this time.

In fact, even these two reborns are not familiar with the western base. The western base in the previous life was a very mysterious existence. The base's arch-rival, the Capital Base, also has very little information on this.

(End of this chapter)

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