Chapter 195 Fighting (5)

All those who tried to explore the western base never returned.

However, as one of the leaders of the capital base, Lin Ling still has a piece of information about the western base, and Qiu Chengying, who is a close friend, also knows about it.

But until this Tao Jingyi appeared, the two of them scoffed at what was described in that document—the poisonous poison that even zombies have to avoid for a long time, who would believe it.

We all know that the most difficult thing to deal with zombies is their almost no pain and few weaknesses. It is not uncommon to use poison to deal with zombies, but generally small poisons will not work at all on zombies.

If poison can deal with zombies, what is the purpose of human beings working so hard to beat zombies?

Of course, it is not that there is no poison that has an effect on the zombies, but just like the military refuses to use nuclear weapons to wipe out the zombies at once, these poisons are all powerful poisons that can hurt the enemy one thousand and self-damage eight hundred.When the zombies are wiped out, human beings themselves will soon be extinct.

As for the legendary Gu poison, it is even more unrealistic.

Qiu Chengying sighed secretly: "It should be a Gu that can control people, but I didn't expect it to be useful for zombies too. Controlling a spirit-eating zombie... This western base is a big threat."

There was a bit of emotion in Qiu Chengying's voice.With this Gu technique, the soul devourer will no longer be a threat.But this Gu poison is only available in the western base, and only the western base can control those crazy spirit-eating ability users.

Even a spirit-eating zombie that hasn't fully grown up makes Qiu Chengying feel threatened. If the western base controls a few this the rhythm of becoming invincible?
Lin Ling nodded, then shook her head: "Impossible, even if it is a witchcraft technique, it is absolutely impossible to control the nature of the spirit devourer."

Qiu Chengying was puzzled: "But I think this Gu is very powerful."

Lin Ling's eyes are a bit complicated: "No matter how powerful the Gu technique is, it is impossible to erase the nature engraved on the ability of the spirit devourer. In the end, it will only lead to a loss for both sides... Even if the Gu poison is backlashed, the spirit devourer will not be able to get rid of it." Just follow instinct."

"...You mean, the control power of this venom can't control the killing instinct of the soul devourer?"

The killing instinct of a spirit-devouring ability user is such a headache that even the ability user himself has a headache.

Lin Ling nodded.

Qiu Chengying sighed.

In fact, think about it, if this Gu can really control the spirit-eating ability users, the western base will already dominate the world, how can it fight with the capital base for ten or eight years.

"What now?"


Qiu Chengying was stunned.

Lin Ling's voice was unprecedentedly cold: "No matter how powerful Tao Jingyi is, he can't control this spirit-eating zombie. Once the zombie's spirit-eating ability evolves to that stage, even Tao Jingyi, the 'master', can't control it." Then control the spirit-eating zombies who are killing people, and the final result...heh."

——Lin Ling's current state is a bit wrong.

These words floated through Qiu Chengying's mind in an instant.

No, this fucking is very wrong, right? !
Qiu Chengying suddenly realized that it seemed that Lin Ling's words had become less and less since she discovered that the zombie was a spirit-eating zombie.

"Ling... Hey, hey!" Looking at Lin Ling who suddenly rushed out, Qiu Chengying had no choice but to come out from behind the cover covered by the formation.

Looking at Tao Jingyi and the spirit-eating zombies with gloomy eyes, Qiu Chengying couldn't help but rejoice that they wore masks and camouflage cloaks in advance, and they couldn't find anyone in the western base afterwards.

(End of this chapter)

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