Chapter 220 Killing Feast (1)

"No. 360 in the space of thousands of people, 220 and eight humans, [-] low-level monsters, [-] and six low-level beasts, the number of surviving creatures: ten. If there are more than ten surviving creatures after five hours, this space will Self-destruct. Countdown begins: ten, nine, eight..."

woc? ?
Lin Ling and Qiu Chengying were not idiots, nor were they low-level zombies without thinking ability. They quickly analyzed the current situation.

That voice meant to let them kill each other! What a mess!

Out of a thousand humans, zombies and mutant animals, only ten can survive in the end!There are only ten in Mahler Gobi!No wonder so few of the millions survived!This is just a room for a thousand people, not a space for a thousand people, what about a space for a hundred people, or a space for ten people?Is it going to be completely wiped out!

Lin Ling regretted it again.

Why didn't she listen to the old saying that curiosity killed the cat for so many years?It's all right now, let's play off!

However, the road I chose had to be walked on my knees.

Lin Ling released her mental power, and her expression relaxed: This place can't help spiritual power and supernatural powers!And after she scanned around, she found that most of them were only below the fifth level, not many at the sixth level, only about thirty or so, and none at the seventh level.

After passing the information to Qiu Chengying, Qiu Chengying also relaxed.

The combat power of two mid-tier and above seven ranks is enough for them to protect themselves!
Since the only way to survive is to kill, let's kill!
The moment the ice-cold voice counted to "ten", the two realized that they could move!
The two of Lin Qiu, who had been prepared for a long time, killed the surrounding zombies and mutant animals without hesitation.

And the same happened at several other locations.

Some places are attacked by zombies and mutated animals, while others are attacked by humans.

Some humans have even started to attack their own people!
With a quota of ten people, it is doomed that these more than 300 humans cannot all survive!

No one wants to die in vain for no reason, even some supernatural beings who are only at the first or second level rose up to resist, and once broke out their strength was no less than that of a fourth-level supernatural being.

But after playing explosively, some people were even assassinated by ordinary people because of lack of strength.

Ordinary people who can live to this stage after the apocalypse either have a big backer or are ruthless, and those who cannot be ruthless have been eliminated as early as the beginning of the apocalypse!

Lin Ling and the others are not the only ones who want to live?

The scene was very chaotic for a while, but no one dared to approach Lin Ling and Qiu Chengying, who had exploded to the seventh level.

Even if there were some supernatural beings who wanted to sneak attack, they were quickly killed by the two.

Lin Ling and Qiu Chengying were back to back, and it seemed that they had returned to the scene before their death in the previous life in a trance, where the two kept fighting to create a bloody path among the zombies.

In the last life, Qiu Chengying was attacked by zombies because of exhaustion of supernatural energy, and finally committed suicide, and Lin Ling did the same.

And since they can do it all over again, how can they die again in the same way?
Absolutely, yes, no, yes!

The momentum on the two of them suddenly skyrocketed.

After killing some people who were ready to move, and seeing that there was not much danger here, Lin Ling immediately sat down and took out the crystal nuclei from the zombies and mutant animals harvested just now, and hurriedly recovered, while Qiu Chengying also stood beside her and released them. Ability to protect her.

The terrifying seventh-order space ability made the zombies dare not go forward, for fear of being drawn into the space crack.

 Looked at the data... no more changes this week.

(End of this chapter)

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