Chapter 221 Killing Feast (2)

Just now Lin Ling and Qiu Chengying also tried whether they could open the space to leave this scarlet prison, but as expected, they could only move in this space at most, and it was impossible to get out.

The situation came out soon.

Although there are only more than 300 humans who can understand what the mysterious voice says-don't ask why they can understand it in different languages-but zombies don't care about any rules, and attacking humans is their instinct.

The mutated animals are better, as long as the normal mutated animals don't actively provoke them, they won't come to humans, unless they are carnivorous mutated animals.

It is mainly humans and zombies fighting to the death, and occasionally some mutant animals join the battle.

In just half an hour, more than half of the entire space died-basically all weak chickens below the third and fourth ranks.

And these dead humans or animals, after donating blood to the ground, like a drop of ink falling into clear water, blurred out strangely.

The originally black space turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the "stars" floating on the top of the space for lighting also slowly turned red.

"It's such an uncomfortable place..." Qiu Chengying muttered, and conveniently dealt with another zombie that rushed up.

After the dead zombie sprayed out a pool of black-red blood, it "melted" into the black-red ground under its feet and disappeared.

And as time went by, the killing gradually came to an end.

In the end, the humans who were good at cooperating had the upper hand, and the humans accounted for five of the seven survivors.

Besides Qiu Chengying and Lin Ling, sixteen humans and two mutated animals survived.

At the same time, Lin Ling opened her eyes and stood up, observing the current situation.

She and Qiu Chengying occupied the southeast corner, opposite to the northwest was a small team of eight people, seven men and one woman, basically all of them were above the fourth level, and the highest level was the fifth level.

And a place not far from them... Lin Ling twitched the corners of her eyes and looked at this sixth-level mid-level ability user who was wearing a magician costume and a pointed hat on his head. It will be a patient with advanced stage II disease.

The other seven humans are in the corners of the due east and northeast respectively, a group of two and a group of five.The southwest corner is occupied by two mutated animals—a polar bear and a cougar.

The other sixteen human beings who survived did not look like people from country Z, and they all had faces of Caucasians.The second-year-old man looks like a fellow from Qiu Lan's country E, and the language of communication is not English. The only thing that is easy to distinguish is the small team of two people. The language they communicate is German, and they have learned from Lin Zheng. Lin Ling, who has been in German for two days, can barely understand a few words.

But which country is not the point, the point is the ten people who can survive, who else is there besides the two of them.

Qiu Chengying didn't think about the possibility of being killed. In her eyes, this group of people with the highest combat power and the sixth-level mid-tier were all--scumbags.

Even if Lin Ling doesn't make a move, she can overthrow these people by herself.

More than three and a half hours had passed, and the remaining seventeen humans and three non-humans also stood in a stalemate for more than an hour.

The second child in the middle approached Lin Ling and the others to ask for cooperation, but Qiu Chengying was displeased with that bastard's upturned nose, and directly pretended that he didn't understand English, so the guy had to walk away cursing.

 The reason for the suspension of the update for the past two days: the mobile phone is faulty and cannot be charged, and there is no traffic due to arrears.

  Try to make up for it...

(End of this chapter)

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