Chapter 167 I Will Like You

Mo Lan didn't speak for a while, looking at Gu Jingcheng, she hesitated, "Are you serious?"

Gu Jingcheng nodded, "You know there are some things I never joke about, and you have noticed that there are many people who are very interested in you and always strike up a conversation, so I thought maybe I could think of some way to let them know that you are my friend. of."

Mo Lan was helpless, "Why are you acting like a child, you still have to put labels on your own things to declare your sovereignty?"

Gu Jingcheng's expression suddenly became sad, "Because I don't have much, and among them, you are very important, so I can't imagine what my life would be like without you."

Mo Lan looked at Gu Jingcheng, she was a little moved, but also a little embarrassed.Because Gu Jingcheng said very bluntly, "Okay, just buy it if you buy it, why are you talking about this, I won't stop you."

Gu Jingcheng paid the money with a chuckle, then he took the ring, looked at Mo Lan with a very sincere expression, "Lan'er, I know you have your own story and your own purpose, and this purpose may not be related to mine. It doesn't matter, I won't ask you what you don't want to say."

Gu Jingcheng paused, and Mo Lan stared at Gu Jingcheng, listening to what he said, "But I want to ask, if there were no unhappy things, if there were no intersections between us that I know or don't know, would you Won't you like me, stay with me?"

Mo Lan didn't speak, but Gu Jingcheng was not in a hurry either, he didn't want Mo Lan to deceive him, he knew there must be something wrong between them, although he didn't know it, but Mo Lan cared very much.

But if those problems are gone, and Mo Lan is willing to be with him, then he has the courage. He knows that Mo Lan will like him, then he will not care about other things, and he will try his best to fill the gap between him and Mo Lan. distance until she accepts herself.

Gu Jingcheng didn't urge Mo Lan, Mo Lan looked into Gu Jingcheng's eyes, the bright eyes were imprinted with the light of the lantern, Mo Lan found that he didn't know his answer.

She should have refused, because even if Gu Jingcheng had nothing to do with the Xu family's disaster, he was still a member of the Gu family, and he would definitely take revenge.Then when the time comes, Mo Lan will definitely hurt his family.

If one day sooner or later, she will stand against Gu Jingcheng, then Mo Lan doesn't want her and Gu Jingcheng to have too many good memories before that, because the feeling of having and losing is too painful.

What's ridiculous is that Mo Lanming knew that she shouldn't give Gu Jingcheng an affirmative answer, but she still couldn't help it. When Gu Jingcheng asked this question, an answer appeared in Mo Lan's mind almost immediately.

This answer appeared without Mo Lan's thinking, so Mo Lan was also a little surprised.

She looked at Gu Jingcheng, wondering whether she should speak out, hesitated for a long time, Mo Lan finally mustered up the courage.

She told herself that she should leave the future to worry about. Seven years ago, because of her childishness, she failed to give Gu Jingcheng the tenderness he deserved. Now she can't miss it anymore.

Yes, Mo Lan has seen her heart clearly, if there is no such pain and hatred between them, she will definitely choose Gu Jingcheng without hesitation.

Because she and Gu Jingcheng are so suitable, Mo Lan thought, be brave once, just this once, she wants to give Gu Jingcheng all the answers he is satisfied with, and she doesn't want to see any disappointment in Gu Jingcheng's eyes.

Mo Lan's eyes were firm, and she raised her head to look at Gu Jingcheng.Standing on tiptoe, she lightly kissed Gu Jingcheng's lips.Holding Gu Jingcheng, she whispered into Gu Jingcheng's ear.

"Yes, I would definitely be with you if it wasn't for those things that stand between us."

Mo Lan let go of Gu Jingcheng, and then he saw the smile on Gu Jingcheng's face, it was from the heart, Mo Lan had never seen such a happy smile.

Gu Jingcheng put one arm around Mo Lan's back and let her get close to him, "Your words are enough, no matter what is between us, I can solve it, believe me, what you don't want to say is just Don't tell me, I can wait until you are willing to tell me."

Mo Lan's eyes were a little moist, "Why, Jing Cheng. Why are you so kind to me? I know you are not a person who is so gentle with girls."

Gu Jingcheng replied, "If I say it's because of you, not your identity, would you believe me?"

Mo Lan nodded, "I have feelings, and I'm not stupid. I can feel the difference between you and me. It's not because of my identity. That's why I'm even more surprised."

Gu Jingcheng said, "Because you are worth it. To be honest, I have a lot and I have lost a lot. What I have is not what I like, but what I care about is already lost."

"For me, you are more like what I long for. If you talk about ability and family background, I have them, and I don't care. I value you more."

"You made me feel a feeling I have never felt in the past seven years. I don't often feel warm, but when I am with you, I feel that the whole person has a sense of happiness, so you are different to me. "

"Some people deserve my tenderness and tolerance, but some people don't. Lan'er, you are worth it to me."

Mo Lan smiled, "If you are not worried, then we can try together, I believe that one day I will tell you everything."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and Mo Lan said, "Okay, now, my fiancé, help me put on the ring."

Gu Jingcheng smiled lightly, then took the ring and put it on Mo Lan's hand, and Mo Lan also helped Gu Jingcheng put it on.

The owner who sells rings is a very young girl.Dressed plainly and looking very elegant, the girl said, "Mister and Miss, these ornaments are all handmade, representing the best wishes of the creators, I hope you can stay together happily and solve any difficulties together. "

Mo Lan nodded and thanked her.Gu Jingcheng and Mo Lan left, the event was about to end, it was already late, Mo Lan and Gu Jingcheng decided to buy Kongming lanterns, and after a while, it was time to put Kongming lanterns on.

At that time, everyone will bring Kongming lanterns to a large square, light them and let them fly. Thousands of lanterns will fly into the sky with bright lights and prayer wishes. At that moment, people really believe Will their wishes come true?
The whole street was crowded with people, and the stalls selling lamps were already surrounded. Everyone was rushing towards the square. Mo Lan picked up the lamp, and when she turned her head, Gu Jingcheng was no longer in sight.

She looked around, suddenly a little flustered, people coming and going.She didn't know where Gu Jingcheng was at all, he was behind her just now, why did he disappear?
There were people everywhere, and Mo Lan couldn't see Gu Jingcheng at all. Even at Gu Jingcheng's height, it was hard to find him.

(End of this chapter)

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