Chapter 168

Mo Lan held the lamp, and she didn't know when Gu Jingcheng got lost, but she saw him when she turned around.

No one answered the phone, and there were voices all around, so I'm afraid Gu Jingcheng couldn't hear it either.Mo Lan wanted to wait where she was, but she was also worried that Gu Jingcheng would not be able to see her. There was never a moment when Mo Lan hated her height like now.

After waiting for 10 minutes, Mo Lan still didn't see Gu Jingcheng.She had no choice but to leave.Gu Jingcheng should not be at the place where he came. Mo Lan followed the crowd and thought about going to the square first. After all, she and Gu Jingcheng had agreed to put lights on the square.

After finally squeezing into the square, Mo Lan regretted even more. The square was full of people, and Mo Lan became even more confused. She struggled through the crowd, trying to find someone similar to Gu Jingcheng.

Suddenly someone patted Mo Lan on the shoulder, Mo Lan turned her head, and Gu Jingcheng looked at Mo Lan anxiously.

"Where did you go, I've been looking for you for a long time?"

The moment she saw Gu Jingcheng, Mo Lan's heart was relieved, and she asked. "Why walk around, I can't look back and see you, do you know how scared I am?"

Gu Jingcheng was stunned. Mo Lan had never been so anxious. In his impression, Mo Lan seemed to be very calm no matter what happened. Even if he was made things difficult, he would fight back witty.

Mo Lan's eyes were a little moist, because her face was very red because she was excited. At first, when Gu Jingcheng was away, she was busy looking for him, so she didn't feel it. Now that Gu Jingcheng appeared, her heart calmed down, and she couldn't help but feel all kinds of feelings They all rushed up.

She was really scared, worried about what happened to Gu Jingcheng, she knew that Zhao Lin and Gu Jingran were eyeing Gu Jingcheng, and would send someone to hurt Gu Jingcheng.

Although there are a lot of people here, nothing will happen, but Mo Lan is just afraid. Some people have already occupied a certain position in his heart, and he will be very scared just thinking that he might be injured.

Mo Lan began to realize that perhaps Gu Jingcheng had already occupied a certain position in her heart invisibly.

Gu Jingcheng hugged Mo Lan lightly, she gasped a little because of excitement, and patted Mo Lan's back, Gu Jingcheng leaned against Mo Lan's ear, comforting Mo Lan with a calm voice.

"It's okay, am I here? Just now I left for a while, but when I went back, you were no longer there."

"Then you should tell me too." Mo Lan's voice was a little excited, "You should also tell me about important things, and I won't allow it."

"I told you, but I didn't expect you didn't hear." Gu Jingcheng's voice was helpless, Mo Lan thought for a while, she seemed to have heard Gu Jingcheng say that she was going to leave when she was choosing the lamp, but she didn't care, wait She recovered and didn't see Gu Jingcheng.She started to worry, and naturally she didn't remember that sentence.

Thinking of this, Mo Lan felt a little embarrassed, but fortunately Gu Jingcheng couldn't see her while holding her, so Mo Lan stretched out her arms and hugged Gu Jingcheng tightly, fearing that he would disappear.

"Then you shouldn't just say that and leave. I didn't hear you. You also know that my mind was on the lamp at that time."

Mo Lan's voice was muffled, but Gu Jingcheng could still hear her embarrassment, rubbed Mo Lan's hair, and said, "It's all my fault, I didn't think carefully, I thought you heard it clearly I left, and you were so worried because I didn't make it clear."

Mo Lan let go of Gu Jingcheng, her face was still red, "Who is worried about you, I'm just afraid that you will get lost."

Gu Jingcheng smiled dotingly, and his tone was full of compromise, "Okay, you're not worried, it's just me being sentimental."

Mo Lan nodded, then snorted.

"It's already started to put the lights on, let's light them up." Gu Jingcheng suggested as he saw that the people around him were putting up the lights one after another.

Mo Lan hummed, and then they turned on the folded Kongming lantern and lit it. Mo Lan made a devout wish with her eyes closed.

Gu Jingcheng didn't believe this, so he didn't participate.He looked at Mo Lan's tightly closed eyes with a serious expression, and couldn't move his eyes for a while.

The sense of familiarity in Gu Jingcheng's heart reached its maximum at this moment, he had never felt so familiar with Mo Lan like now.Shaking his head, Gu Jingcheng has been feeling this way more and more recently.

Mo Lan opened her eyes, her voice was very excited, and her tone was also very happy, "Okay, let's put the lights up."

The two held the lantern, let it go slowly, and looked up to watch the lantern float up into the sky little by little. Mo Lan turned to look at Gu Jingcheng, "Do you believe that the wish will come true?"

Gu Jingcheng looked at Mo Lan, he suddenly remembered that someone had asked him this question before, and smiled softly, Gu Jingcheng's tone did not have the slightest disbelief.

"My friends told me that there is something to believe in, and if you think your dream will come true, it will come true."

Mo Lan lowered her head, Gu Jingcheng did not forget, this sentence was told to her by himself back then.At that time, she asked Gu Jingcheng to make a birthday wish, but Gu Jingcheng rejected her with disdain, and said it was all fake.

At that time, he said what Gu Jingcheng said just now. He didn't expect that after so many years, he still remembered it.

Mo Lan's mood suddenly improved, the more he knew that he had himself in his heart, the more Mo Lan's heart moved.

The people around let go of the lights one after another, so the whole sky was filled with Kongming lanterns. Mo Lan looked at the sky and said, "I believe that my wish will come true, and I also believe that the wishes entrusted by the lanterns all over the sky will come true." .”

Gu Jingcheng looked at Mo Lan's face, "Can you tell me what wish you made?" Mo Lan shook her head, "I can't say it. It won't work if I say it."

Gu Jingcheng didn't pursue it, and Mo Lan didn't want to say it.Following Mo Lan's example, Gu Jingcheng looked up at the shining lights in the sky.

Mo Lan secretly looked at Gu Jingcheng, and she made a wish, hoping that she would not turn against Gu Jingcheng after she succeeded in revenge.

Mo Lan didn't wish for revenge, because she would do it at all costs, but she hoped that after her revenge, Gu Jingcheng would not hate herself for what she did to the Gu family and the Gu family.

Mo Lan is not afraid of making enemies of the Gu family, but she doesn't want to confront Gu Jingcheng now. If possible, she really hopes that Gu Jingcheng can always be with her.

"God," Mo Lan said in her heart, "I know I'm greedy, I hope Gu Jingcheng won't be angry because of my behavior, and even continue to accompany me."

"I also know that is just an ideal state. After he knows what I have done, he will never forgive me. I just hope that our final ending is not to hate each other."

Mo Lan was very helpless. Although this kind of wishing was silly, she just believed that she had no other choice, so she could only pray.

After setting off the lights, the crowd gradually dispersed, Mo Lan looked at Gu Jingcheng, "What did you do just now?"

Gu Jingcheng's expression was very mysterious, "You can't say it now, you will know when you leave here later."

(End of this chapter)

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