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Chapter 253 Criticism Assembly

Chapter 253 Criticism Assembly
"By the way, Xia Fei and Hu Wenze obtained rare abilities through Song Zhixuan. Will the base deprive them of the right to participate in the secret land exploration?" Xing Lu suddenly remembered the scene where Hu Wenze met Song Zhixuan that day, but she didn't know Hu Wenze Knowing that the masked man he compliments so much is actually Song Zhixuan, who is also the 'Six Sons of Chaoyang', what a brilliant expression he will have.

"Song Zhixuan is very smart. He didn't mention the matter of obtaining such rare abilities this time. Uncle Wu probably won't be able to find the list of Song Zhixuan helping others obtain their abilities this time. Now only you and I know how to get their abilities. Here." Chu Yu reminded her.

When Xing Lu thought about it carefully, it was true that Song Zhixuan only said that Williams helped him obtain the ability, but did not tell everyone how it was operated.There was also Qiu Lin's ability-activating potion in front, and everyone took it for granted that Williams also relied on the potion to stimulate his ability, and no one paid attention to this matter.

"Okay, there must be a way before the car reaches the mountain, let's not worry about the future here. As for Xia Fei and Hu Wenze, they just obtained the qualification to go to the secret land to explore. Whether they can pass depends on their strength. Seeing that Xing Lu said that he understood, Chu Yu nodded secretly in his heart, and then changed the subject: "I'm going to Midi tomorrow, do you feel very excited?"

"Exploring the secret land~" Xing Lu looked up at the sky, "Yes, I really want to know if what that person said is true."

"Is it true?" Chu Yu asked suspiciously.

"It's just..." Xing Lu was about to tell him, but suddenly felt that the two of them were discussing this issue in an ambiguous atmosphere, "In short, I just want to see if that person is a liar!"

Suddenly, Chu Yu was so blessed that he thought of what Xing Lu said just now, and felt a little embarrassed, so he gave a vague 'hmm' and didn't say anything else.


When the two returned to their residence, Chu Xiran hurried forward and chattered to ask what they were doing.

Xing Lu felt that it was necessary to let her know, so as not to suffer in the future, so she told her what happened in the small courtyard in the western suburbs.There is also the matter of Xiaohua, she has not had time to tell her, but thinking of going to explore the secret land tomorrow, she decided to hide it from her.

"Ah? Brother Zhixuan sent people to do these things of the Hurricane Mercenary Corps?" Chu Xiran was amazed, "When I was young, I played in Song's house and saw him crying because a puppy died of illness. ~"

She couldn't believe that the big brother who was so kind at the beginning would become the massacre and madman that everyone talked about now.

"People are subject to change. In short, you should remember that when you meet him in the future, just try to avoid him as much as possible," Xing Lu reminded her, "Don't try to fight him head-on. What kind of person is he? Everything can be done, and we must ensure our own safety as soon as possible.”

Xing Lu's earnest teaching made Chu Xiran's heart warm, "Understood, sister Lulu, thank you for always thinking about me~"

"Silly girl, what are you talking about? Who else can I do if I don't think about you? Song Zhixuan doesn't need me to worry about it!" Xing Lu scolded with a smile.

"Song Zhixuan won't need it, my brother can't wait for it!" Chu Xiran said narrowly.

"Okay, you are so courageous that you dare to make fun of me? Your brother..." Xing Lu was about to refute her, but when she saw the anxious Chu Yu, she immediately changed her tone, "Your brother, of course I will tell him later~ "

Chu Xiran smiled and ran away, and the remaining one, Chu Yu, gradually approached Xing Lu, "Why, didn't you tell me to tell me? Tell me, I'll listen to you~"


When the two came to the restaurant to have dinner with everyone, Xing Lu's face was still hot.She didn't expect that Chu Yu would dare to kiss her in the corridor. When she saw the gossiping eyes of the cleaning lady who was in charge of cleaning as she passed by, she wished she could find a crack in the ground right away, but Chu Yu calmly kissed her. She gave way, and continued to kiss herself.

"By the way, we will gather at the gate of the base at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. This was announced by the competition organizing committee after you left today." Uncle Da explained to Chu Yu.

Chu Yu took a bite of the mutated beef, nodded to show that he knew, "How many people passed, is it one hundred or all of us 130?"

"All the contestants who passed." Uncle Cang replied, "Zhao Heng decided."

"Zhao Heng won't act arbitrarily. This must be the intention of the organizing committee of the competition." Chu Yu said, "That's fine, more people have more hope."

"By the way, Uncle Wu has already found out about the Hurricane Mercenary Corps. Song Zhixuan sent someone to do it. I don't know the specific details. You just need to remember to try not to contact him in the future." Chu Yu He took a sip of the soup, "And Xia Fei and Hu Wenze from the Huashan base, you guys try to hide as much as you can along the way."

He didn't want everyone to be taken advantage of by Song Zhixuan when they were unprepared. After all, Luo Qi, Uncle Da and Uncle Cang knew Song Zhixuan.

"Song Zhixuan, is that Song Zhixuan who is also the 'Six Sons of Chaoyang' with you?" Lin Jiaye asked in surprise.The rest of the people also looked at him in surprise.

"Yes, that's him." Chu Yu nodded, "If you meet him in the future, try to be careful."

"It's really unexpected that Song Zhixuan, who always liked to do good deeds before the catastrophe, turned out to be such a person~" Mu Han, who had been eating with his head down, suddenly said.

"Why, did you see him before the cataclysm?" Lou Haishan asked him with a smile.

"Five years ago, our company undertook the construction of several teaching buildings donated by him in Q City." Mu Han continued, "At that time, he brought his wife Wen Yongxin to attend the foundation laying ceremony of the teaching buildings. He took care of Wen Yongxin in every possible way, which made the female teachers in their school envious, and they all wished that it was me who was taken care of!"

"Before the cataclysm, the rumors that he loved his wife spread all over China, the story of Prince Charming and Cinderella~ tsk tsk tsk, of course it is enviable." Roach also knows a lot about this.

"I just don't know if he treats his wife so well now~" Lin Jiaxin sighed: "If I can find someone who treats me so well in the future, I will die willingly."

"It's crooked, it's crooked, we're discussing how to guard against Song Zhixuan here, why did it turn into a commendation meeting in a short while?" Chu Xiran stopped everyone from continuing to boast.

"Xiao Xi is right," Xing Lu echoed, "No matter what kind of person Song Zhixuan was before, no matter how good and kind he is, there is no way to change the fact that he has done so many wrong things. What we have to do is, It is to be able to consume as much of his resources as possible on the premise of protecting ourselves well. We can always wipe out his influence in Lingtian base, so that he has nowhere to escape!"

"Yes, Song Zhixuan is our enemy now, treat the enemy as ruthlessly as the autumn wind sweeps away fallen leaves!" Chu Xiran echoed.

(End of this chapter)

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