Chapter 254

The next day, the 130 people who passed the test came to the gate of the base in high spirits to gather.

Compared with yesterday's busy and dusty, they looked more vigorous after a night's rest.

After Chairman Liu of the competition organizing committee announced their route and mission this time, the whole team was still led by Situ Nanfeng and set off in a mighty manner.

"Xing Lu, you followed yesterday?" Sun Zhuoyan walked to Xing Lu's side and asked her in a low voice, "Is it dangerous?"

Although Situ Nanfeng did not participate in yesterday's incident, he also got the news through his own channels. As his fiancee, Sun Zhuoyan naturally also knew what happened.

"That's not true. That Song Zhixuan didn't seem to intend to hurt us, but he took the opportunity to escape after saying something himself." Xing Lu didn't hide it, "I haven't found his accomplice yet~"

"Oh~ I've seen Song Zhixuan a few times, I really didn't expect him to be such a person~" Sun Zhuoyan sighed. "Okay, don't think about it, anyway, be careful in the future."

Sun Zhuoyan patted Xing Lu's shoulder, then walked back to where Situ Nanfeng was.

Knowing that she came here specially to care for her, Xing Lu couldn't help but feel warm in her heart. She felt very happy to be able to gain such a friendship without asking for anything in the last days.

After crossing over by myself, Feixue and Feixue became life and death partners, with good sisters like Chu Xiran and Lin Jiaxin who can be confidant, Luo Qi, Uncle Da, Uncle Cang, Lin Jiaye, and Lou Haishan and Mu Han who can be trusted The back partner, and more importantly, Xing Lu felt that she was very content with having a confidant like Chu Yu and a heaven-defying existence like Yuyue Xiaozhu.If it weren't for the regrets left by the death of Xiaohua and his son and Wang Yongwei, she really felt that her life was complete.

Xia Fei gritted her teeth and watched Xing Lu and Situ Nanfeng's fiancée laughing and chatting in front of her, wishing she could immediately step forward and tear her face apart.

The first time she returned to the base, she went to find that person to get a pill that could relieve her emotions. Naturally, she also saw Xing Lu walking into the small courtyard.Later, some people entered one after another, including her suitor Ling Tian.

Because the man said that when he came to him, he tried to avoid outsiders, so she never showed up.

Later, there was a lot of commotion in the small courtyard, and when it calmed down, Xia Fei saw Xing Lu and several other people coming out first. Just to be on the safe side, she waited for a long time before seeing those people all leave.

When she went in to look for that person again, even though she searched the small courtyard, she couldn't find it.

It's all this hateful Xing Lu!If it wasn't for her, how could that person leave? !How could I work so hard, not get that person's pills, and could only take some ordinary medicines for relief?Xia Fei really hated her right now.

In fact, Xing Lu was really wronged, so many people went in, but Xia Fei only hated her, and didn't use her brain to think about it, could only Xing Lu have such a great ability?
Hu Wenze also only got the news yesterday near midnight, knowing that the mysterious masked man who gave him the ability to corrode is actually Song Zhixuan.He couldn't help but recall Song Zhixuan's pretentious posture when he met him a few times ago, and hated him very much.

Obviously knowing who he is, but allowing himself to flatter him and say good things to him, he must be extremely proud at that time, right?At that time, he must have been secretly happy in his heart: As the 'Six Sons of Chaoyang', I, Song Zhixuan, can make you so respectful, how happy I am!

Hu Wenze's fists were about to be crushed when he thought that he had been played like a monkey by him for so long.

Did those people know about this?Who else knows that I obtained the corrosion ability through him?The irritability and irritability have just been brought under control, and there is only one month's worth of pills left, what should I do if it recurs later?If these things are known to the public, will Hu Wenze lose face?How could he straighten his back in front of Chu Yu and others who had been secretly fighting against each other? !After worrying all night, Hu Wenze fell asleep in a daze when it was approaching dawn.

Fortunately, no one mentioned this matter until he left Lingtian base, and Hu Wenze's concern was slowly let go.


It is said to be majestic, but it is only from the perspective of those who saw off at the gate of the base.In fact, these people have just finished a high-intensity expedition that lasted for more than half a month, and neither their physical strength nor their energy have returned to their best condition.Fortunately, after the catastrophe, the physical fitness of the supernatural beings has been greatly improved, otherwise no one would have the energy to participate in the expedition.

Therefore, they didn't deal with some mutant creatures they encountered along the way as neatly as before.After lingering for a long time like this, when eating at noon, someone made an opinion.

"Master Situ, there is no way for us to stay depressed like this. Although the people present are all elites among high-level supernatural beings, they are not iron men after all, are they? Can we rest for an afternoon and start tomorrow?"

Someone started, and someone immediately echoed: "That's right, the old saying is good, 'sharpening a knife does not miss a woodcutter', if our condition is adjusted to the best, the chances of completing the secret exploration will also increase. of."

The two supernatural beings who spoke were both injured a lot while hunting the mutated Wujiu a few days ago.They didn't rest after being injured, and they still marched with the team for so long. They only rested for yesterday afternoon and evening, and it was really too much for them at the moment.

In order not to cause panic among the people, only a small number of people know the secrets in that secret place, and what has been circulated to the outside world is that there may be some great treasures in this secret place.Therefore, they only thought that the tight arrangement of the schedule by the organizing committee of the competition was an additional test for the contestants.

Situ Nanfeng and Ling Tian looked at each other, saw the helplessness in each other's eyes, then turned their heads to look at the many eye-catching supernatural beings around them, "Okay, let's talk about it first, we can only spend more time this afternoon. Rest here, and have to hurry early tomorrow morning."

"Thank you, Master Situ, for your understanding!" Many people thanked Situ Nanfeng gratefully after hearing Situ Nanfeng's words.

They knew that Situ Nanfeng didn't have to accommodate them like this.Go treasure hunting, the less people go, the greater the chance of them getting the treasure?They all went, wouldn't there be more people competing with them?Although they might not be able to win him, Situ Nanfeng's broad mind still won him a lot of supporters.

Because the main purpose of stopping to rest is to restore their state as soon as possible, and everyone no longer pays attention to eating on time. After setting up the tents, they ate casually and got into the tents to rest.

Stay with Situ Nanfeng and the others to discuss the next arrangement.

(End of this chapter)

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