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Chapter 255 Talking about business

Chapter 255 Talking about business

"If we don't leave today, can we go to Midi in three days?" Hu Wenze asked Situ Nanfeng impatiently.

'Situ Nanfeng is used to doing such things to win over people's hearts, and every time he compromises with others at critical moments! 'Hu Wenze said bitterly in his heart.

At the lair where they went to hunt the mutant dove, if he hadn't been unable to withstand the pleas of those people and took him to the cliff again, several of his capable generals would not have died because of it.Of the people who came back this time, there were only six left in his team, including himself and his sister.As for Situ Nanfeng's team, there was only one person missing.Han Yifeng's team was missing two, and Ling Tian and Chu Yu's team was even more annoying, not even one was missing!
It's obviously the same starting line, so now I'm a bit shorter than them!Hu Wenze didn't remember at all, after the first hunt, his team members had only three mutant doves in their hands, and the other three were all obtained during the second hunt.

If these oil bottles say they can't take it, let them go back. Why do you have to accommodate them? !He also forgot that on the way back, his sister Hu Lingling just let everyone rest for three hours because she was alone.

"The next itinerary should be tighter, and we should be able to get there in two and a half days." Ling Tian took out the map hand-drawn by the supernatural beings who had been there before. "If we don't take the main road and pass through here, we may arrive in less than two days."

"Do you want to go here?" Chu Yu looked at the route he was pointing at, "It really won't take two days, and it will take about one day."

What Ling Tian was referring to was actually a river. After walking a little further from here, there is a big river surrounding J Province—the Orunaxi River.They drifted along the river, and at the end they reached their destination.

"Will there be too many mutated fish in the water?" Situ Nanfeng asked worriedly, his movements in the water were limited, and the abilities they cast could only be [-]% effective.

"The fish here were famous for being huge before the cataclysm, so they probably won't be easy to deal with." Han Yifeng also expressed his concerns.

"Because of this, I said it would take a day," Ling Tian explained to them: "Generally, a passenger ship can travel normally on the water, and it takes three hours to arrive."

"Just right, we really prepared the ships before we came to Lingtian Base." Sun Zhuoyan laughed.

"Yeah, my brother even found someone in the base to transform them into using crystal cores as the power source, because once when crossing the river, two people were required to paddle, which was a waste of combat power." Chu Xi Ran agreed.

"So foresight?!" Sun Zhuoyan exclaimed, "Is there any spare boat, give us one!"

"Then what's the problem!" Chu Xiran generously took out a boat made of metal plates more than three meters from the space button, and the motor on it was powered by crystal cores.

"Thank you!" Sun Zhuoyan gulped at Chu Xiran's face happily. When Luo Qi saw it, he hurriedly stepped forward to separate the two of them, "Don't move!"

"Chu Yu, I didn't expect you to be so thoughtful!" Xing Lu only now knew that Chu Yu had such an arrangement.

"Of course, I'm only allowed to encounter the same problem once, and I'll try my best to find a solution afterwards." Chu Yu admitted without any humility.

"I admire!" Xing Lu gave him a thumbs up. When crossing the river that time, she also felt that although the person in charge of paddling did not participate in the battle, he was the most tired one in the team.Why?Is it all physical work?That's just over half an hour. If it's like what Ling Tian said today, if you row for half a day, you won't be exhausted? !
But I just thought about it at the time, and never thought of transforming them afterwards.

"Hey, don't go first. Their ships have crystal cores as power sources, but ours doesn't. Then the whole team's marching rhythm will be disrupted?" Hu Wenze saw that they were all about to leave, and hurriedly stopped everyone.

"Why, does Young Master Hu still want us to take you away?" Xing Lu laughed angrily. "Without the crystal nucleus as a power source, wouldn't it be enough to use a few more supernatural beings to row the boat?!"

"You!" Hu Wenze really planned to let them take them away, but he still felt a little embarrassed to be confronted by Xing Lu face to face.But when he thought of the poor five or six people in his team, he became more confident, "Our number is too small, how can we arrange more people to row the boat? At worst, we will pay you crystal nuclei as a reward, so it's okay for the head office?"

"Will you be paid? Yes, then... how much is Young Master Hu going to give?" Xing Lu smiled, without any embarrassment at all for mentioning this.

Standing by the side, Chu Yu only looked at her with a smile, and didn't think there was anything wrong with Xing Lu rushing to speak in front of him.

"How much do you want?" Seeing that Situ Nanfeng and the others were only holding a wait-and-see attitude, Hu Wenze asked with a dark face. He didn't believe that this Xing Lu dared to speak loudly in front of so many people.

"Young Master Hu, please give me some advice, you won't cheat us!" Xing Lu replied with a smile, her face full of calculations.He, Hu Wenze, wanted himself to ask for the number of crystal nuclei, so that people would have an opinion about him, so she just asked him to name the number himself.

She really just wanted to see what price Hu Wenze would give herself!
"Then, one hundred sixth-level crystal nuclei, okay?" Hu Wenze was overwhelmed by Xing Lu, and he couldn't be too low to make everyone laugh, so he could only knock down his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

"Hehe~ Young Master Hu is really generous~" Knowing that pushing his request in public would make others think they were mean to others, so Chu Xiran didn't feel inappropriate at all when Xing Lu and Hu Wenze asked for a crystal nucleus just now.When she got Hu Wenze a bamboo stick, Chu Xiran felt really happy, "Then thank you, Young Master Hu, for your patronage! This crystal nucleus can be used as our living expenses for two months!"

"You are welcome to help us cross the river. We should pay for the crystal nucleus!" Hu Wenze pressed down on Hu Lingling who was about to stand up, gritted his teeth and replied, the smile on his face was stiff.

"Okay, your affairs have been properly arranged, then send someone to inform the others that those who don't have a boat should prepare early." Situ Nanfeng has been watching from the side since just now, neither favoring this nor that.Anyway, Hu Wenze completed the transaction voluntarily, no one forced him.

When the news spread, unexpectedly none of the teams did not prepare ships.I think they are very fancy about this secret land expedition, and how well prepared they are.It just so happened that several teams were preparing ships that used crystal cores as power sources, and like Xing Lu, they also received an extra business.

It's just that other teams are not as rich and powerful as Hu Wenze, and the rewards they pay are at most thirty sixth-level crystal nuclei.When Hu Wenze heard the news, he crushed another fine white porcelain teacup.

(End of this chapter)

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