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Chapter 265 Presenting Mutant Black Chicken Soup

Chapter 265 Presenting Mutant Black Chicken Soup

Chu Xiran originally wanted to try again, but Luo Qi looked at her still pale face and stopped her forcefully. Even Lin Jiaxin, who was eager to try, could only give up his mind.

One after another, people with supernatural powers passed through this section of the journey, and entered the next section of the journey where they felt relaxed and ecstatic, including Xing Lu and the other five.

"Yo, Uncle Da, Uncle Cang, you can do it, this passed?!" Sun Zhuoyan had recovered a lot of strength at this time, and she was ready to joke with others.

"Of course, we are growing old and strong~" the kind Uncle Da answered her, his voice couldn't hide his complacency.

Yes, after all, he is already over fifty years old, and he actually passed when many young high-level supernatural beings failed!Although he looked a bit embarrassed, the most important thing was that even Chu Aojun, the Patriarch of the Chu family, failed!Did not pass!Didn't pass, okay? ! !
It is estimated that when the Patriarch finds out, he will not be reconciled, right?Uncle Cang thought secretly.

"Well, grow old and strong!" Sun Zhuoyan nodded in agreement.

Soon, Chu Yu, Xing Lu, Han Yifeng, Qiu Lin, Ling Tian, ​​Chen Hong, and Lin Jiaye walked out of the pressure zone one after another, embracing and blessing each other.

Among them were four people from Situ Nanfeng's team, five people from Ling Tian's team, five people from Chu Yu's team, four people from Han Yifeng's team, and seven people from other teams. Among them, Xing Lu only knew Qingqing. Fiancé Deng Haofeng, and the last one is Hu Wenze, the 'polished commander'.

Qingqing, whom Xing Lu was familiar with, and Xia Fei, who had been displeased with her all the time, didn't pass through, and stayed on the road that Xing Lu didn't notice at all.

There was laughter and laughter here, but here Hu Wenze wished he could vomit blood.

He landed almost on his stomach.If it wasn't for his vigilance, when he was about to get in close contact with the earth, he took out a set of quilts from his space button, he would have thrown a dog to eat shit today.

But even if he didn't fall to the ground, no one wanted to step forward to help him.Thinking of the hugs before, and seeing himself alone now, Hu Wenze's heart vomited even more.Seeing that there were still three or four people passing under the rest of the people, he couldn't help becoming even more angry: What is the reason for this? When he selected the team members, he was selected by people with high-level abilities. The results in the competition were faintly top-notch among these teams. If it wasn't for the fact that Hu Shaogang helped his sister frame Xing Lu and was disqualified, how could they be proud?
But now?They are still proud of their spring breeze, shouting and embracing, but they are all alone, and there is no one to help them get up!

But Hu Wenze never thought that the players he selected might not be as high as their level because of their high level of abilities, personal quality, loyalty to the team, and their own perseverance.Everything will be done in order to get a higher crystal nucleus, so how can they be expected to have a tenacious will? !
"Okay, it's getting late, let's take a rest here, have something to eat before moving on!" Situ Nanfeng had recovered some of his strength at this time, and greeted everyone.

Xing Lu looked down at the time. It was already past three o'clock in the afternoon. If it was normal, her stomach would have been growling.If he hadn't devoted all his energy to fighting the heavy pressure, it wouldn't be too much to consume such a large power to eat two meals.

After Situ Nanfeng's reminder, the rest of the people also felt hungry, and they all took out the most energy-replenishing food from the space button and ate them.

Xing Lu admired everyone for the ability user who was able to get here successfully.Anyway, she had already disclosed that she was a pharmacist, so she simply took out the soup prepared in advance with some spiritual spring water in it.

"Everyone, let's have a bowl. I added herbs that can quickly restore abilities." She distributed the soup and explained the uniqueness of the soup to everyone.In order not to scare them by the effect of the soup after taking it later.

When everyone heard what she said, they raised their hands to drink after thanking her one after another.Even Hu Wenze didn't think that there would be anything wrong with it.

A bowl of soup was quickly drunk, and everyone immediately noticed the extraordinaryness of this soup cup.A hot current flowed from the intestines and stomach to the limbs and bones, and everyone who felt sore all over the body opened their eyes wide.

Someone tried to move his hands and feet, yes, very flexible.Pooh!I want to see if it still hurts!I moved again, but I really didn't feel any pain at all. What's going on? !What an incredible recovery speed is this? !
They were already envious when they heard that Xing Lu was a pharmacist, but after all, some people had never used the medicine she distributed, and everyone just thought that the medicine she made was just good.

But now, everyone present has personally experienced the super efficacy of the potion she prepared, and they have all made friends with her.

"Miss Xing Lu, you are really amazing. I think the medicine you prepared is even better than that prepared by Master Li in Lingtian Pavilion~" a supernatural person praised.

"Hehe, is that right? I think it's because you are so weak that you can absorb a little bit of energy quickly, so that makes me look amazing, right?!" Xing Lu joked with him.She didn't want to become famous in Lingtian base so soon, after all, she disclosed her identity as a pharmacist just to avoid being interrogated when giving things to her teammates.

"Hey, what you said is really true~ Let me just say, Miss Xing Lu has just become a pharmacist, how can the medicines she prepared be on par with Master Li~" Some people are good at it, "But just learned It’s pretty good that the compounding potion has such an effect~”

Xing Lu just smiled at other people's compliments, and neither refuted nor thanked her. That person felt bored, so she stopped talking.

Qiu Lin drank the mutated silky chicken soup in the bowl, but felt that the more she drank it, the more unpleasant it became.I haven't returned the system yet, and Xing Lu has already won so many people's hearts?If one day I am no longer special, how many people will remember me?I don't want to return the system, can I be the master?
The indignation, loss, and helplessness in my heart accumulated more and more, making the original delicious chicken soup lose its taste, like chewing wax, and it was difficult to swallow.

The one who is more sad than her is Hu Wenze.

Not only did he have to accept Xing Lu's chicken soup with a smile, but he also had to show his innocence in front of so many people.Why?Because now, just because I am the only one left in the whole team, I am being saluted by everyone, and if I get caught with a slightly unclear expression, there will be countless rumors that are not good for me and will be spread by these people in the future Of.

Not only can I not show my displeasure, but I also have to finish the mutated black chicken soup gracefully and thank Xing Lu again with gratitude. Is this really tolerable or unbearable? !
(End of this chapter)

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