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Chapter 266 Rest

Chapter 266 Rest
But he had to just endure it.Not having a helper around means that there is no support at all, so it has to be like this! ?
"Hey Xing Lu, this place you entered is quite interesting," Feixue's voice sounded in Xing Lu's ear. "I didn't talk to you just now because I was afraid that it would affect your distraction. You wouldn't be angry, would you?"

"What's the relationship between us, of course I won't be angry with you because of such a trivial matter." Xing Lu replied with a smile, "What do you mean by saying something interesting? Is there anything special here?"

"Well, it's different from the world you're in now, and the place I was in before gave people a different feeling. It looks like a magic planet or a high-tech planet in a parallel universe." Feixue said in Obscure Moon Xiao Zhuli said while leaning lazily on the soft cloth cushion.

"Magic planet, high-tech planet?" Xing Lu's eyes lit up when she heard its deduction, "Does this mean that the space we are in now and the pressure we experienced just now are unique to those planets?" Do you have any?"

"Of course, I didn't feel this breath in the nine heavens and ten places or even in the four seas. It must be related to this place that I have never been to. In the whole world, I have not only been to a magic planet where magic is rampant, but also There are some planets with extremely advanced technology."

Feixue's words contained a lot of information, and Xing Lu only grasped the sentence "I haven't been there" after it, "It means that you don't know what's going on here?"

"Well, I'm sorry I can't help you, but I will work hard to restore my peak combat power as soon as possible. In the face of absolute strength, nothing is a problem!" Feixue apologized to Xing Lu and promised.

"It's okay, you just need to practice hard, and I won't bother you if it's okay. I will deal with it carefully, so you don't have to worry. Besides, there is Chu Yu. With his strength, it shouldn't be wrong to protect us." Problem." Xing Lu comforted it.

"Thank you for your understanding, Xing Lu, I am so lucky to have chosen someone like you to be my partner!" Feixue couldn't help but rejoice, at such a critical moment, as a partner, I couldn't help much , but also let the other party comfort, it is really too unreasonable.

It can't help but make up its mind in its heart, if Xing Lu is useful to him in the future, if he can help, he will definitely go through fire and water, and will not hesitate.

Now that there are too many people talking, Xing Lu and Feixue can't tell Chu Yu about the conversation between Xing Lu and Feixue, so Xing Lu pretended to be nonchalant and had dinner with Uncle Da, Uncle Cang, Lin Jiaye, and Chu Yu.

The period of passing this stress test was really exhausting for them, and no one knew what test they would encounter next.So after discussion, everyone unanimously decided to rest here enough before leaving.

Qiu Lin was clear about the next test, but she didn't want them to go so fast to rescue the master of the system—Major General Harveys.

Especially when the system told itself that all it needed to do next was to make his image conform to the aesthetic vision of Major General Harveys.Everyone here, who is not a dragon and a phoenix, even if Harveys has a critical eye, most people will definitely pass.I told them, didn't it just make Harveys come out a long time early?Why is she doing this? !

Besides, no one has told her the secret of owning this exchange store. If someone else knows this and still knows that such a heaven-defying system is about to leave her, how can she deal with herself? !

Will I continue to have all this that I have worked so hard to get? !Can Han Yifeng who is only engaged to himself but not married marry himself? !Even if he reluctantly married himself, what would he think of his wife?
No, even if you lose, just let yourself lose quietly, and don't let anyone know.The contestants who passed the first round were no good, not good friend Sun Zhuoyan, Xing Lu who was regarded as an opponent, and Han Yifeng, the fiancé, not even good.

"Qiu Lin, what's the matter? Are you too tired?" Han Yifeng's voice made Qiu Lin wake up from her thoughts.

"Well, I'm just a little too tired. I'm going to rest." Qiu Lin lifted Han Yifeng's hands on her shoulders, hurriedly responded to him, and entered the tent that had been set up after eating just now.

Although Qiu Lin's reaction was a bit strange, Han Yifeng only thought that she was really exhausted, and didn't take it seriously.Not to mention her, even as a man, I feel like the bones in my body are falling apart, and it hurts everywhere I move.He briefly explained to the two subordinates who passed the test, told them to recuperate well, and after receiving their tears of gratitude, he followed into the tent where Qiu Lin was.

It's not that he cares much about his subordinates, but that he knows how precious it is to have two helpers at such a critical time.Didn't you see Hu Wenze's desolation of being alone next to him?He didn't want to be like him, doing everything by himself.Besides, it's just a few heartwarming words, and it's just a matter of lip service, and you don't need to pay any extra price, and you can get the wholehearted return from the other party, so why not do it?Such a good deal, where can I find it if I miss it? !


What Han Yifeng said is right, Hu Wenze's current situation cannot be described as abject.

Not only was there no one to help me when I fell down, no one handed me chopsticks when I was eating, I had to clean up after meals, and I had to drag my tired and sore body to set up a tent by myself.Growing up so big, it was the first time for him to do so many things by himself, and it was still under the watchful eyes of everyone.

It's fine under the eyes of everyone, but what he can't bear the most is to do things he never bothered to do in front of the other four "Six Sons of Chaoyang" who have been standing shoulder to shoulder with him and secretly competing in private.I was not familiar with how to set up a tent at first, and now I was in a hurry, and it took me a long time to barely set it up.

Song Zhixuan has already revealed his deeds because of his wrongdoing, and he is completely incompatible with the Chinese people and the pinnacle of power.Could it be that among the few remaining people, is he going to be the bottom one? !He was so unwilling.

I think so, but with his current form alone, he can't do anything bold, so he can only silently follow behind them and enter the center of the secret place.As for the treasure in the center of Midi... Hu Wenze's eyes flashed a ruthless look.Even if there is only one person in front of them, they will never let anyone take it away easily.

If it is really impossible, he will not hesitate to use some means at the critical moment.

After applying medicine to the wound on his body clumsily, then lying down and pulling the blanket covering his body, Hu Wenze forced himself to fall asleep.He doesn't know what kind of challenge he will accept tomorrow. He has to recover his strength as soon as possible and not be left behind by them.

(End of this chapter)

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