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Chapter 267 Treasures Everywhere

Chapter 267 Treasures Everywhere
At six o'clock in the morning, people woke up one after another to take a shower.

After less than half an hour, the 26 supernatural beings who had passed the stressful test were all sorted out, and they were waiting for Situ Nanfeng's order to rush to the next battlefield immediately.

In fact, there is no sun shining in this secret tunnel, and it is impossible to tell whether it is day or night at this time, not only because everyone is wearing a crystal core mechanical watch that is still accurate even after 100 years of use, but also because The biological clock that has been cultivated for many years cannot be changed so easily.

Three years after the cataclysm, everyone had already gotten used to the routine of 'working at sunrise and resting at sunset'.There is no other reason, because the night activities at this time are really too dangerous, no one would risk their own lives, would they? !

It is said that it is well prepared, but when it is time to step into the next intersection, everyone still has some concerns.

The result of this is that no one wants to go too fast, for fear that they will be the first to be in danger.Especially Hu Wenze, he has shrunk to the back of the team, and no one can be slower than him.

Situ Nanfeng and the others knew what he did, and they couldn't force him to move forward.

Seeing this situation, Ling Tian was about to open his mouth to tell Situ Nanfeng that he would lead the way, when Chu Yu said, "Brother Nanfeng, let me go ahead!"

"No, I'll lead the way." Situ Nanfeng didn't agree with him, "I can use the metal ability to make a shield to block the front, or I will go first."

Just like when he was serving in the army, Situ Nanfeng would always rush to the front when doing things, and would never let his soldiers help him block bullets.Now that the situation ahead was unclear, how could he let Chu Yu, who was regarded as a brother, take risks? !

"Brother Nanfeng, I also have a gold-type ability. The two of us advance side by side, and we can have a support." It was Han Yifeng's voice.

Situ Nanfeng pondered for a while, then nodded and agreed, "Okay, be careful later."

"Well, I will." Han Yifeng nodded.He didn't like to do such showy things, but when he thought that this was the critical moment to recruit the remaining seven supernatural beings, he had to do something.

Although the road ahead is boundless, he is still very confident about his gold-type powers, and he can definitely retreat in a critical moment.

If he can successfully pass this time, he is at least [-]% sure that he can incorporate three of the seven people.Don't underestimate the three people, they are the best among all the supernatural beings in China, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they can defeat a hundred with one.

Coupled with the fact that his righteous performance today spread word of mouth among the contestants present, are there any worries that more supernatural beings will join the Han family? !Han Yifeng had to praise his wit.

Qiu Lin, who knows his thoughts best, is very clear in her heart, but it is absolutely impossible to expect her to expose him.Just kidding, now Han Yifeng's interests are completely tied to his own, his good is his own good, and he was kicked in the head by a donkey, so he wanted to expose him and make himself suffer? !
Chu Yu, who was equally cunning, understood, but he didn't bother to argue with him about this matter.Anyway, it didn't hurt his own interests, how could other people respect him and do what he did?For Han Yifeng, the power and fame that he is obsessed with are just a fleeting moment to him.

As for the others, as long as Han Yifeng didn't hurt the people he cared about, he wouldn't care what they did.What choice does it have to do with others if you are responsible for your own choices?
Chu Yu's temperament was originally cold, and he was even cold-blooded when he was Emperor Leo. He never felt that it was wrong not to persuade others.What's more, even if they took refuge in Han Yifeng, their future might not be bleak.


Turning around the intersection where they were resting, the scene in front of them was completely opposite to when they came.

Although the road ahead was flat and smooth, and the walls were bright, it was a gray metallic color.

What happened to the splendor at both ends of the road in front of you? !What about the ground paved with a whole piece of rock that looks like jade but not jade? !
Everyone's eyes are straight.

"Hey, it's still a rare black pearl~" Lin Jiaye touched the black pearl in front of him, which was bigger than a goose egg, and couldn't stop admiring it.There was no trace of greed in Qingming's eyes, it was just admiration for such things.

"Ha! It turned out to be a pink diamond that is bigger than a pigeon's egg! Just this one, it should be sold for a billion before the catastrophe?!" A contestant in Han Yifeng's team exclaimed.

Xing Lu followed his voice and found the crystal clear pink inlaid on the wall at a glance.

"Xiaoxi will like it very much when she sees it." She muttered to herself.

"Like it? Why don't you just take it off?!" Before Chu Yu finished speaking, there was a touch of pink in his hand that was even more tender than the pink Xing Lu had just seen.There was actually a pink diamond in his hand, but it was more than double the size of what the man saw before.

"Hey, you took it off without saying a word, what if it's a mechanism?!" Xing Lu disagreed with his reckless approach.

"Hehe~" Chu Yu smiled, "It's okay, Xing Lu, don't you think that the things in front of you are not real at all?!"

"What, what do you mean?" Xing Lu was startled, if it wasn't a real existence, could it be a fake?really! "You mean, these things are all fake.! No way? How is it possible?!"

"It's not all fake, don't you know that 'if a fake is real, it's also fake, and when it's fake, it's also true'?" Chu Yu's smile was indescribably weird, "What's more, there is nothing genuine, and How could you have fooled our sharp eyes?"

That's right, most of the people present here grew up among treasures, and even if a precious and rare antique fell into their hands, it might just be a handy tool or an interesting toy.If you can't even tell the authenticity of the treasure, how can you be worthy of the family's cultivation for so many years? !
But not everyone is like them.There are also people like Xing Lu who are blind without any research on antique treasures. Even if a priceless treasure is placed in front of her, maybe she will only regard it as an interesting toy or a handy tool.With such an ending, it is a trouble with the children of the aristocratic family.

It's just that one really didn't know its value, mistook the pearl for a fish eye, and regretted it when he knew its true identity.One is that he only regards pearls as fish eyes and doesn't care about them.

"A fantasy is arranged here, and the treasures and luxurious decorations that a person has seen or only heard about will be automatically imprinted in his mind," Chu Yu slowly explained to Xing Lu, "It's just that the people who arranged it were more clever. All the things in the illusion, what the people inside see are the same, and they are both true and false."

(End of this chapter)

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