Chapter 275

"Okay, then I'll leave first." Qiu Lin curled her lips, and smiled at Major General Harveys in what she thought was the sweetest before turning and leaving.

In fact, from the perspective of Major General Harveys, Qiu Lin has no sense of beauty at this moment.Although her face was almost perfect, Harveys had never seen anyone prettier than her.What's more, there are five or six ropes of different thicknesses tied to her body, and the exquisite curves can't be seen at all.

In his eyes, Qiu Lin was just a predestined person who brought an intelligent system to meet him.But Major General Harveys, who has always been cold and indifferent, thinks he has given her enough in return, so why would he look at her differently? !
Looking at Qiu Lin's leaving back, he suddenly thought: Oh no, I forgot to ask her for some more porridge. In such a short time, he felt a little hungry again.

"Major General, are you stupid? We have an exchange shop, what kind of nutrient solution can't you exchange for?! You still think about bland gruel!" Xiao Hei's voice could not stop mocking.It has been a long time since it has teased its master like this, alas, this feeling is really so comfortable!
"What do you know?!" Harveys retorted disdainfully, "Although the nutrient solution has various flavors, it is just a liquid. How can it be compared to the taste of chewing rice grains when you drink it in your mouth!"

"Aren't there cream-like and fudge-like nutritional supplements? If you want a chewy texture, the exchange store can do it!" Xiao Hei still didn't understand.

"Hey, I'm really drunk to discuss the taste with your intangible intelligent system here~" Harveys shook his head, "In short, the various senses of touch, smell, and taste of human beings are very magical existences. , you won’t understand this program code.”

"Major General, you look down on program codes!" Xiao Hei refused.


When Qiu Lin came out of that confined space, everyone was gathered around the door expectantly.

"Qiu Lin, have you come out?" Sun Zhuoyan first saw her sharply.Immediately smiled and stepped forward to hug her.

She looked behind Qiu Lin, "Huh? Why are you alone? Why didn't the mysterious person who said he could save us all come out with you?"

Sun Zhuoyan's tone was brisk. From her point of view, nine out of ten there was no such person at all. This time, they were tricked by someone.

"Is that person already...?" Situ Nanfeng asked hesitantly.He has great hopes for entering the secret land to rescue the mysterious person and save the human race from the brink of extinction.If that mysterious person really lost his life because their speed was too slow, he would feel very sorry.

Not only because this is a life, he feels sorry for it, but also because another hope for the continuation of human beings has been shattered.The already severe living environment, coupled with the huge hidden danger of not being able to reproduce healthily, is there a way out for human beings on this planet? !
At this moment, Qiu Lin has been hugged by Han Yifeng, and is enjoying his gentle comfort. Situ Nanfeng's hypothesis reminded her of the promise she had made with Hawes in an instant.

"No, Brother Nanfeng, that person is still alive." Qiu Lin hastily reported to everyone, "It's just that he's not in a good condition because he hasn't eaten for a long time. I was inside just now, and I already gave him something to eat. "

"Alive? That's really great!" Sun Zhuoyan was very happy when she heard that, "Then why didn't he come out with you? Don't we wait until all of us go in to greet him before coming out?!"

The last sentence she said was actually just teasing, she knew in her heart how eager those who were waiting to be rescued would be to get out.If there was no other way, that person would definitely not follow Qiu Lin out.

But people who know her well know what she means, and a few people who don't know her really believe it after hearing it.Among them was Hu Wenze, who was getting more and more depressed because he was standing here alone.

"Who is that man? Why is he so arrogant?! We have already exalted him with so many people coming to rescue him, okay? I really want to go in to welcome you, but I won't go."

"That is, it's fine if the 'Six Sons of Chaoyang' and us high-level supernatural beings take such a big risk to save him, and put on airs to be greeted by others! I want to go with you, and I will not go like Young Master Hu!" Someone said. echoed.

Seeing that other people were also agitated, Qiu Lin quickly comforted them: "No, Young Master Hu, it's not that that person won't come out, but he won't come out at all."

"Oh? What's going on?" Ling Tian, ​​who was standing beside him, asked.

"I don't know why, that person can't touch the door that I can enter and exit without hindrance. As long as he touches this misty gas, he will be as if he was scorched. I just saw it with my own eyes. His palms were burned to the point that the bones inside were exposed!" At the end, Qiu Lin seemed to smell the burning smell again, and her eyebrows frowned fiercely.

"Are you okay? Why are you frowning?" Han Yifeng's voice woke her up in time.

"No," Qiu Lin shook her head, "It's just that I remembered the burning smell just now, and I feel a little nauseous."

"Then drink some water and have a good rest!" To be honest, Han Yifeng is really kind to Qiu Lin, even Sun Zhuoyan and Xing Lu are envious of the way they are asking for warmth, although their other half treats them like that. very good.

"Yeah." Qiu Lin took the warm water handed over by Han Yifeng, and sat on the chair brought out by the supernatural being from the Huashan base, sipping it with small sips.

After taking a few sips, she put the water glass in Han Yifeng's hand, "Now that person is waiting for us to go in and rescue him, Brother Nanfeng, let's go there now!"

"Will everyone go there?" Chu Yu asked.It wasn't that he was suspicious of Qiu Lin's words, but that he had always been cautious and cautious, which made him feel like they didn't want to leave a way out for themselves.

Is it really okay to trust a stranger who has never met before?
"Uh, that's what that person said. He said he wanted to rescue him, and he didn't know how many people he needed, so let us all go there as much as possible." Qiu Lin answered him, and it was only then that she remembered that only she knew about Harvey. Major General Si is absolutely safe, and the rest of the people don't even know whether he is round or flat, so how can they trust him?

"I have already expressed my attitude just now, I want to go with you, but I won't go." Hu Wenze still said like this.It was all because of this mysterious man that he was reduced to a poor commander, and now he even went in to greet him like his servant!

Regardless of whether that person can't come out, he doesn't want to do it.But after a while, he suddenly realized that he seemed a little petty when he said this, so he hurriedly made amends: "Brother Nanfeng, I'll stay here to meet you, so it doesn't matter if one or two of us don't go in?!"

(End of this chapter)

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