Chapter 276

How could Situ Nanfeng not know what Han Yifeng was thinking, but he also felt that they should leave a way out for them.Since Han Yifeng proposed on his own initiative, he took advantage of the situation and agreed.

"Okay then, you stay here with two people to help you, and we will be back soon." He inspected the contestants who had passed the tests and reached the final step, and pointed to the most clamoring contestant just now. The two people in front of him said, "Just the two of you, didn't you just argue not to go in? You two should follow Mr. Hu outside to meet us, and listen to his orders for everything. You can do this, right?"

The corners of the mouths of the two people who were called up raised their mouths, obviously they really didn't want to go in with them.But they still assured Situ Nanfeng: "Don't worry, Master Situ, we will obey Young Master Hu's orders. You all have to be careful inside, and you can signal to us if you have anything to do."

Situ Nanfeng nodded to them, and then explained to Hu Wenze: "We don't know how long we will stay inside, you take the two of them to be careful outside. If you encounter something that you can't handle, you can hide in this door." It's a good way, after all, we are all there, and there are many people and great strength."

"Well," Hu Wenze nodded and agreed, "Thank you, Brother Nanfeng. But I hope that I won't have that chance, after all, I still want to be your foreign aid!"

Hu Wenze didn't appreciate Situ Nanfeng's obvious concern for him. In his opinion, the reason why Situ Nanfeng said this was because of his extreme distrust and extreme contempt for him.

Why would he think that he can't handle things? !After all, I am also the youngest of the Hu family, so you just told me like a child in front of so many people, have you ever thought about what others would think of me? !

But under the current situation, he didn't dare to let his temper turn against Situ Nanfeng, so he could only smile at him, "Don't worry, Brother Nanfeng, I'm not that useless~"

Judging by his appearance, it seemed that he was not willing to take care of him. Situ Nanfeng wiped his face with his hands, "Okay, then we'll go in, you guys should be careful."

After finishing speaking, he didn't wait for his answer, turned around and followed Qiu Lin to leave.

At this time, the rope on Qiu Lin's body had been untied, and in order to make a good impression in front of Major General Harveys, she even arranged it carefully.The specially customized protective clothing was slightly slim, which just showed off her exquisite curves.

Chu Yu, who was silent at the side, watched her movements with a twinkle in his eyes.It seems that the mysterious person inside has a lot of influence on Qiu Lin. Seeing how she pays so much attention to dressing up, the person inside is probably a man.


It wasn't until they really entered the room that they thought it was a little mysterious that Chu Yu could clearly see the person's appearance.

Although Chu Yu has read countless people, he has to admit that the person in front of him can definitely be called the best among them.

Get rid of his dark yellow complexion due to long-term malnutrition, needless to say his appearance is outstanding, just seeing his flattered expression when so many people come in, Chu Yu knows that this is not an ordinary figure.

Not only him, everyone present could see it.With so many people coming to rescue him, someone else would have been flattered and thanked him. When you look at him again, you just stretch out your hand to Situ Nanfeng, who is obviously the leader of the team, "Hi, I'm Harveys, thank you Can come in and save me."

With that calm and unhurried expression, if he wasn't someone who knew well, he would definitely think that he was saying something like 'today's weather is so good' to Situ Nanfeng.

"Hello, I'm Situ Nanfeng." Situ Nanfeng stretched out his hand to hold his, "These are all my partners. To tell you the truth, we are indeed here to take you out this time."

"Thank you." Harveys nodded to the people around him. When he saw Ling Tian, ​​his expression obviously paused, but he quickly recovered.

Xing Lu saw this strangeness in his eyes, and couldn't help but doubt Ling Tian's identity.

"Qiu Lin said you can't go out from here, what do we need to do?" Situ Nanfeng asked him bluntly.Although I don't like Hu Wenze's actions very much, if it causes him trouble, I don't want to see it.

"Here," Harveys pointed to a small mechanism next to the door frame, "try casting your abilities here."

"Try it? Isn't Mr. Harveys sure?" Han Yifeng caught the loophole in his words.From the moment she entered this room, Qiu Lin's face began to turn red. Although the change was very subtle, only her ears had some, but who was Han Yifeng?To put it bluntly, the one who knows Qiu Lin's physical reaction best is not her parents or herself, but Han Yifeng.

She was his fiancée who had been with him day and night for almost a year, and he knew exactly what kind of reaction she would have under any circumstances.

Sensing Han Yifeng's inexplicable hostility towards him, Harveys replied with a normal expression: "Well, I was trapped here after being framed. As for the way to get out, I don't know very well. It's just that this one is me. After thinking about it for so long, I came up with the method that I think is the most feasible."

"Then let's try." Situ Nanfeng somewhat sympathized with his experience, so he agreed without hesitation.

In his opinion, the most terrifying thing is not what kind of enemy he is about to encounter, but what kind of people he will encounter betrayal.This Harveys seems to be very shrewd, and the one who can get him into the right place will definitely be someone he trusts.Being betrayed by someone you trust is definitely not a good feeling.What's more, he has been trapped here for more than a year because of this, and it must be even more so.

"Is there anything else that needs to be paid attention to?" Xing Lu suddenly asked when they were about to cast the ability on that organ.

"Uh, I want you to step forward one by one and try the mechanism's response to a single ability." Harveys made his own request.

So under the command of Major General Harveys, they, the best of the Chinese superpowers, took turns to be the guinea pigs for him trying to break through the mechanism.

First, they stepped forward one by one to cast their abilities to see how the agency reacted to it. Later, they all went into battle and bombarded that agency indiscriminately.I don't know what kind of material it is made of. Why are so many abilities cast as powerful as a small cannonball, but there is no trace left on it!
"What should I do? I can't open it." Sun Zhuoyan was a little discouraged. The abilities she cast just now accounted for two-thirds of all her abilities. If she couldn't open them, she really had no choice.

"Could it be that our method is wrong? It's not that we cast a shot randomly like this, but what is the law?!" Xing Lu tried to express her thoughts.

"What rules do you think of? Tell me quickly." Harveys eyes lit up.

(End of this chapter)

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