Chapter 281

Hu Lingling has been picky and picky along the way.The people who followed her had suffered a lot.

But it would be okay if they only picked on the faults of their own Hu family, but the key point is that even the people walking around her suffered.

Along the way, these supernatural beings oppressed by her did not dare to speak out due to Hu Wenze's coercion, so they could only endure silently.Now that they met Harveys who was not afraid of his Hu family's power, they all felt that they had finally found a place to vent.

What they said became more and more outrageous, and in the end even the entire Hu family attacked.

"If you ask me, if the Hu family raises such an irresponsible and impolite lady, the whole family will definitely not have a good development!"

"Close to vermilion is red, and close to black is black. The Hu family's youngest and Hu's eldest daughter are like this. How can there be any good people in their family!"

Seeing that the development of the situation was out of control, Situ Nanfeng quickly winked at the people around him, signaling them to stop their crazy crusade.

"Okay, okay, we are here to watch the fun, why did you start a criticism meeting?"

"That is, none of us have a say in other people's family affairs, so don't speculate here!"

"Yes, let's see what Mr. Harveys has to say."

The last person's voice fell, and the crowd regained the silence just now.Everyone was waiting for Harveys to continue beating Hu Wenze and the Hu family in the face.

And our Major General Harveys did not disappoint them, "I don't even have the strength and courage to walk into my room, so why talk about whether I will need it in the future?! Even if I really need you, can you do it? !"

He looked at the face of Hu Wenze who was in a rage that could drip blood, and then made another knife, "But with Hu Shao's kindness who cares about even a small pill, I will use you in the future , it’s really not much~”

"You!" Hu Wenze really didn't know what to say at this time, so he could only order his subordinates to support Hu Lingling and leave quickly.

As for Hu Lingling, who was besieged by so many people just now, she no longer had her usual arrogance and domineering. With her face flushed and her head lowered, she followed her brother honestly, and even forgot to say harsh words that she was usually good at.

"Okay, let's go out too!" Harveys didn't seem to realize what he had just done, and still reminded everyone looking at him with his calm voice.

Until Harveys turned around and went far away, Chu Xiran, who was still a little weak, supported his body and snapped his fingers, "You are really handsome, aren't you? You are simply my idol! Sister Lulu, are you Don't you think so too?"

"It's really handsome. I imagined that he has been doing this for a long time, but he didn't have the courage~" For the first time, Luo Qi unexpectedly didn't get jealous because Chu Xiran praised a member of the opposite sex. Instead, he enthusiastically agreed with her.That energetic appearance is very different from the original state where he needed Uncle Da's support to walk.

"Why, you recovered so quickly? Don't you need me to support you anymore?" Uncle Da teased him.

"Come on, Uncle Da, it's hard to find such a reason for someone to take care of yourself, just let me be a patient for a while!" Roach put his arms around Uncle Da's shoulder again, "It's just that Harveys gave me a little while ago. The pill we took really had a miraculous effect. I didn't feel any pain in my body except that I thought I was a little tired. Xiaoxi, do you also feel the same way?"

"Well, I just subconsciously think that I should rest, but if I walk a lot, I don't think I will need to rest." Chu Xiran agreed, "Sister Jiaxin, do you also feel the same way?"

"Yeah! This pill is amazing." Lin Jiaxin, who had already got off her brother Lin Jiaye's back, also echoed, "Tell me, will this pill really be like what Harveys said just now? Do you want forty crystal nuclei?"

"Whatever, we don't need to give the crystal nucleus anyway, and whether it's worth forty pieces has nothing to do with us." Roach said carelessly.

"I don't think that Harveys can tell lies," Chu Xiran sometimes considered delicate, "Even the Hu family dares to offend at will, I don't think he bothers to lie at all. Maybe all the children of us aristocratic families are in his In the eyes of others, there is no difference at all!"

With Chu Xiran's words, he inadvertently glimpsed the truth of the matter.

Not to mention the children of the six great families in China, even if the heads of the six great families were in front of him, Harveys would not be timid.Although he was the one who sent out the distress signal at the beginning, it was not without reliance.

In the interstellar alliance he was in, he even dared to talk back to the supreme commander, so he blushed and had a thick neck in arguing with him, so how could he care about the opinions of the dignitaries who are only one of the countries on this planet?

To put it bluntly, although he is temporarily at a disadvantage, he has a sense of superiority beyond them.He didn't care what they thought of him.

Finally walking out of the cave, everyone felt that the air in their chests seemed so comfortable.This is of course, even if the mecha has the most advanced ventilation equipment, the air inside still cannot be as fresh as it is in the wild.

And Major General Harveys's intelligent system, Xiao Hei, took back the mecha placed there in its storage space at the moment everyone left.In the future, if someone goes in from here, they can only walk a dozen meters before hitting the stone wall.Originally, the distance they traveled was just the internal space of the mecha.There will no longer be any secret places in legends, and stories about secret places can only exist in legends.

"After walking for so long, let's stop and have a good rest!" Situ Nanfeng suggested, "It's lunch time, if Mr. Hawes doesn't mind, let's eat together!"

He had heard from the leaders of the base management office that a large part of the reason why they were allowed to enter the secret ground ahead of time was because Harveys in front of him lacked food supplies and would starve to death at any time.Qiu Lin must have given him food when he entered the room for the first time, so that he didn't cry hungry for so long, right?

"Let's talk about it, you eat first." Harveys refused.To be honest, the food that Qiu Lin handed to her was not unpalatable, and she even liked it very much.But thinking that he might not be able to eat it again after leaving here, he didn't want to indulge himself to eat these things again.

Anyway, in the exchange store, there are countless flavors of nutritional supplements for you to choose from. You only need to take one tube every day to ensure that you are full of energy and strong.How simple and how easy it is!
Hawes refused, and Situ Nanfeng didn't force it either. He called everyone to stay where they were and planned to take a rest after lunch.

Everyone, who was exhausted in the Midi, hurriedly put out food for lunch.

The bored Harveys patrolled the camp alone.

(End of this chapter)

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