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Chapter 282 Personal Taste

Chapter 282 Personal Taste
"Hey, what are you guys eating?" Harveys looked at the milk pudding that Xing Lu was about to put into his mouth.

This jelly-like thing smells fragrant, like the fragrance of creamer, but it is more mellow than creamer.

On weekdays, he only has the Interstellar Alliance in his heart, and only Major General Harveys of his mecha team. The requirement for food has always been to be able to fill his stomach.As for appetite, he has always believed that it is something that only those with no ambitions should pursue.

So, when supplements were available, it never occurred to him to try to eat something else.The food that Qiu Lin gave him just now tasted delicious because he had no nutrition for a long time, but he felt that it was due to psychological effects.In that case, even if you give him the wasabi-flavored nutritional supplement that he hates most, he will find it delicious.

"My sister Lulu made the milk pudding," Chu Xiran answered him tilting her head, "Would you like to try it?"

"Xiao Xi," Roach tugged at her arm, "How can Mr. Harveys like what you little girls like!"

The milk pudding made by Xing Lu is really rich in milky fragrance, and she uses the eggs laid by the chickens in the Obscure Moon House. The chickens live in the Obscure Moon House, so it can be said that they have been raised full of aura. The eggs are also delicious and delicious.However, this kind of food is not as popular as other foods among several men. According to their evaluation, it is too sweet and greasy, and they are not used to eating it.

"Try this, it should suit your taste." Chu Yu picked up a small plate of crispy fried fresh milk from the dining table and handed it to the curious Harveys.

Harveys reached out to take it, and took out a long, fried brown object from the plate, "Should we just eat it like this?"

"Yeah!" Everyone looked at him curiously. He asked, had he never eaten such a thing?Where is he from?Primitive society? !
Harveys, who received an affirmative answer, took a bite, and the rich and warm milk flavor filled his mouth in an instant.But it's not all soft and soft. The crispy fried skin is very chewy, making it very enjoyable to eat.Also, he always felt that there was a trace of medicinal power in it. Could it be that people on this planet would mix some of the medicinal ingredients into their food?But what method did he use to get rid of the unique smell of the medicinal material?

Before he knew it, he had already eaten half of the plate of crispy fresh milk. Major General Harveys, who has always been indifferent to emotions, also felt a little rude, so he could only explain to everyone in an embarrassing tone: "Hehe, one who is not paying attention , I’ve already eaten so much~”

Everyone nodded as if I understood, just looked at him with a smile and didn't speak.But Luo Qi said at this time: "It's okay, I ate two big plates the first time I ate it, and what sister Lulu made is delicious!"

"Uh, that's true." Hawes was taken aback by Roach's words, but he soon came back to his senses: "I don't know who the sister Lulu you mentioned is, can you introduce me?"

"She's right here..." Luo Qi raised his hand and was about to point to Xing Lu.

"What do you want from her?" Chu Yu asked Luo Qi before he could speak.

"I want to make a deal with her. I don't know if she's interested." Harveys is not the kind of person who only cares about his appetite, but he is not the kind of person who will deliberately wrong himself when he has the conditions.In his opinion, since this food is cooked to his taste, he also wants to try other foods made by the woman who made the food.Putting it in Xiao Hei's own space system can keep the original taste, so why didn't he buy some from that person to take away? !Even if that person is really good, what's the harm in taking him away?He really didn't believe that he would not leave with him after describing the planet he was on to that person.

"What deal? Shopping?" Chu Yu continued to ask.He seemed to have a little understanding in his heart. After he ate the food made by Xing Lu for the first time, didn't he just want to dig her to his side, so that he could eat this kind of food every day?This Harveys obviously had the same thoughts, but he would never let Xing Lu leave, so he could only think about it.

"Who are you, can you make the decision for her?" Harveys didn't answer him directly, and he was a little displeased that this man named Chu Yu jumped out to talk to him.Because Chu Yu's attitude was not good, as if he was fighting for something with him.

etc!Sister Lulu, in the mecha space, the girl who was tortured to the point of fainting in the pressure chamber called Sister Lulu, she must be from their team, right?His eyes swept across the faces of everyone at the dinner table, and quickly locked on to Xing Lu.

"Are you the sister Lulu they are talking about? Hello, my name is Harveys. I have something I want to discuss with you. I wonder if you are interested." Harves passed Chu Yu who was waiting for his answer. , stretched out his hand to Xing Lu.

Chu Yu snorted coldly. Sure enough, this Harveys was not easy to deal with, and he realized who he should be looking for so quickly.

"Hello," Xing Lu reached out and shook him back, "What do you want from me? Do you want to discuss it now?"

"Well, I want you to make some other food. If the food you make can meet my taste, I would like to order from you in large quantities."

"Large quantities? Sister Lulu, this is the rhythm of you becoming a gourmet supplier!" Chu Xiran became happy when she heard that. Not long ago, she suggested that Sister Lulu should open a restaurant in the future. The restaurant has not yet opened. Business came to me.

"Yes, I don't know if you have any special preferences or are there any foods that you should not eat?" Xing Lu readily agreed.Anyway, Chu Yu told himself just now that after they go back this time, they will stay in Lingtian Base for a long time, and they will be idle if they are idle. She still has Obscure Moon Xiaozhu to cheat. do it!
"I don't have any favorites, and I don't have any taboos," Harveys replied with difficulty. To be honest, he really doesn't know what he likes and dislikes. Will this be a special failure?However, he added at the end, "Actually, I don't know very well~"

"Uh, you don't even know what you like or don't like, are you kidding?" Lin Jiaxin couldn't help complaining from the side, "It's just that others don't know, and if you don't know yourself, only God knows what you like to eat Already?!"

Harveys looked at the reactions of the others, and found that he had the same expression as the girl who spoke. He didn't know his own taste, and he was outraged? !

"Uh, if not liking mustard is my preference, then I don't like mustard." Havis thought for a long time before he thought of his only taboo.

"Okay, of course." Xing Lu answered him with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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