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Chapter 283 Envy and Jealousy

Chapter 283 Envy and Jealousy
! "Is that all right?" Harveys was not used to telling others his privacy.It is estimated that apart from himself, even his parents don't know that he doesn't like mustard-flavored nutritional supplements, right?After all, I haven't seen my parents for more than 20 years.

"Of course not, what kind of food do you like, whether it is soft or crispy, whether it is heavy or light, whether you like spicy food or not, and if you are allergic to anything, you just have to tell me. "Xing Lu continued to tell him. "Of course, you can tell me in detail after we return to Lingtian Base. Anyway, I will have to wait until that time to help you cook food. Now you sit down and taste these, and give me any opinions."

"Okay." Harveys nodded, and took advantage of the opportunity to sit on the chair that Xing Lu had brought out again.

Seeing Harvey sitting at Chu Yu's dining table, Hu Wenze was so angry that he was about to tremble.Sure enough, this damn Harveys was getting close to Chu Yu.First, he took the initiative to take out a pill that advertised forty seventh-level crystal nuclei and one to buy people's hearts, and then approached them step by step by eating.snort!Chu Yu thought he had found some powerful ally, and he would probably be disappointed when he found out that the other party was just a bragging liar?
Forty seven-level crystal nuclei?In Lingtian base, such a recovery medicine can buy a whole bottle of [-] pills!Who is fooling there? !
Take care of eating and drinking now, and wait to cry in the future!Hu Wenze thought bitterly.

"Brother, that Harveys is really handsome!" Hu Lingling, who was beside her, looked at the profile of Harveys and went crazy.

"Lingling, don't be stupid, don't forget that you have a fiancé, and He Lei is still waiting for you to go back in the Tianyou base!" Hu Wenze warned her with a frown after hearing what his sister said.

It's not that he is satisfied with He Lei, his brother-in-law, but that He Lei will definitely obey his orders in the future, but this Harveys in front of him... don't say that he thinks that others may not think highly of his sister, even if If he really fell in love with her, he would not listen to his mercy.Maybe it will also threaten his status as the future head of the Hu family. I have lost my head, and I will find such a scourge to enter the house!
"Oh my brother~ I'm only engaged to He Lei. Even if we are married, we can still get a divorce." Hu Wenze said that Hu Lingling didn't agree, "Besides, you don't want to let your sister find me the best one. The object?! Your brother-in-law is strong, and will help you even more in the future, right?!"

Hu Lingling has now completely fallen into the fantasy of Harveys and can't extricate herself. In her opinion, if she likes Harveys, she just needs to hook her fingers, and Harveys will be in her pocket.But she also didn't think about it, would a man who thought it was a waste to take a pill for her, would he like her?Hu Lingling's self-esteem is really good.

"No matter how great the help is, it depends on whether you can control it. Do you think that Harveys will be willing to sacrifice for others?" Hu Wenze poured cold water on his sister, and asked her in a rare sight: "It's not your own. , try not to think about it, so that you will not feel too uncomfortable in the end, and it will save you from getting water with bamboo baskets at both ends, and the game will be in vain!"

"Brother!" Hu Lingling was really angry when her elder brother bad-mouthed herself like this, "Are you just looking down on your sister like this? Anyway, I want to be an eighth-level superhuman, okay? Eighth-level, how many women are there in China? An eighth-level power user?!"

Although her abilities are built up through countless panacea, Hu Lingling is still proud of it.

"Yes, he is the only eighth-level ability user in the whole of China who has not passed the heavy pressure test~" Hu Wenze is full of anger when talking about this, and it is obvious that Xing Lu and Sun Zhuoyan are only eighth-level ability users. After going through many levels to the end, my younger sister can't even compare to the one named Lin Jiaxin who is only level seven?Sure enough, the supernatural being who took a shortcut couldn't reach the peak?
"Brother! You still say it!" Hu Lingling became angry and threw her chopsticks, "Don't eat!"


Seeing Xing Lu talking and laughing with Harveys there, Qiu Lin felt very unhappy.In her heart, she believes that the person Harveys should be most grateful to is herself, and the person she should treat the most kindly is also herself.If he hadn't brought the system to find him, he would have starved to death in that closed room right now?
But what's going on with Xing Lu now?Before that, Xing Lu had never met him!Could it be that Xing Lu has some ability to let capable beings get close to her naturally?This was the case with Feixue before, but it is still the case with Harveys now? !
No, she is really not reconciled!Before Xing Lu seduced Han Yifeng, she endured it. After all, Han Yifeng was only in her pocket at that time, and she was only a little short of the test, and Han Yifeng was determined and passed the test she set for him.

But for the current Hawes, Qiu Lin thinks that she has no control over him.That man will not be controlled by anyone, she knew it from the first time she saw him.But if you can establish a good relationship with him, the benefits will naturally flow endlessly.Now that his entire attention has been taken away by Xing Lu, how can he use his tricks? !
Xing Lu, Xing Lu, you are really your nemesis!Qiu Lin really regrets it now. She regrets that when she was not in the Huashan base, she followed the suggestion of her suitor at the time and found a place to be her without anyone noticing.Thinking about it now, it might not be easy, right?
If there is regret medicine for sale now, it is estimated that Qiu Lin will buy it and eat it without hesitation, and return to Xing Lu's fledgling past.

"Still thinking about how to build a good relationship with Harveys?" Han Yifeng's gentle voice sounded, "Don't worry, this matter has to be done slowly~"

Han Yifeng had communicated with Qiu Lin just now, and the misunderstanding between the two in Harveys' room had been resolved.Moreover, the two of them also unified their thinking. They agreed that they should have a good relationship with Harveys who suddenly appeared.

It's just that the two of them discussed for a long time, but they still couldn't decide on a suitable plan.At this moment, Qiu Lin stared at Harvey's direction and remained silent. He thought that Qiu Lin was thinking of ways to get close to him.

"Yeah, it's really nerve-wracking!" Qiu Lin came back to her senses, and complained to Han Yifeng in a sour tone: "I don't know what method Xing Lu came up with, but she has already talked to Hawes so quickly. It's on the line!"

Qiu Lin's voice was full of jealousy and resentment, completely missing her usual elegant and dignified image, but Han Yifeng was also immersed in the strong jealousy of Chu Yu at this moment, and didn't notice it at all.

"Yeah, I really want to know what kind of method she used~" Han Yifeng looked at Chu Yu's direction and echoed faintly.

(End of this chapter)

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