Take it with you

Chapter 284 Arrive at the base

Chapter 284 Arrive at the base
Among the crowd, the only one who would be happy for Xing Lu and the others because Hawes was close to them was Situ Nanfeng's fiancée Sun Zhuoyan.

She watched Hawes sitting beside Chu Yu and the others, frowning or nodding after taking a bite, as if appreciating the delicious food, she couldn't help but turned to ask Situ Nanfeng next to him, "Guess who Hawes is?" What is the origin? Why have I never heard of him before? Are there any hidden families in China that you don't know about?"

"'It's none of your business, hang it high', we'd better not inquire about these things. I can only tell you one thing, I can't see through this Harveys at all," Situ Nanfeng stopped Sun Zhuoyan's random speculation, "However, although this person is unfathomable, any other personal affairs of his have nothing to do with us. You just need to treat him as an ordinary task target."

Various forces over there stared at Chu Yu and the others with jealousy or resentment, but Xing Lu and Hawes' discussions at the dinner table became more and more heated.Anyway, there was still an hour of rest time left by Situ Nanfeng for everyone, so Xing Lu simply took out all kinds of food from her space button for Hawes to taste one by one.Even though Harveys was very interested in these foods, he couldn't stand the fact that there were too many varieties, and he didn't stop until he couldn't fit any more.

"Okay, let's settle these first," Harveys wiped his mouth with a tissue, "The rest of the varieties and quantities will be agreed after we get back."

"Okay." This is the first time that Xing Lu has made a real business with someone, and she is very interested at this time, but she also knows that after trying so many foods, Harveys has long been unable to taste anything good broken.She hurriedly packed up the things she had taken out, and then lay down on the table to write down the type and quantity of the custom-made food that Hawes had just chosen.

"Don't be too anxious, don't tire yourself out just to earn these crystal nuclei." Chu Yu sat next to her and handed her a glass of watermelon juice, and helped her check if there was anything missing.

"Well, I know," Xing Lu took a sip of watermelon juice, "But it's the first time I'm doing business, it always feels weird~hehe~"

"Aren't you both excited and excited?" Chu Xiran supported Xing Lu's shoulders behind her, "Is this feeling different from when you fight mutant creatures? Sister Lulu, you will have a source of income in the future, But you must cover me~ Whether I can have countless crystal nucleus flowers for use in the future depends entirely on you!"

"Spoof!" Xing Lu knocked off her claws, "When did you run out of crystal core flowers?!"

"That's not the same, I'm now the crystal nucleus I earned myself, no matter what, I will definitely take care of you, sister Lulu~" Chu Xiran said coquettishly to Xing Lu.

"Go, go, find someone who will take care of you!" Chu Yu looked at Luo Qi who was next to Chu Xiran, "If you don't have the ability to let you spend your crystal core to your heart's content, I will not recognize such a brother-in-law."

Hearing this, Luo Qi immediately puffed up his chest, "Brother Chu Yu, don't worry, Xiaoxi will definitely be no worse than being with me in the Chu family in the future!"

"What are you talking about?!" Chu Xiran was extremely shy.

At the corner of the camp, Ling Tian silently gnawed on the naan bread in his hand, watching the scene of laughter and excitement in the distance.


When everyone returned to Lingtian Base, the leaders of Lingtian Base who got the news, as well as the leaders of the major forces living here, such as Chu Yu's father Chu Aojun, Hu Wenze's father Hu Kewen, etc. all came out. meet.

Regardless of whether Harveys' promise to help the current Chinese people solve the problem of giving birth to a healthy next generation is true, it is enough to attract their attention.After all, the reason why human beings can continue to prosper in the long river of history is that their fertility has contributed a lot.After any change of dynasty, the first thing the authorities do is to let the people live in peace and give them a period of time to recuperate.Only with enough manpower, your other ideas may have a chance to be realized.

Except for the earth where Xing Lu was originally located, some places have a comfortable society and many benefits, and the population has reached a height that is almost exploding, so the authorities have adopted the method of family planning to control the population.It's just that family planning has only been in place for more than [-] years, and people's desire to have children has dropped to an unprecedented freezing point. The authorities began to encourage births in a panic, but with little effect.

"Hello, I am the one rescued by the supernatural being you sent out this time. I am Harveys Itwicz. You can call me Harveys." Chief Chairman Liu introduced himself.

"Hello, I'm Liu Yixing, the chairman of the Lingtian Base Management Office. I didn't expect the person they rescued to be so young~" Chairman Liu stretched out his hand to hold Harveys' big palm, and looked him up and down, " Mr. Harveys, you are not Chinese, are you?"

"Well, I'm not," Harveys readily admitted, "As for where I'm from and what I'm here for, please allow me to make some reservations. But I can promise that I will never do it." Something that endangered your safety in China. And what I promised you when I was trapped, I am definitely not just talking about it. I will arrange a time to discuss it with your fertility specialists later on to solve the problem. "

Knowing that these are what they are most concerned about, Harveys explained his arrangements to Chairman Liu one by one.It's just that he didn't dare to tell the truth about his own background. Even if he told the truth, they would think that he was perfunctory.

"Well, the base has already arranged a reception dinner, and I would like to invite Mr. Harveys to honor you." Chairman Liu agreed to Harves' request with a smile, "Of course, this is not just for you alone. The capable ones have accomplished such a big thing this time, Yu Li should also give them a celebration dinner, I hope you don't mind."

Chairman Liu's frankness moved Hawes, who was extremely disgusted with such a social occasion.However, under the special attention of the system Xiaohei, its usually cold and almost unreasonable Major General Harveys nodded happily this time, "Okay, I don't mind."

At this moment, Xiaohei of the system only felt that the sky was thundering, what did it see?Major General Harveys, who even had to be invited to the dinner once or twice by the commander-in-chief of the Interstellar Alliance, had to be invited countless times by the commander-in-chief of the Star Alliance. How could he easily agree to the invitation of the leader of a small power on a down-and-out planet? !He actually promised so happily? !
If Commander Qiao Sen saw this scene, he would probably be so angry that he would crush the bone cup that he finally got on a primitive planet, right? !Hehe~ Thinking of such a situation, how could Xiao Hei find it so funny?Sure enough, after staying alone on this planet for a year or two, did he learn badly?

(End of this chapter)

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