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Chapter 285 Ling Tian's Suspicion

Chapter 285 Ling Tian's Suspicion

The dinner party was still arranged at the largest hotel in Lingtian Base - Lingyun Pavilion.

Because someone died on the way back, all of the one hundred and nine people who were able to come back safely were rewarded by the base.In addition to the crystal nucleus promised at the beginning, there is also a set of top-level equipment provided to them by the largest and best equipment store in the Lingtian base——'Natural Selection Supply Store', a newly developed by the Ling family with a capacity of [-] yuan. One cubic space button, and the sanitary supplies provided by the Chu family that can be used by a family of three for one year, and the recovery potion worth [-] seventh-level crystal nuclei provided by the Han family, can be said to be profitable. earned a lot.

At the dinner party, handsome men and women from J province who are good at singing and dancing volunteered to come on stage to perform their special songs and dances for them.It is no exaggeration to say that as long as those who were lucky enough to participate in the Midi expedition and returned safely, they enjoyed the treatment no less than those of the national heroes before the cataclysm.

Even the supernatural beings who died unfortunately, their families were not treated badly in the base.In addition to what those people got, a lot of things were also given to their families. The base also subsidized their families with [-] seventh-level crystal nuclei each, hoping that they could still live easily in the days to come after losing their pillars.

Regarding the dishes at the dinner, our Major General Harveys was a little disappointed.It's not that they don't taste good, but that Harveys ate them when he didn't take nutritional supplements or normal meals a few times. These are the styles in front of him.

Exquisite container, exquisite plate arrangement, and even a few grains of monosodium glutamate in it have been set up exactly the same procedure.Just like something made by a robot, it tastes delicious, but it lacks the desire to continue tasting it.

How is such a thing different from taking nutritional supplements by oneself?No, it's really different. A tube of [-]ml of nutrient supplement can guarantee all the nutrients that a person like me needs for a day, but the same amount of food can only allow me to eat a few mouthfuls. Too few gaps between teeth? !

It's just that the upbringing from childhood to adulthood prevented him from showing a bored look in front of people.It's just that he didn't have any interest in eating such food. He just picked up his wine glass, exchanged greetings with several leaders of the base, and then got up and left the dining table.

Chairman Liu and the others felt puzzled and wanted to get up to keep him, but were stopped by Situ Nanfeng on a table.After Harveys was far away, he explained to everyone: "He is not a gregarious person. Don't think he is rude. According to Roach, who was close to him, he doesn't like to talk to others. There's too much contact."

"Autism?" Wu Jiang's first reaction after hearing this was this. Occupational diseases are really serious. "If a person stays in such a place for such a long time, even a cheerful and lively person will suffer from illness."

"Should I find a psychiatrist to help him to counsel him?" If he is sick, he must be treated, and it is Wu Jiang's most unaccustomed thing to avoid medical treatment.Let him know that if a person is obviously sick and doesn't go to see him, he will feel as uncomfortable as if he has the disease himself.

"Don't do it, Uncle Wu," Ling Tian hurriedly stopped him, "If he hears your words, he will turn his back on him immediately and refuse to meet with our researchers!"

What kind of person is Harveys? up.

Ling Tian analyzed that Harveys usually doesn't take them seriously.This sentence is not a derogatory term, but a true narrative.Hawes treats them as if he is standing at the top to observe them, no, it cannot be called observation, Hawes seems to have no status in his eyes and heart.He didn't approach others, and he didn't allow others to approach him. Even though everyone knew that he valued Chu Yu very much, in fact, it seemed that his thoughts had never been on Chu Yu.

This Harveys has always been an existence separated from the crowd, just like, just like her back then~ Ling Tian's thoughts drifted further and further away.

Wait, it's the same as her back then, isn't it? !
Ling Tian suddenly raised his head, and re-examined Harveys.The more he observes, the clearer the feeling just now is, looking out of the world, but he has a lot of precautions against the surrounding environment and the crowd, and what's more, that sense of superiority, just like her back then because of the hazy Yue Xiaozhu's sense of superiority!Who is he? !
"Uncle Wu, did we just agree to meet with him in two days to discuss the solution to the birth crisis?" Ling Tian turned to Wu Jiang who had already forgotten about Harveys.

"Yeah, didn't you help finalize this time? Why, is there something wrong with him and he can't fulfill the contract?" Wu Jiang was talking about the two-day arrangement with Zhao Heng next to him, and the first thing he thought of after being interrupted by Ling Tian got this.

"No, I want to add a quota, I wonder if you can agree~" Ling Tian said with some embarrassment.Just now, Harveys said that he only meets with teams of no more than five people, and he will feel noisy if he exceeds this amount.Now that he asked Uncle Wu for a quota, he would have to replace the person he had originally considered for a place, which was a big loss for him.

"Since you have already opened your mouth, I naturally have to agree." Wu Jiang said helplessly. He has always valued this junior and knew that if it was not necessary, he would not make such a request casually.But he changed his mind, "Ling Tian, ​​have you thought about participating in other ways? For example, follow Harveys directly into it?"

"That's it, I'll think of a way. If it doesn't work, I still need your quota, Uncle Wu." Ling Tian nodded.Follow Harveys in?I haven't had any contact with him in the past two days, so it would be too abrupt to suggest following him rashly, right?Maybe, Xing Lu has a solution?Ling Tian started to use his brain.

He won't be angry at Wu Jiang for saying this, because only when he regards himself as his junior can he truly express his thoughts without reservation.The proposal he gave himself was just to add a person with access to core technology. If he really couldn't get in, he would definitely make room for himself.Don't ask why, he just has this confidence.

This is even better, and I have another chance to contact her.Thinking of this, Ling Tian didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

During this period of time, he always avoided getting in touch with her. Even for this secret expedition, he just silently protected her from a distance, and did not stick to her and form a team with her like before. .If it wasn't for the fact that he couldn't help but always look in her direction when he was free, Ling Tian himself thought that he was about to forget her.

(End of this chapter)

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