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Chapter 289 New Cognition

Chapter 289 New Cognition
"Actually, I'm not blaming you for joking with me," Chu Yu winked to let the redundant people around leave, and put his arms around Xing Lu who was surrounded by guilt, "It's just that you said what should have been done by me without saying a word." My work is done, I just feel a little lost~”

"What job?" Xing Luyou asked him without knowing it.

Chu Yu laughed angrily at such a madman like her, "Idiot, even if it's a marriage proposal, I should come." He reached out and rubbed her head, messing up her docile hair, "Don't you remember Yes, I told you when we were out on a mission, there will be a big surprise for you when we return to the base~"

"Have you ever said that?" Xing Lu looked blank.

"Sure enough," Chu Yu sighed, "I really forgot about you, you idiot~"

"So what you mind is that I'm the first to say the proposal!" Xing Lu sighed belatedly, "It doesn't matter, anyway, we will be together in the end, so it doesn't matter who speaks? !"

When meeting such a casual person who proposes marriage like this, Chu Yu didn't know whether to cry or laugh, but her phrase "We'll all be together in the end anyway" successfully pleased him, and he could only sigh helplessly , and rubbed her head again, "Oh, I really can't do anything about you!"


The shopping process between Lin Jiaxin and Harveys became more and more weird.

At the beginning, Lin Jiaxin kept talking there, and Hawes almost didn't respond.It's just that along the way, Lin Jiaxin can be regarded as used to his personality, so she won't feel coldly treated.

Except for thinking that something is particularly delicious, Harveys will ask the boss to pack hundreds of copies, or arrange a delivery time with the store, and let the store prepare it slowly before delivering it. He rarely speaks at other times.

At this time, Lin Jiaxin's carefulness of a girl is of the greatest use. Gradually, she can guess from the expression on Harveys' face after he tastes it. point.This is not something that ordinary people can do, because our Major General Harveys has already passed many tests, and in the end he has cultivated a state of being indifferent.

The more he walked to the end, the more surprised Hawes felt. How could this woman named Lin Jiaxin understand herself so thoroughly? !If he hadn't been sure that he had never seen her before, he would have suspected that she was a spy arranged by his mortal enemy.

Before she could speak, she had already placed an order with the store, and the quantity of the order was often infinitely close to the number in her heart.

Could it be that in addition to inspiring ice-type powers, she also has rare and abnormal spirit-type powers to assist? !

However, Xiaohei of the system quickly gave his own answer, no, this Lin Jiaxin, she is just an ordinary ice-type supernatural user.

Harveys was puzzled. He lived on a high-tech planet all day long. Whenever he encountered something, he would involuntarily analyze the reason, but he never thought that the human mind is the most complicated existence, no matter how advanced science is. The instrument can't analyze the trajectory of emotion at all.

In fact, this skill of Lin Jiaxin is not so difficult to learn. As long as you put your heart into a person, his every move will affect your nerves, and you can naturally and slowly analyze his liking.

"After shopping for so long, I invite you to sit in the coffee shop in front!" Harveys said.They tried a lot of food along the way, but they were not too hungry, but they talked too much, and they were a little thirsty.

"Okay, thank you." Lin Jiaxin was flattered.

"You're welcome, you've been with me for so long, as it should be." Harveys said in a gentlemanly manner.

The two walked into the coffee shop and ordered their favorite drinks.Lin Jiaxin heard that Harveys asked the waiter for bitter coffee without sugar, and made another note in her heart: drinks, I like bitter coffee.

"Where are you planning to go next?" Harvey asked Lin Jiaxin's opinion while sipping his coffee.

"The snacks are almost sold out, let's go to the various fruit stands!" Lin Jiaxin suggested enthusiastically. "Lingtian base is located in a unique geographical environment, with a large temperature difference between day and night, and sufficient sunlight during the day, so the various fruits produced are particularly sweet. Especially after the mutation, not only the size has increased a lot, but also a little more. A different kind of fragrance."

"Smell?" Harveys looked extremely interested.

"Well, I call it the smell of sunshine." Lin Jiaxin revealed a fascinated look as she spoke.

"The smell of sunshine? How do you say it?" Harveys folded his hands, obviously arousing Lin Jiaxin's interest.

"The mutated fruits seem to have the ability to recover powers, and the taste is more delicious than before. After eating, they will feel very soothing. So, I named them 'Sunshine Taste'! "

Lin Jiaxin talked more and more quietly, would he feel that he was talking nonsense? !
"Interesting~" Harveys thought for a while, and felt that Lin Jiaxin's metaphor was more appropriate, and couldn't help but admire her for her open mind.

"Hehe~ I'm just talking about it~" After being praised, Lin Jiaxin blushed and lowered her head to drink juice, but was choked because she was too nervous.

She couldn't stop coughing violently, and finally coughed up tears.

Just when she was coughing so hard that her internal organs were about to be shattered, a warm hand stroked her back.It patted slowly on the back, making Lin Jiaxin who was so nervous that she even forgot to cough.

"Is it better?" It was still such a cold voice, but Lin Jiaxin could hear a trace of concern in it.

"Okay, it's much better, thank you." Lin Jiaxin suddenly felt her face turn red, and quickly straightened up.

Harveys didn't notice her embarrassment, and waved his hands nonchalantly, "Be more careful in the future."

A small episode couldn't stop the two of them from planning. After drinking the drinks, the two of them went straight to the various fruit stands in the base and killed a lot of people.

Major General Harveys, who has never paid much attention to these ordinary trivial matters, and his daily life is just training - fighting at two points and one line, suddenly feels that shopping and shopping like this is different from what he imagined.It's not as boring as other people describe it, but it's also a lot of fun.

Discovering a favorite food is no less exciting than reaching a small goal during training.Could it be that in my subconscious mind, I am actually a shopaholic who likes shopping and crazy shopping? !Our Major General Harveys didn't know what to say.

For a long time, what he was proud of was only his enthusiasm for training and fighting. The Star Alliance's evaluation of himself is the God of War!But in fact, he is just an ordinary person who loves peace and likes an ordinary life.

(End of this chapter)

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