Chapter 290

In the evening, Lin Jiaxin and Harveys returned to the guest house together.

Different from the slight embarrassment when they went out, the two of them are quite familiar with each other at this time, and Hawes is not as serious as before, and will take the initiative to say a few words to Lin Jiaxin from time to time.

And at that time, Lin Jiaxin would show the tenderness of her little daughter, and her complexion would become much ruddy.

Everyone noticed the subtle changes between the two of them, and they didn't say anything clearly, and they were all happy to see the results.

Lin Jiaye had been worried all day long, even if it was just his sister's wishful thinking. Seeing that Harveys treated his sister a little differently, he felt relieved.Regardless of whether the two will be together in the end, as long as she is not the only one who contributed at the beginning, this relationship cannot be discussed by others.At least, it's not like she's singing an emotional one-man show there, is she?

During dinner time, the dinner table was very lively. Not only were Chu Xiran and Luo Qi bickering and joking, but also Lin Jiaxin was talking about customs and customs with Harveys.

However, Major General Harveys, who has always been cold and mysterious in front of everyone, only responded to her occasionally in the gaps.Even so, it surprised everyone.Although it seemed to others that Harveys was very close to them during this period, it was only limited to him discussing food orders with Xing Lu.He didn't want to say a word about other things.

When dinner was over and I returned to my room, Chu Xiran, who had been tortured by the gossip factor in his head, stopped Lin Jiaxin.

"Sister Jiaxin, come and tell me, what happened between you and that Harveys that day?! Why are you so close to him? He even allowed you to chatter in his ear, And it responded to you?!"

"Uh, Xiaoxi, what do you want me to say~" Lin Jiaxin was a little shy, but she explained to Chu Xiran after a pause: "There is nothing happening between me and him. But..."

"But how?" It seems that there is a big gossip in it!Chu Xiran asked her with wide eyes. "Tell me, sister Jiaxin, are you trying to kill me?!"

"Oh, there is nothing I dare not admit!" Lin Jiaxin seemed to be desperate, "I have a crush on him, so I offered to go shopping with him this morning, but I found that he seems to be interested in him. I don't care~"

Speaking of this, Lin Jiaxin lowered her head, and her voice became smaller and smaller, anyone could feel her deep emotions.

"Sister Jiaxin, you..." Chu Xiran didn't know how to persuade her for a while. Since she was a child, although there were many excellent men around her, she started playing games and playing house when she was a child. I have always believed that Roach is my other half.And Roach, like himself, also has this cognition, so it can be said that it is a matter of course and a natural thing for two people to get together.Regarding the emotional distress that Lin Jiaxin mentioned, she has never encountered it, and she does not know what kind of advice to give her.

"But I still won't give up. After all, this is the first time I like someone so much. I will try my best to make him like me!" Lin Jiaxin suddenly raised her head and shouted loudly as if swearing road.She was so shocked that the residents coming and going next to her looked at her curiously, as if they were looking at a lunatic.

"Well, sister Jiaxin, I support you!" Chu Xiran was moved by Lin Jiaxin's determination, "Actually, you don't have no chance at all. Didn't you see that Harveys talked a lot more than the previous meals? !"

"But he just said a few monosyllables, like 'um', 'ok', "thank you", does that count?" Lin Jiaxin was a little frustrated when he mentioned it.

"Forget it, of course forget it," Chu Xiran comforted her, "Usually he wouldn't even say a word for a meal! Think about it, except during this period of time when he was discussing with Sister Lulu about ordering meals, Did he say one more word? No?"

"It seems to be so~" Lin Jiaxin recalled, she had been silently observing Harveys during these few meals, and she carefully remembered his words and deeds in her heart.

"So, 'A good girl is afraid of being entangled', and the other way around is also possible, isn't it that you have made great progress after shopping with him for a day~" The more Chu Xiran talked, the more he felt that he was helping her think of a way It is feasible, "Sister Jiaxin, you must work hard, 'A good man is also afraid of pestering a woman'!"

"Hehe~ Thank you for your encouragement, Xiaoxi, I will definitely work hard," Lin Jiaxin was said emphatically and with high spirits by Chu Xiran, "From tomorrow on, uh, he seems to be busy tomorrow~ From the day after tomorrow, I must fully Keep an eye on him 24 hours a day, let his life be full of me! He will see me when he eats, he will see me when he drinks water, he will meet me when he goes shopping, even when he sleeps and dreams at night, he will also see me. Want him to dream of me! I really don’t believe it, just with my 32 points of sincerity, Lin Jiaxin can’t beat the iceberg of Harveys!”

"Yes, yes, yes!" Chu Xiran was infected by Lin Jiaxin's determination, "I moved him and melted his iceberg! Sister Jiaxin, I support you!"

The two chatted happily in the corridor, not noticing that among the people coming and going, a young man with an ordinary face turned around and left quickly.


"She wants to pursue Harveys?" The man twirled the white jade wrench on his thumb, "Interesting~ I'd like to see how this unknown Harveys can solve the imminent catastrophe that mankind is about to encounter~"

"What can be done? Back then he was trapped in Midi, why didn't he dare to promise to get out? I think he just said it casually." A slightly stiff Mandarin rang out, and an old figure came out.

"Oh? Do you think he is talking big?" The man turned around, showing a handsome and extraordinary face.It turned out that this person was Song Zhixuan who escaped under the joint roundup of everyone in the base.

"Professor Williams, why do you think that the problems you can't solve can't be solved by others? Such blind self-confidence is unacceptable~" Song Zhixuan seemed to disagree with Williams' reasoning.

"I don't believe that there are any existences in this world who can surpass me in the subject of human research." Williams said arrogantly, "It's not that I haven't tried it before. It's easy to find a way to make human beings infertile. It is even more difficult for people who have lost their fertility to regain the ability to reproduce offspring."

"Simply, not necessarily." Song Zhixuan reminded him.

"Not necessarily?!" Williams raised his voice, "Don't you have an old saying in Huaxia, what is it called 'a broken mirror is hard to reconcile, and a flooded water is hard to close'? Unless he has the ability to reach the heavens and the earth, it is impossible for this matter to happen." do it!"

Being questioned is the most intolerable thing for Williams!

(End of this chapter)

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