Calamity Frontier

Chapter 112 Clean Up

Chapter 112 Clean Up

Accompanied by the explosion, Qiao Yu saw the remains of a large number of demonic mechanical creatures flying into the sky.A large number of walls collapsed to the ground, and a large number of mechanical life forms were annihilated.All kinds of tragic screams and roars can be heard endlessly.

Obviously, Qiao Yu's bomb ambush had an excellent effect.

These demonic mechanical creatures aloft, they never imagined that such a small human would dare to confront thousands of their warriors.

And Qiao Yu used blood and death to teach them a lesson in death. Of course, there is a tuition fee for this lesson, and the tuition fee is their life.

The dust cloud from the explosion soon filled the sandstorm.

A large number of demonic mechanical creatures were crippled but not dead, all wailing.Qiao Yu's wave of bombs directly caused heavy casualties to these demonic mechanical creatures.

Qiao Yu, who likes to beat dogs in the water, cut into the battlefield at just the right time.

chug chu...

Qiao Yu, holding the devil's fang, started harvesting unceremoniously.

The heads of those ordinary demonic mechanical creatures are the core, as long as the heads are blown, they can basically be killed.

As for those green or higher-level blue demonic mechanical creatures, the energy nucleus crystal is their core, destroying the energy core can destroy them.

Of course, if their limbs and weapons are interrupted, they can also lose their threat.

While Qiao Yu was harvesting, some demon mechanical creatures were not injured in this wave of ambush.But with these small amount of demonic mechanical creatures, they are not Qiao Yu's opponent at all.

call out--

A hidden five-meter-high humanoid demon mechanical warrior with light green texture fired a shell at Qiao Yu.

Qiao Yu's body was like a ghost, and he rolled over to avoid the bombardment, and then raised the devil's fang.

chug chu...

Dense bullets shot at the demon mechanical warrior with light green texture. Although the bullets of the powerful demon fangs could not break through the energy crystal nucleus protected by the energy barrier, it could connect the energy crystal nucleus to the metals surrounding it. The line exploded.In this way, this kind of high-level demonic mechanical creature can be eliminated.

Zizi—— Peng——

As the bullets tore through the core of the humanoid demon mechanical warrior, the humanoid demon mechanical warrior fell headlong to the ground.

"The quality of bronze is still reliable. A few bullets can destroy such a high-level demonic mechanical creature. If it is an ordinary bullet, with my abyssal magic power, I am afraid it will take a shuttle of bullets."

Then Qiao Yu continued with his own cleaning work.

From time to time, there are one or two demonic mechanical creatures who dare to stand out, but in one-on-one situations, these demonic mechanical creatures are not Qiao Yu's opponents at all.

chug chu...



As the sound of guns and guns continued to ring, one after another, demonic mechanical creatures continued to die under Qiao Yu's guns.

Under Qiao Yu's attribute vision, Qiao Yu can see the life state of these demonic machines at a glance, and Qiao Yu can clearly distinguish whether they are dead or alive.

There are also a few injured demon machines who are smart enough to pretend to be dead.These mechanical life forms lay there without breathing, as if they were really dead.

If Qiao Yu didn't have attribute vision, he would really be afraid of this group of guys.

It's a pity that Qiao Yu not only has attribute vision, but also is very powerful.Therefore, for those guys who pretended to be dead, Qiao Yu sent them to the west one by one.



A wounded rhinoceros warrior with a little blue texture was torn apart by Qiao Yu with the devil's teeth, and then the bullet destroyed his core structure.

If this rhinoceros warrior continues to grow, he can obviously become a powerful light blue creature. However, Qiao Yu's bomb first destroyed the energy structure circuit of his abdomen, and then Qiao Yu's bullet tore apart the core structure. It's a bit aggrieved to die.


For a while, subtle and inaudible movements quietly fell into Qiao Yu's ears.

The moment the magic power surged, Qiao Yu suddenly exploded, and his body flew away from the spot like an afterimage.

call out--

A rich red high-speed missile sank into the place where Qiao Yu was before like lightning, and exploded, creating a huge crater with a diameter of five meters.

Qiao Yu's defense is so high now, and there are props to resist technology.Even if it is hit from the front, it will be injured at most and will not die.But if you don't get hurt, you won't get hurt. After all, everyone likes to be bombarded.

For other fighters, to avoid the enemy's attack, the first thing to do is to find a cover and hide.

But Qiao Yu is not.

Avoiding the enemy's attack at the moment, and carrying out a crazy counterattack while dodging, this is Qiao Yu's routine.

If the enemy dares to attack me, I will return with even more crazy firepower.This is Qiao Yu's temperament.

Thus, while moving at high speed, he brazenly raised his devil's fangs and started a frenzied counterattack.

chug chu...

clang clang...

The powerful bullets crazily poured on the blue demon armed warrior who attacked Qiao Yu, pitting the armor of the blue demon armed warrior.

The blue weapon demon mechanical warrior did not expect that the human in front of him was so fierce, not only able to avoid his own attack, but also counterattack himself, caught off guard, the armor on the chest of the blue warrior demon mechanical warrior suddenly A lot was destroyed.

The blue weapon demon mechanical armed soldier who was not slow to react rolled over to avoid the bunker on one side.

During the whole process, the bullets of Qiao Yu's Devil's Fang were always aiming and shooting at the blue demon mechanical armed warrior crazily.

As soon as the blue weapon demon mechanical armed warrior hid, Qiao Yu stepped on his feet quickly, and his whole body was as fast as a breeze.

After crossing a bunker on the side, the blue demon mechanical armed warrior once again fell within Qiao Yu's attack vision.

chug chu...

The dense bullets fell on the blue weapon demon mechanical armed warrior again crazily.

It has to be said that the defense ability of the armed armor of this blue blue demon mechanical armed warrior is really extraordinary.Bronze-level demon fangs are hard to destroy.

But think about it, this big guy may burst out with bronze-level equipment, so he is relieved. Bronze-level things are not easy to obtain.

The blue demon mechanical armed warrior who was suppressed by Qiao Yu's dense bullets was heartbroken, and instead of dodging, he raised the heavy cannon in his hand and bombarded Qiao Yu.

call out--

A heavy artillery bombarded quickly.

Qiao Yu, who has a quick reaction and a fast speed, can easily dodge such close-range shells.

So, while holding up the devil's teeth to evade the shells, he frantically fired at the blue demon mechanical armed warrior.

chug chu...




The sounds of guns and guns are intertwined, accompanied by sandstorms, and the rhythm of the death of the desert, playing a movement of death.

(End of this chapter)

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