Calamity Frontier

Chapter 113 Mounts

Chapter 113 Mounts
Looking at the hole in the armor on his chest torn apart by bullets.The blue martial demon mechanical armed warrior fell headlong to the ground.

Although he hasn't died yet, the energy transmission of the limbs and the energy transmission of the weapon at the energy nucleus crystal have been destroyed.He has no strength to resist.

And the fleshy human who had confronted him for almost a minute was still alive and well.Not even a little hurt.

Although his own bullets also hit the opponent several times, it didn't seem to have any effect.

This human being is too weird and too powerful, so powerful that the mechanical armed warriors of the blue demon demon are a little desperate.

"I didn't expect that I would die in the hands of a human being." The blue demon mechanical armed warrior thought in his heart.

At this moment, Qiao Yu came over, his arm burning with the magic power of the abyss, followed the wound and sank into the body of the blue demon mechanical armed soldier, and then grabbed the energy nucleus.


Suddenly, the blue demon mechanical armed warrior spoke.

"What's your name?"

"Oh? Do you want to know my name?" Qiao Yu had a faint smile on his face.

This blue demon mechanical armed warrior is very powerful. After all, it is a powerful blue-level creature. It would be difficult for Qiao Yu to deal with this guy if he didn't have the devil's teeth.

In the world of technology, guns are still easy to use.

Stretching out his hand to pinch the energy core crystal of this big guy, Qiao Yu pulled it suddenly.

Immediately, Qiao Yu withdrew the energy nucleus of the blue demon mechanical armed warrior, and at the same time the last light in his eyes dissipated, and then died.

"My name is Qiao Yu. It's a pity that you can't hear me." Qiao Yu shrugged.

Following the death of the blue martial demon mechanical armed warrior, a first-level bronze equipment emerged.

It is a piece of wrist guard equipment that increases strength. It is very useful for pure fighters, but it is useless for Qiao Yu. However, it is used to melt and transform into equipment fragments to improve other bronze equipment. It is a very good one. choose.

After the death of this powerful blue guy, some other demonic mechanical creatures still had some resistance, but they did not pose a threat to Qiao Yu at all.

When passing a corner, Qiao Yu's eyes moved slightly, and then Qiao Yu smiled lightly.

In a corner, there was another guy pretending to be dead.

When he looked carefully, Qiao Yu was slightly startled, "It's actually this guy."

Earlier, a light green mechanical feathered armored dragon taunted Qiao Yu. Qiao Yu looked at that guy's attributes and remembered that the guy's first talent attribute was called Phantom Wings.Oh, by the way, Qiao Yu still remembers his name, which is Sirius.

When Qiao Yu walked to the side, he took the gun and followed the gap in the neck armor of the mechanical feathered dragon named Siris.The important energy transmission routes around the energy nucleus crystal inside are aimed at.

"Hello Sirius, who is pretending to be dead." Qiao Yu smiled softly.

The mechanical feather armored dragon remained unmoved, still playing dead.

"I'll give you three seconds. If you keep pretending to be dead, I'll turn you into a pile of scrap metal."



"Hey... hey... buddy, don't be impulsive, I woke up, talk to me if you have something to say." Before he could say a word, the mechanical feathered armored dragon quickly opened his eyes and said loudly, for fear that Qiao Yu would turn him into a waste with a single shot. Copper rotten iron.

At this time, one wing of the mechanical feathered armored dragon was interrupted by Qiao Yu, and the other wing was also deformed by other demonic mechanical creatures. Obviously, it couldn't escape, so it pretended to be dead to the end.

Stepping on the mechanical neck of the mechanical feathered dragon with the sole of his foot, Qiao Yu flipped his hand and took out a small energy pulse bomb.

At the beginning, Qiao Yu collected many energy pulse bombs, but now he has used up many of them, and there are not many left.

In front of this mechanical feathered armored dragon, Qiao Yu activated the energy pulse bomb and asked. "Do you know what this is?"

This energy pulse bomb is not a product of this world, so the Mechanical Feather Dragon is not clear.

"I don't know." The mechanical feathered armored dragon shook his head simply.

"Does TNT know?"

"Of course I know that." The Mechanical Feather Armored Dragon said.

"This gadget is called an energy pulse bomb, comparable to a ton of TNT."

"What?" The mechanical feathered armored dragon was stunned in place. "Such a small thing is so powerful?"

Stretch out your palm and think, "Magic Armor Illusion Vine."

The magic armor phantom vine emerged, and then wrapped the energy pulse bomb, and then Qiao Yu stuffed the magic armor phantom vine wrapped with the energy pulse bomb into the chest cavity of the mechanical feather armor dragon.

Under Qiao Yu's manipulation, the magic armor phantom vine was wrapped tightly with the energy crystal nucleus of the mechanical feather armored dragon with the energy pulse bomb.

During the whole process, the Mechanical Feather Dragon watched this scene in astonishment. In his opinion, Qiao Yu's palm bloomed with the black fog and then came out like hair-like black tentacles to summon objects.

Even more strangely, this black summoned object actually moved by itself.

"Huh? It's really interesting that this plant is actually covering this energy pulse bomb."

"Huh? What did this meat worm throw this plant into my chest? I don't know how to handle this thing."

"Fuck, no, that thing is still wrapped with a bomb."

The mechanical feathered armored dragon that woke up suddenly roared loudly. "what are you going to do?"

With a movement of his body, Qiao Yu stepped on the head of the mechanical feather armored dragon on the ground and fell into the desert.

"I need a mount. You have a good body shape and fast speed, which is very suitable. Now I will give you a chance to use it as a mount. You must know that besides you, there are many others of your kind who are injured and not dead. I Believe, if I give this opportunity to others, they will definitely be happy to tear your body apart, then pull out your energy nucleus crystal, and then heal the injury for themselves."

"So now your choice is to die? Or to be my mount obediently?"

Qiao Yu showed his white teeth, threatening like an abyss devil.

Qiao Yu, who had a preliminary understanding of this world, knew that there were intelligent creatures such as mechanical feathered dragons, so he naturally wanted to capture one as a mount.

With a flying mount, Qiao Yu can do many things.

"I am willing, I am very willing." Siris is very aware of the temperament of his fellow tribes. Normally, those tribes would very much hope to tear others to obtain other people's energy nucleus crystals to grow themselves.Now if this good opportunity is given to others, it will definitely be a disaster for Siris.

"Only I can tear your bodies apart and crush your energy core crystals, and you don't even want to take advantage of me." This is the life motto of the insidious Sirius, so Sirius did not hesitate agreed.

"Since you are willing, that's great." Qiao Yu smiled and patted Sirius' metal head. "I like smart guys like you."

"But before that, I want to warn you about some things, lest you make some stupid actions. It's not good for you or me. I tied the energy pulse bomb to your energy nucleus , you don't touch that thing, if I find any abnormal behavior in your attempt to disarm the pulse bomb, I'm sorry, I will press the bomb button and turn you into scrap metal. You know , that vine is connected to my heart, if you touch it, I will feel it immediately. At the same time, you don’t even want to escape, I can feel it if you go beyond a certain distance, and when the time comes, it will turn you into a waste Rotten copper."

"This terrifying and insidious guy." Hearing Qiao Yu's deployment, Siris immediately cursed in his heart.

"Secondly, I know you must be cursing me in your heart right now. I don't care how much you curse me in your heart, but as long as you dare to disobey my orders even a little bit, I will turn you into scrap metal. You know Is it?" Qiao Yu said with a smile on his face.

Qiao Yu's words immediately froze Siris's heart. "This scary guy actually understands my thoughts." For a while, Siris didn't dare to curse in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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