Calamity Frontier

Chapter 115 Discovery

Chapter 115 Discovery
three days later.

The sandstorm that lasted for three days and three nights ended.

Qiao Yu has survived this round of disaster.


Siris, who was flying rapidly in the sky, roared loudly, venting the frustration of the past few days.

"Keep down, if the enemy finds us later, you will feel better." Qiao Yu, who was sitting on Sirius' back, said slowly.

Hearing this, Sirius immediately closed his mouth quickly, not daring to make any further noise.

Sirius, who stayed with Qiao Yu obediently, not only couldn't beat Qiao Yu, but also had her own life in the hands of the other party, so naturally obeyed Qiao Yu's orders honestly, and was a little slower. It is a lesson.

In the past few days, Sirius has not lost sight of the power of that black big knife, and cutting his body with that big knife is just like cutting tofu.

Moreover, in the past few days, Sirius has also clearly understood that Qiao Yu is a very vicious guy, and if he dares to disobey the other party's intentions, he will come up with a wave of the black sword.Several times, Sirius had a lot of metal body cut off.

After a few lessons, Sirius followed Qiao Yu's orders 100%, and did not dare to steal or play tricks at all.

"How far is the enemy?" Qiao Yu asked.

"It's just ahead," Sirius replied.

"Speed ​​up, kill them quickly." Qiao Yu said with a faint smile.

With a flap of its wings, Sirius' speed began to soar.

Early this morning, after the sandstorm disappeared, Qiao Yu started his harvesting plan in Sirius.

With Sirius, an extremely fast intelligent aircraft, Qiao Yu can save a lot of time and harvest enemies in a large area.

In addition, Siris is a demonic mechanical creature after all. Although he is now enslaved by Qiao Yu, he is a demonic mechanical creature after all. He can still communicate with the demonic mechanical race, so he can learn about it without any effort. General whereabouts of many enemies.It's much better than Qiao Yu looking blindly in the yellow sand all over the sky.

In this calamity world, every legion or disaster warrior will be hunted down by demonic mechanical creatures.Whoever can escape quickly will be able to survive.

The demon mechanical creature, this time, chased and killed all the disaster fighters and legion fighters who entered this disaster world on a large scale.

"It's just ahead." Sirius said quickly.

Needless to say, Sirius, Qiao Yu has already seen this group of guys with his attribute vision.

"It's actually a disaster warrior, and it seems to be a disaster warrior from all guilds."

Although in Qiao Yu's view, there is no need for this kind of guild to exist, there will always be people who think that the so-called guild is better than being alone.

"Look for cover, it's a green mechanical feathered armored dragon."

"Be careful, it's attacking."

When this small team of seven or eight disaster fighters saw the mechanical feather armored dragon start to dive, it immediately roared loudly.Obviously they have encountered this kind of demonic mechanical creature before.

chug chu...

Qiao Yu's Devil Fang started to fire crazily.

"Be careful!" A disaster warrior who was still talking was directly broken by several bullets, and then his body was shattered by the bullets of the devil's teeth.

The powerful bullet speed and crazy firepower of Devil's Fang are fully displayed at this time.

"Fight me back and hit me hard."

"Rocket is ready, kill it a bitch."

The rest of the disaster warriors took out their weapons on the sand dunes.

Da da da……

A machine gun was added and fired towards Qiao Yu.

"Hahaha..." Siris, who was laughing, dexterously made various quick changes of direction in the air, easily avoiding the machine gun fire.Even if it is hit, its defense is irrelevant.

At the same time, Siris, who was doing all kinds of difficult movements, also wanted to throw Qiao Yu off, making Qiao Yu look bad.

But obviously his little thought failed to achieve his goal.

The magic armor phantom vine firmly fixed Qiao Yu on his back, no matter how he tossed, Qiao Yu was as stable as a mountain.At the same time, the firepower of the devil's fang in Qiao Yu's hand continued even more.

Puff puff--

Puff puff--

In just a few seconds, two more unlucky guys died at the gunpoint of Qiao Yu's Devil Fang.


A rocket roared with a long tail flame.

"What a bunch of idiots, do you really think this rocket can hit me?" Sirius, who suddenly turned sideways and avoided the rocket, taunted loudly.

The green level mechanical feathered dragon is very powerful.Although they were easily shot down by Qiao Yu when they were in front of Qiao Yu, it was because of Qiao Yu's abyssal magic power and terrifying marksmanship.

For ordinary fighters, the green mechanical feather armored dragon is definitely a powerful enemy for them.

However, when this mighty foe sits on top of a terrifying sharpshooter, the two combined can be a complete nightmare.

Two more disaster fighters in a row died under Qiao Yu's gun.

After killing five people in a row, there are only two people left in this team.

Facing the crazy firepower of the enemy, the two men were afraid and collapsed, and began to retreat while firing.

Retreat or not, for them, the outcome is the same.

"Clang clang clang, poof!"

The bulletproof props of the last Calamity Warrior were shattered, and then his calf was broken by a bullet from Qiao Yu's Devil's Fang.

Suddenly the disaster warrior fell to the ground and screamed.

A shot pierced the air.

The calamity warrior's head exploded, and the screams stopped abruptly.

From the beginning to the end of the battle, it took less than ten seconds to wipe out this team.

This team, the reaction ability and combat ability are obviously good, but they met Qiao Yu.I met Qiao Yu who had a bronze-level firearm.So they can only die miserably.

"Let's go to the next location." There was a faint smile on the corner of Qiao Yu's mouth.

The higher the level of the world, the higher the value of disaster fighters or legion fighters. The more they kill, the higher the evaluation will be.If Qiao Yu killed enough people in this world and his performance score was high enough, he might be able to obtain silver-level equipment with six times the reward.

Silver level equipment is very rare.

The first-level silver is comparable to the third-level bronze, and the second-level silver Pumei fifth-level bronze.As for the third-level silver, it completely surpassed the bronze.This is just the basic attributes.

In terms of basic power, silver equipment completely crushes bronze equipment.

In order to get better equipment, to better enhance his strength, and to survive better, the powerful Qiao Yu is ready to kill in this mission world.

Sitting on the body of Siris, with the bitter wind blowing across his cheeks, Qiao Yu looked at the desert in front of him indifferently.

The last round of sandstorm disaster has just passed, and there will be a few days of buffer time in the future.And this period of time is a good time for Qiao Yu to go on a killing spree.

(End of this chapter)

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