Calamity Frontier

Chapter 116 Discovery

Chapter 116 Discovery
In the yellow desert.

The ruins of ancient stone statues stand here, like a tenacious will to contend with the desert, giving later generations a bit of spiritual comfort, and also giving them a little place to rest.

A group of three people, a squad of legionnaires is hiding in a desert stone statue ruins, avoiding the scorching heat while also avoiding those flying demonic mechanical creatures flying past from time to time.

"The heat in this desert is really uncomfortable." A bald man said while touching his shiny head, looking away from the sun.

"You can still feel the hot temperature, which is already very good. You must know that many people in our main camp can't even feel the temperature." A woman with a calm face and short hair is carrying a dagger, not afraid of the heat Sitting cross-legged on the desert, he said so.

The so-called people who can't even feel the temperature in their mouths naturally refer to those who have died.

Hearing what the woman said, among the three, the last slender man in a snow-white robe slowly opened his eyes.

In the past few days, the three of them retreated all the way to the south, killing many mechanical demonic creatures on the way.The three of them are powerful and cooperate with each other. Even if the powerful blue demonic mechanical creature attacks, they will not be afraid. Therefore, the three of them are not in a hurry during the process of retreating all the way.After all, the strength of the three of them is at the EE level, which is extremely strong, even comparable to many D-level, and even DD-level masters.Among the Saint Shenhao Legion, they are the real powerhouses.Moreover, their team is one of the main teams that killed Qiao Yu this time.

The three of them retreated safely these days, but during the retreat, there was some bad news, and they let the three of them know through special legion props.

The guy named Qiao Yu, who didn't know what method he used, actually grabbed the green mechanical armored dragon as a mount, and then started a large-scale sweep.

Yes, it is sweeping.

That insane Qiao Yu not only killed the legion soldiers everywhere, but also the people in the camp. He killed one and never left a living. Not only was he ruthless, but he was also extremely cruel.Some female legionnaires were brutally murdered by Qiao Yu.

Basically, anyone who encounters this guy will definitely be unlucky.

Its strength is extremely strong, basically no one can compete with it, and riding on the mechanical feather armored dragon, it is even more invincible.

However, although Qiao Yu was powerful, they, as the main battle team of legionnaires to destroy Qiao Yu, were not afraid of the so-called Qiao Yu.

"Captain, is that guy named Qiao Yu really good?" Kuwait, the bald man, asked indifferently.

"That guy is very strong." Bai Zesi, who was wearing a white robe, said so. "I have also discussed with the captains of several other teams. This Qiao Yu is really difficult to deal with. This time, several of the top EE-level powerhouses of our Saint Shenhao Legion have come here. It can be seen that this guy named Qiao Yu is How difficult to deal with."

"With so many people united, as long as you can catch that guy, you can definitely destroy him in one fell swoop." Kuwait continued to touch his bald head and said.

"Since you said so, if you really meet that Qiao Yu, you go first, and I will sweep the battle for you, maybe you can take that Qiao Yu's head alone. That head is worth [-] calamity coins " Yan Yu, a short-haired woman with piercing gaze, said bluntly.

"Hey hey..." Kuwait laughed as he slapped himself on the forehead. "Don't tell me, I really have this idea."




Suddenly, an explosion sounded from the desert field in the north.

As the sound of the explosion spread, a row of mushroom clouds rose up as far as the eye could see. It looked spectacular, but this spectacular scene contained a terrifying death.

"Small annihilation bomb." Looking at the rising mushroom cloud on the northern border, a serious look appeared in Bai Zesi's eyes.

This mission world this time is a catastrophic event of fleeing, and the enemy is so powerful. Besides, there is also a very powerful Qiao Yu. The difficulty of this mission world is not so easy to overcome.

boom boom-

Annihilation bombs exploded one after another, while Qiao Yu, who was sitting on Siris, watched all this quietly.

"The annihilation bombs have exploded, and those guys have started large-scale cleanup activities. I'm afraid it won't be long before those enemies will go south and destroy everything along the way." Seeing these terrorist annihilation bombs erupting, Qiao Yu thought faintly.

However, I have a mechanical feathered armored dragon as a mount, so I don't have to worry about being chased by hostility for a while.

Immediately, Qiao Yu withdrew his gaze, looked down, and continued to look for those legionnaires.

Qiao Yu has killed many legion soldiers these days, and his income has been increasing. Naturally, Qiao Yu will not let go of such a good opportunity.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Qiao Yu's expression changed slightly.

"There is?"

Immediately, a large amount of pure abyssal magic power gathered in Qiao Yu's eyes.

After a while, Qiao Yu smiled.


"What's so interesting?" Seeing Qiao Yu happy, Siris took the opportunity to ask.

"Go to the Stonehenge in front." Qiao Yu pointed at the Stonehenge on the ground in front of him with his sword.

Sirius flapped her wings and flew away quickly.

With a distance of more than a hundred meters from Stonehenge, Qiao Yu suddenly jumped and fell down from a height of 20 meters.

Then, twisting the Black Flood Dragon Demon Devouring Knife, with a slight smile, he walked towards the Stonehenge.

If you can use a knife, Qiao Yu will try to use a knife as much as possible. After all, killing with a sword can continuously improve the Black Flood Demon Devourer.

At this time, there were three people standing impressively on the edge of the ruined Stonehenge.

Qiao Yu looked around, and among the three, there was a tall, bare-headed man who was a Tomahawk warrior.A woman in an exquisite leather armor showing a graceful figure, and a rather ordinary-looking man in a white robe.

While looking at the three of them, three powerful life strengths also appeared in Qiao Yu's eyes.

49, 48, 50.This is the life strength of these three guys, and this life strength is almost the limit of EE level.

"Bizes?" Qiao Yu smiled lightly.

There is a big difference between the strong and the weak in terms of essence, energy, spirit, body, and posture. Qiao Yu can clearly see whether they are strong or weak.

Qiao Yu could tell that these three guys were unusual and very strong.At the same time, Bai Zesi among the three, Qiao Yu knew, was a very powerful guy in the Saint Shenhao's army, and he was very famous.

"I've known for a long time that Qiao Yu's name is extraordinary. When I saw it today, I really admire him." Bai Zesi said with a smile.

His face smiled lightly, but in his heart, Bai Zesi was quite surprised. His profession is a very dark wizard, he is very strong in sensing, and he has worked hard to cultivate a pair of attribute vision. Basically, there is nothing to hide at a glance. , However, when he looked at Qiao Yu, he couldn't see anything, not even the most basic life intensity.Bai Zesi is very clear about what this situation means, which means that the opponent's manipulation of energy is superb, and the ability to restrain is even more mellow and natural.This kind of people are all top experts.

"A master, a real master." Just seeing Qiao Yu standing there, Bai Zesi's heart trembled slightly.

Any stop, is a flawless impeccable.At this time, Qiao Yu's form looked like this in Bai Zesi's eyes.

"Brother Bai, how about I go test it first?" At this time, Kuwait on the side asked Zhan.

"Be careful, this guy is very dangerous." Bai Zesi stared at Qiao Yu and said.

"Don't worry, I will be careful." Kuwaiti Tomahawk swung his stride towards Qiao Yu.

"Just watch, if there is any change, immediately go up to support." Immediately, Bai Zesi laughed and said to Yan Yu who was beside him.

"I know."

On the other hand, Yan Yu nodded solemnly, and Yan Yu also saw that this guy named Qiao Yu had extraordinary strength.I'm afraid this battle will be difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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