Chapter 117

"My name is Kuwait." The burly bald man held a dark gray battle ax and stood in front of Qiao Yu on guard and said.

"Actually, to me, you all have nice names." Qiao Yu said softly.

"what name?"

"The soul of the dead under the knife."

The bald man grinned, "I hope your knife can be as powerful as your mouth."

"I hope you can bear my knife." Qiao Yu waved his sword lightly and smiled lightly.

A pair of eyes froze suddenly, Kuwait stepped forward, and his figure rushed towards him like a gust of wind, obviously using some skills.

For legion fighters or disaster fighters, skills are undoubtedly the best way to enhance their combat capabilities. Various cut-ins and combat skills have extraordinary effects when fighting with the enemy.Therefore, many people like to arm themselves with various skills.

But what Qiao Yu is taking now is a path of practice that suits him in combination with the world.

The stepping Kuwaiti battle ax swung down suddenly, and there was a blue sharp light on the battle ax, which was extremely sharp.

The tomahawk chopped down between lightning and flint.

Stepping back slightly, Qiao Yu dodged the blow of the battle ax lightly.

This Kuwait is also a master of using a tomahawk. After slashing with the tomahawk, he saw Qiao Yu retreat from the side and escape, and his strength immediately changed.

Qiao Yu stepped back again, avoiding Kuwait's powerful attack again.

Seeing this, the Kuwaiti Tomahawk slashed layer upon layer like a gust of wind in his hand, attacking Qiao Yu continuously.

"Boy, aren't you very powerful? Why do you only retreat?" Kuwait roared and grinned loudly during the attack.

"I just want to see how strong you are."

Qiao Yu knew that Bai Zesi was the top among the EE-level masters in the Sheng Shenhao army.Basically, it can represent the peak combat power of the legion fighters at this level.Qiao Yu naturally wanted to experience the strength of such powerful legion fighters and their teammates.

Swish swish!
Three consecutive blows of the battle ax came, slashing down as swiftly as the wind.

"How powerful is my tomahawk?" Seeing that the opponent dodged and did not attack, Kuwait cursed angrily during the attack.

"Hmph!" Qiao Yu chuckled. "If you have this level of strength, you can die."

Qiao Yu moved his steps slightly sideways to avoid the attack of the battle ax by a hair's breadth.

The Bronze Level [-] Black Flood Demon Devourer slightly swayed.

The sword sang in the wind.

Leisurely, Qiao Yu's saber tore through the air, like a dragon coming out of the water, with overwhelming power.

This knife came extremely swiftly and violently, like the wailing of a god of death.

"It's broken." Kuwait was startled.

The timing of Qiao Yu's cutting was just right, and it was the weakness of Kuwait's attack. If the knife came from the side, if it was cut off, Kuwait would be cut off in the middle. This knife is so fast, Kuwait Almost impossible to dodge.

"Not good!" Yan Yu and Bai Zesi, who were watching the battle from a distance, both sank when they saw this.

Qiao Yu's entry point is really great, not too early, not too late, just right.Obviously, the grasp of the battle situation is extremely perfect.

With a slight sway of his body, Yan Yu disappeared from the spot in an instant.

With a flash, Yan Yu appeared behind Qiao Yu, and the short knife in his hand slashed towards Qiao Yu's neck.There is a sharp cyan light on the short knife, which obviously has a powerful skill.

Qiao Yu attacked Kuwait, while Yan Yu was stuck at this point and attacked Qiao Yu. This move surrounded Wei and rescued Zhao, which was quite amazing.

"It's... naive." Qiao Yu smiled lightly.

What changes may happen to the battle situation, all of this is in Qiao Yu's grasp.

The magic of the abyss!

Suddenly, the pure abyssal magic power in the abyssal magic pool in the body suddenly bloomed.

With the upgrade of Qiao Yu's Abyssal Magic Pool, the storage capacity of Qiao Yu's Abyssal Magic Pool has also been greatly increased. Now the magic power storage capacity of the Abyssal Magic Pool in Qiao Yu's body is about 420 points. With so much abyssal magic power, plus one The rapid recovery ability of the super abyss magic pool itself, so that Qiao Yu doesn't have to worry about the consumption of magic power at all.

call out--

The speed of the saber in Qiao Yu's hand suddenly soared several times.

The body sank slightly, and the saber slashed away like the rain from an inconceivable angle.

"Block it."

Seeing Qiao Yu's slash coming, Yan Yu could only change the slash to block.


Combat knives and short knives.

"It's such a terrifying power." At the same time as the saber touched, Yan Yu suddenly felt a terrifying force crushing him.

At the time of the collision, Yan Yu was directly blown away by Qiao Yu's knife.

Then the blade swept across an arc, and slashed to Kuwait on one side again.

At this time, Kuwait had recovered, and the Tomahawk suddenly rose.

Under the bombardment of the sword and the axe, Qiao Yu remained motionless, and Kuwait was thrown back seven or eight meters by Qiao Yu's knife.

"Not bad." Qiao Yu, who waved his saber lightly, laughed. "With some means, it is worth my extra strength."

Qiao Yu could feel that the strength of these legionnaires was really good. Under the strengthening of so many calamity coins, his strength was seven or eight times higher than before.Now that his own strength is so strong, the opponent can still compete with him one or two.To be able to achieve this result, in Qiao Yu's opinion, is already very good.

At this time, Kuwait, Yan Yu, and Bai Zesi had extremely serious faces.

If Yan Yu didn't help, then Kuwait would be seriously injured even if he didn't die under this blow.

Even with Yan Yu's help, under a sneak attack, the opponent can still turn the situation around in an instant with a sword, and then swing the two of them away with one blow.This strength is already quite terrifying.

What's even more frightening is that the other side actually looked like they could do anything with ease, while the two of them were all out with all their might.

This gap is really not that big.

"This time, I'm afraid there will be a tough battle." Bai Zesi said in a low voice.

"I've already seen it." The murderous intent emerged from Yan Yu's eyes. Facing Qiao Yu, a formidable enemy, her inner murderous intent bloomed fiercely.

"Hey... I don't know if the three of us can kill him together." Kuwait on the side also saw that the enemy in front of him was really powerful.

"There's no need to waste time, the three go together, so as not to say that I bully you." Qiao Yu twisted his sword and twisted his body slightly.Then he laughed out loud.

As the body twisted, the magic power of the abyss began to diffuse.With the control of Qiao Yu's physical body, he gradually entered a fighting state.

For Qiao Yu, ordinary enemies make Qiao Yu unable to arouse the blood of fighting, and he will be strong when he encounters a strong one. This is a typical characteristic of people like Qiao Yu.

The combination of the three enemies in front of him can already make Qiao Yu take it seriously.

"I met Qiao Yu. He is very strong. The three of us may not be his opponents. If I fail, be careful." After quickly sending this message to several other strong teams, Bai Ze Si raised his head and looked at Qiao Yu.

"This battle, I'm afraid it's really bad luck. Do you still remember the oath we made when we formed a team?" Bai Zesi said in a low voice.

"Fight to the death!" Yan Yu said harshly.

"Fight to the death!" Kuwait grinned grinningly.

 Black, here is a New Year greeting to all book lovers!

  I wish you all book friends, in the new year, your studies will progress, your career will be promoted, your wishes will come true, and your dreams will come true soon.

  A new year, the first day, a good omen, today is the third watch!

  Well, don't say I'm stingy, these few days of Chinese New Year, busy, really busy.

  Moreover, next week on the 23rd, I will be on the shelves, and it will explode when it is on the shelves, and now I am trying my best to save the manuscript.

  It's really not easy, everyone be patient.

  After this period of busy work is over, life is back on track, and daily three or four changes are the norm.

  Alright ^[-]^~, that's all!
(End of this chapter)

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