Calamity Frontier

Chapter 118 Backlash

Chapter 118 Backlash
The sun is scorching and the heat waves are rolling.

On the desert, Qiao Yu stood still with the Black Flood Demon Devourer, staring at the three of them.


Kuwait, Yan Yu, and Bai Zesi, the three of them burst out with murderous intent in a low voice at the same time.

Stepping forward again, Kuwait, led by Kuwait, attacked again brazenly, while Yan Yu was on the sidelines for him.At the end, Bai Zesi started his own summoning.

Qiao Yu could feel the special power used around Bai Zesi. If he really summoned a powerful force or a powerful creature, it would be difficult to deal with.

"It's really a good plan." Qiao Yu sneered.

In Qiao Yu's view, the bald man is the main attack, and the woman is assisting the attack from one side. If possible, the two of them can completely kill the enemy. Even if they can't kill the enemy, they can still restrain the enemy and create a good opportunity for Bai Zesi .

This routine, or in other words, this rhythm, is obviously very beautiful.

But, will Qiao Yu follow the opponent's routine?
Obviously, no.

Qiao Yu wouldn't get entangled with those two melee fighters at all, he just needed to cut to this Bai Zesi's side.

Qiao Yu will only follow his own method, forcibly tear apart the opponent's routine, and then kill all the enemies.

With a sudden movement of steps, Qiao Yu's figure rushed towards him like lightning.

"It's so fast." Seeing Qiao Yu's speed, the three of them were shocked at the same time.

"Stop him." Bai Zesi shouted loudly.When he casts a spell, he obviously cannot be interrupted.

Qiao Yu, who was like a ghost, slashed towards Kuwait fiercely.

"Roar—" Kuwait roared with strength, trying to block the fierce blow.


With a fierce slash of the saber, Kuwait's body was sent flying sideways by Qiao Yu's slash.

Then the blade swept across a perfect trajectory, swinging towards the female warrior.

"His sword is so fast." Seeing the black afterimage attacking the big sword, the female warrior Yan Yu could only resist it with all her strength.

After Qiao Yu's Black Flood Dragon Devouring Saber slashed, the female warrior Yan Yu had no strength to contend with him.

The basic life strength of [-] points, the powerful heart of the dark armored dragon and the pure magic of the abyss, the combination of the three makes Qiao Yu's sword heavy and terrifying.

With one slash, the female warrior was slashed away by Qiao Yu again.

If one-on-one, Qiao Yu can follow the trend and kill him, but now Qiao Yu's target is that Bai Zesi.

"Hey..." With a slight movement of his eyes, Qiao Yu locked on to Bai Zesi, and smiled coldly.

While sneering, Qiao Yu continued to step rapidly, and the soaring speed made Qiao Yu reach that Bai Zesi in an instant.

"Go to hell!"

With a low growl, the Black Flood Dragon Demon Devouring Knife broke through the heavy air waves, and slashed down ferociously with the momentum of thunder.With this knife, let alone a person, even an elephant, Qiao Yu can split it in half.

When Qiao Yu's Black Flood Demon Devouring Knife was still more than 30 centimeters away from Bai Zesi, a black force suddenly surged out, firmly blocking Qiao Yu's sharp knife.

"Hey hey..." Qiao Yu smiled lightly. "Sure enough, with the help of the power of darkness, you can indeed make yourself very strong when you are very weak."

The path that Bai Zesi took was the abyss summoning flow.

Half of Qiao Yu's path is also the abyss summoning flow.

However, the essence of the two is different. Qiao Yu's abyss summoning is to use skills to summon plants.These plants may have extraordinary effects, but they will never overwhelm the host, and will not be stronger than Qiao Yu's body. Qiao Yu can perfectly control and control these plants.

And the path that Bai Zesi in front of him is taking is to summon some extremely powerful forces in the abyss.

This kind of abyss summoning genre is obviously very powerful with the help of those powerful forces in the early stage, but as your own strength increases, you will find that these abyss powers will be ready to move, and even if you are not careful, you will be attacked by the abyss power. Backlash.

Qiao Yu has encountered this situation many times. "Brother An" has done a lot of research on the game and backlash against the power of the abyss, so Qiao Yu knows a lot.Qiao Yu even knew that once "Brother An" successfully enslaved a very special abyss power.Of course, in most cases, they are swallowed by the power of the abyss.

The path Qiao Yu took was a safe path, and this path of playing with the power of the abyss was obviously playing with fire and setting himself on fire.

Although he blocked Qiao Yu's knife, Bai Zesi's complexion did not improve at all, because he felt that the power of Qiao Yu's knife was very terrifying, and even annihilated about one-fifth of the original power he summoned. This situation was unprecedented for him.

"This terrifying guy." Bai Zesi clenched his fists and said secretly, and at the same time, deep in his heart, he deepened his call for this kind of power even faster.

"I want to summon this abyssal power in front of me." Qiao Yu's eyes showed a strange look, like a smile, like a mockery.

"That's a dream! Roar—"

Suddenly, Qiao Yu roared, and at the same time, the power of the soul attack swept towards Bai Zesi.


With Qiao Yu's roar, like a sea of ​​blood, like a mountain of corpses, like an abyss of death, that terrifying and sharp soul force swept towards Bai Zesi.

In an instant, Bai Zesi almost felt that his soul was about to burst, followed by severe pain, which was a convulsion from the depths of his soul, which made him unable to control the pain at all.


The low and crazy power of the abyss began to bloom in Bai Zesi's body.

How crazy and tenacious Qiao Yu's soul and will are. This soul attack directly tore apart Bai Zesi's soul, and by the way also tore away the little abyssal power.

In this way, the abyssal power was naturally angered. At this time, Bai Zesi's soul was under attack, and he couldn't control this manic support force, so the end would naturally be - backlash.

"Hahaha!" Qiao Yu who stepped back laughed loudly.Qiao Yu, who knew the disadvantages of summoning the power of the abyss, attacked with a soul attack, attacking its weakness, and annihilated it with a direct blow.

"Ahhh——" Bai Zesi twisted his body and fell to the ground, then screamed heart-piercingly.At the same time, amidst its screams, there was also the roar of that abyssal power.

"If you dare to play with fire in front of me, I will add fuel to the fire by the way, so that your burned bones will never be saved."

With a slight movement of the pace, the Black Flood Dragon Demon Devourer suddenly slashed backwards.

The Black Flood Demon Devouring Knife blocked the short knife that Yan Yu attacked and killed.

The saber shook suddenly, forcing the rain back, and then the blade swept across the air in a round and natural arc, and then slammed sideways to block the bombarding tomahawk.

Both of these attacks were extremely fierce, but Qiao Yu calmly blocked all attacks with a sword.

"team leader!"

"Brother Bai!"

Seeing Bai Zesi's screams, the two roared loudly at the same time.

"Stop shouting." Qiao Yu brandished his sword and completely suppressed the two of them.

"Borrowing the power of the abyss, his soul will eventually return to the abyss. These are the words of Brother An, and now I give them to you."

(End of this chapter)

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