Calamity Frontier

Chapter 132 Testimonials on the shelves!

Chapter 132 Testimonials on the shelves!

It's finally time to go on sale.

Testimonials are indispensable after all!

Well, let's not talk about those provocative words, let's talk about something real.

It will be on shelves on Friday, that is, tomorrow, twenty chapters will explode that day!

Originally, I could save more manuscripts, and I could explode more, but a few days ago, you also know, Chinese New Year!

This is a big event that the whole world celebrates, so many authors have stopped updating.However, I didn't stop updating, and I still updated daily on time and on time.

However, this also consumed some saved manuscripts, so only twenty chapters broke out. To be honest, it is a bit small.I'm really sorry for just breaking out like this.

But don't worry, I will slowly make up for it after it is put on the shelves.

After being put on the shelves, it will start at [-] every day!
The time of the third watch is 8:05 in the morning, 2:05 in the afternoon, and 8:05 in the evening, and it is updated at three time points.

And it's just a basic update. When I have enough manuscripts, I will write as many updates as possible. Four or five updates are possible.When you are in good shape, you can easily tens of thousands.

Therefore, everyone will wait and see my update speed, and I will not disappoint you.

All right!After talking about the update, then you need to pull a wave of subscriptions.

Since ancient times, there is no gentleman who does not support artists.

Writing also needs to earn money. This is a very real problem. It’s like you work and need to be paid. If you don’t get paid, will you do it for nothing?Obviously not.

Not much more than a month, about [-] yuan, you can steadily support black here on the genuine channel Qidian Chinese website.

Now, a bottle of pulse is six yuan, a bottle of better mineral water is three yuan, and a random ice cream is four or five yuan.Ten yuan a month to support genuine authors, is that much?To be honest, I don’t have much sincerity, and if I share it, it’s three cents a day.It is estimated that the [-] cents fell on the ground, and you didn't even bother to bend down to pick it up.Just grabbing a small red envelope is worth a few dollars, and it is very easy to support black.

Your support can make black more income and make black write more and more exciting stories.

The current money is becoming less and less valuable, and the depreciation is very serious.

But the price of reading books has never risen by a dime, ordinary members are only five cents a thousand words!Gaohui is four cents for a thousand characters, and V is three cents for a thousand characters, which is really cheap.

In the past, I also read pirated copies in black. Later, in order to chase the works of a few more popular authors, I gradually turned to genuine ones. Genuine reading is also a trend, but many friends have not developed the habit of genuine reading. I like the black one. Friends at the frontier of disaster, black, you hope that you can come to the genuine version to support black.

Try a genuine subscription, maybe you will have a different feeling.

And, if you charge money, you will become stronger, this really does not lie to you.


During the new book period, many friends came to support Hei and gave Hei a reward.

For these rewarding brothers, Hei sincerely bows and thank you!

There are also some friends who are worried about 404 in this book, but Black has already explained it before, so there is no need to worry about this at all, just read the book with peace of mind.

The new book is on the shelves, with [-] chapters bursting out, although it is not too many, but a reward is definitely required.

A lot of friends are urging it to go on the shelves, now that it's on the shelves, you don't have to hide and pinch it anymore, let's see how many big shots can stand up and make a big splash.

Don't dare to say the alliance leader, anyway, the helmsman must come a few!

Then talk about what's on the shelves.

Tomorrow Friday, at [-]:[-] noon, the VIP chapter will be released.I will decisively send out all twenty chapters.You read that right, Chapter [-] will be posted directly.

Black is also a reader, and I know that after reading chapter after chapter, sometimes I feel really sad when I see that the highlights are gone.So this time, I will try to make everyone enjoy watching it all at once.

I hope that everyone can give a little bit of effort and give more rewards. Five or ten yuan is not too little, and one or two hundred is not too much.

That's about it.

I hope that everyone can come to support black by then.

Thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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