Calamity Frontier

Chapter 133 Sigh

Chapter 133 Sigh (Part [-])
When Qiao Yu followed the induction to find the spine gray wolf, the battle had come to an end.

As Qiao Yu expected, although this team is not weak, it is still far behind the Spine Gray Wolf.

At this time, the spine gray wolf was covered with scars all over his body.Although there were many scars, none of them were fatal.Qiao Yu looked at the state of the gray wolf with spines, and estimated that it still had [-] to [-]% of its strength.

With a pounce of the spine gray wolf.

His bloody mouth hissed and bit Lie Tianrong's thigh.

And Lie Tianrong is also extremely fierce, and he is not afraid at all.

"I'm fighting with you." Lie Tian's fusion of blood burst out in the roar.The light battle ax in his hand fell crazily onto the neck of the thorny gray wolf.

The gray wolf with the spines that was suffering from the pain slammed, and Lie Tianrong, whose thigh was crushed, was thrown out.


With one leg broken, Lie Tianrong lying in a pool of blood screamed in pain.

At this time, in this battlefield, Lie Tianrong's other teammates were all dead, not even a single corpse was complete.

The smell of blood was pervasive, severed limbs were densely covered, and Lie Tianrong's screams amidst the roar made the scene extremely tragic.

The terrifying disaster world is often accompanied by blood, injury, disability, and even death.

The reason why Qiao Yu went smoothly was because he was at the peak of his class.

If Qiao Yu weakens one day and falls to the lower level of the same stage, then this scene before him will be Qiao Yu's true reward.

Therefore, Qiao Yu had to step on other people's corpses, and for this reason, Qiao Yu did not hesitate to do anything.

"Come on! Come to Dad, come on! Hahaha..." Lie Tianrong, who knew he would die for sure, waved his battle ax at the thorny gray wolf, and uttered the last battle cry in his life.Calamity warriors have extremely strong physical fitness, and even have special energy in their bodies. Therefore, unless they are critically injured, they can persist for a long time with severed limbs and disabilities.


The gray spine wolf roared and rushed forward.

The fast gray wolf with spines bit Lie Tianrong's body, and a lot of blood escaped.

"Ahh—" At the last moment of his life, he was still swinging his battle ax to chop the neck of the gray wolf with spines.

As the fangs of the spine gray wolf snapped together, Lie Tianrong's face twisted slightly, and the battle ax in his hand suddenly fell off.

So far, the team has been wiped out.

In the disaster world, it is very common to be killed by powerful disaster creatures.The Liemu team will not be the first, let alone the last.

Looking at the blood and corpses all over the ground, Qiao Yu's face was calm and indifferent.

The spine gray wolf who killed the calamity warrior turned around and looked at Qiao Yu.

"Hoho..." From the mouth of the spine wolf, a threatening roar rolled out, and the sharp fangs were even more revealed.

"Okay! Quick fix, I might have a beautiful date later." Qiao Yu laughed, showing his sinister fangs, which were bloodier and crueler than the fangs of this spine-tinged gray wolf.

"Roar!" The gray spine wolf roared and rushed forward.

With a slight step, Qiao Yuhou retreated, and at the same time, black flames bloomed on the Black Flood Demon Devouring Knife.It slammed towards the spine and stabbed the head of the gray wolf.


The hideous wound was torn open by Qiao Yu.

The moment his steps moved sideways, the Black Flood Dragon Demon Devourer swung upward again.

The blade brushed against the side of the spine gray wolf, and another wound was torn open.

Compared with the superficial scars that the team had caused to the spine gray wolf, Qiao Yu's Black Flood Demon Devouring Knife was obviously stronger in attack power.With one slash, the fur defense of the spine gray wolf was torn apart, and the flesh and blood inside were ripped out, and a lot of blood spilled out.

The harm Qiao Yu caused to him was extremely deep.


The spine gray wolf howled in pain.

Qiao Yu took the opportunity to move his steps strangely, and his figure became erratic.

The Black Flood Dragon Demon Devouring Knife tore through the air again and slashed down.

Accompanied by the roar of the spine gray wolf, another deep wound was torn open.

The spine gray wolf, who was already injured and not at his peak, was no match for Qiao Yu at all.

Qiao Yu's Black Flood Demon Devouring Knife turned into multiple shadows, falling down continuously and crazily, a lot of blood flew, and even some minced meat was cut off.

Gray Wolf, whose strength was not at its peak, was no match for Qiao Yu at all.

A few minutes later, with the wailing of the spine gray wolf, this powerful guardian was beheaded by Qiao Yusheng.

When Qiao Yu killed the gray spine wolf, the gray spine wolf didn't reveal any equipment.

A stream of blue light, glowing with halo, bloomed from the body of the spine gray wolf.

"Did some powerful attribute come out?" Looking at the streamer, Qiao Yu secretly asked.

Compared with the equipment, the "attributes" that exploded after the death of such disaster creatures did not increase much, but fortunately, they have different functions, and various attributes can be superimposed on the disaster warriors.In the long run, this increase in "attributes" will have a better effect.

With the integration of this attribute, Qiao Yu can clearly feel the effect of this attribute.

"The fit of the wind!"

This is the power of this "property".

The fit of the wind can make Qiao Yu suffer from less air resistance, make his steps lighter, and make Qiao Yu faster and more concealed when he hides.

"Very good ability." Qiao Yu smiled very satisfied. "With this fit of wind, my speed will increase by about [-]%, and the light maneuvering and dodging will also be more effective."

Then Qiao Yu raised his head and looked deeper into the forest.

Following the intersection of death and life in this alien forest, Qiao Yu could feel that there were only three remaining guardians left.

Of the eight guardians, two were killed by themselves, and three remained, and the other three had already been killed by other powerful guys.

"Continue to go to the area where those guardians are. Only in this way can we find those legionnaires, and then kill them to get enough benefits." Qiao Yu thought to himself! "

As soon as he moved his steps, Qiao Yu was already walking deeper into the jungle.

Slightly, the breeze came slowly.

The blood energy diffused slightly with the breeze, as if it was the soft call of the god of death, or the wailing of the doomsday scene.

In an instant!
A sharp cold light, as sharp as a death scythe, tore through the air, appeared on Qiao Yu's back, and stabbed slightly towards Qiao Yu's back.

The dagger that rips open the air is as silvery as snow in its entire body.

When the dagger fell, a sigh quietly bloomed in Qiao Yu's mind. This sigh was for the dying of life.It's a sign of death.

This blow came too abruptly, too strangely, without any warning.

The owner of the dagger seemed to have sensed the sneak attack this time, and it was bound to hit. There was even a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.

This is really a perfect shot!
(End of this chapter)

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