Calamity Frontier

Chapter 134 Fighting

Chapter 134 Fighting (Second Update)

The silvery-white dagger fell, and the crisis of death bloomed. The god of death was even ready to harvest life.

Between moments.

The Black Flood Dragon Demon Devourer moved.

Qiao Yu also moved.

With a slight step, Qiao Yu seemed to stagger and fall forward.

And the Black Flood Dragon Demon Devouring Knife took advantage of the situation and slashed towards the owner of the dagger.

The Black Flood Dragon Demon Devouring Knife went up against the wind, and black flames burst out inch by inch.

The sneak attacker hid very deeply, and the sneak attack cut in was also very abrupt, but Qiao Yu's perception ability was obviously better.

The sharp dagger, like a sting of tens of thousands of forces, stings fiercely on Qiao Yu's Black Flood Dragon Demon Devouring Knife.

A light shock wave exploded at the part where the sting hit the Black Flood Demon Devouring Knife, and the air shock wave visible to the naked eye swept away.The surrounding flowers, plants and trees were swept under, and some of them were even smashed directly.This shows the powerful power of this blow.

Qiao Yu, who was holding the Black Flood Dragon Demon Devouring Knife, quickly fell back and flew away like falling flowers and plants under this fierce blow.

"What a powerful blow." Qiao Yu, who fell back and flew away, tried his best to stabilize his figure, and then his eyes turned away the bright whiteness.

After being knocked twelve or thirteen meters into the air, Qiao Yu managed to stabilize his figure.

At this time, the owner holding the dagger moved slightly from the side, as if walking out of the barrier of space.

This is a woman.

His bronze-colored tight-fitting leather armor perfectly highlighted his graceful figure.His face is not very beautiful, mainly because at this moment, his face is full of iron blue, and there is even a trace of murderous intent in those eyes, all these make his peaceful face look hateful.

"Long time no see, beauty!" Qiao Yu greeted with a faint smile.

Qiao Yu naturally knew this woman, she was the woman who had met once in the dark hut, and Qiao Yu also inquired about this woman's information later.

Cloud orange moon night.

Among the legionnaires, a powerful female assassin trained by a certain mysterious figure.

Although the reputation is not obvious, but the strength is extremely strong.

Immediately, Qiao Yu's eyes fell on the snow-white dagger in the woman's hand.

"Silver equipment?" Qiao Yu asked softly.

"Its name is—Snow's Sigh." The woman stared at Qiao Yu and said cautiously.

Yun Chengyue felt it. The guy named Qiao Yu in front of him was very, very powerful. Although he seemed to be defenseless at all, just now he took advantage of the other party's unsuspecting sudden attack.

But in the end, it turned out that he was blocked by the opponent when he hit with a big skill that was sure to explode.

Relaxation and slack are just the illusion of this guy, but in fact, this guy is more cautious than anyone else.

"I really don't know how there is such a terrifying guy in this world!" Yun Cheng Yue Ye secretly made a judgment in her heart.

"It really is silver equipment, no wonder it is so powerful, it made my hands numb just now. After following me for a few hours, I was finally willing to make a move. I thought you wouldn't make a move?" Qiao Yu moved slightly. With some numb arms, Fan smiled lightly.

Tier [-] Silver is comparable to Tier [-] Bronze.

Level [-] Silver is comparable to Level [-] Bronze,

This is only in terms of attributes. As far as power is concerned, silver-level equipment completely crushes bronze.

From Qiao Yu's point of view, it is obvious that the woman in front of her is already able to exert the power of this silver-level dagger.If not, the power of that blow would not be so terrifying.

"Hmph! You really found me." Yun Cheng Yueye's tone became much colder.

"As you can see, I am a wizard, and I am an abyss wizard who is good at perception. My physical body is not as good as yours. If my perception is not stronger, then I really can't do it." messed up."

"However, your physical body is not weak at all, and your reaction is not slow. It can actually block my blow."

"To be honest, not only can I block your blow, I will kill you today. The more proud and powerful a female warrior is, the more I will not let you go. I will kill your body Stay intact, after all, you have to know that sometimes, the cold one has a special charm." Qiao Yu seemed to be telling a very ordinary thing.

"Beast!" Yun Chengyue Ye's face darkened slightly, and the word popped out from between her teeth.

"Thank you for the compliment." Qiao Yu replied with a smile on his face. "Although I will not spare you because of your praise."

"Okay." Qiao Yu twisted the Black Flood Demon Devouring Knife, and began to twist slightly from his feet to his waist, then to his spine, shoulders, and cervical spine.

There was a burst of "cracking" explosions, like firecrackers bursting.

"Hey hey..." The insidious and low-pitched laughter burst out, which was extraordinarily weird.

"Okay, the chat is over, then the next step is the battle stage before death." Qiao Yu looked up at Yuncheng Yueye, his eyes were calm, calm, and silent like a deep abyss.

After "unpacking", Qiao Yu peeled off many things.Therefore, Qiao Yu is still calm even in the face of death, whether it is facing the death of the enemy or the end of his own life.

With a slight movement of the steps, the cloud orange moon night is like the wind under the feet, and the body is as light as a feather.

Yuncheng Yueye, who has a bronze suit and a silver-level dagger, is not too afraid of the young man named Qiao Yu in front of her.

Of course, her first level of energy storage was blocked just now, but she still has more fighting methods that she hasn't used yet.

So she rushed up again brazenly.

With a single step, Yuncheng Yueye disappeared from the spot in an instant.

The next moment her figure suddenly appeared behind Qiao Yu, and the sigh of the silver dagger Xue pierced down like snowflakes with a trace of mysterious trajectory, the speed was terrifying, piercing through in an instant.

"The edge of the weapon blooms out of the trajectory?" Qiao Yu could feel the effect contained in the female assassin's dagger.

"Finally—" Qiao Yu secretly said: "I met a master."

If you want to let the movement of the weapon bloom with a mysterious trajectory, you first need to have in-depth control over the body, so that the body can achieve a self-"vector static".

The human body exists in a "chaotic state". No matter how you control the chaotic body, it will vibrate unnaturally and cannot perform subtle operations.

Maybe you can't detect the magnitude of this slight tremor, but in fact he is always in a "chaotic state" of activity.

Through the practice of gradually in-depth control of the physical body.

The "chaotic state" of the physical body will gradually become "vector static".

Once entering "Vector Static", the reaction of the body, the explosion and control of strength will be extremely fast.

At the same time, at this time, a mysterious and round trajectory will appear on the blade.

And the female assassin in front of her is obviously a master who has entered the "Vector Static".

For a long time, Qiao Yu has been controlling the body and cultivating energy. Although it seems to have no effect, all these are actually a process of accumulation.

Qiao Yu has experienced the process of physical body control many times, so Qiao Yu has long been familiar with the experience of physical body control.

After the first mission world and more than a month of training in the Calamity Castle.

Now, Qiao Yu has already entered the late stage of "Vector Static", or close to the peak state.

Even, Qiao Yu is now close to a higher level - "into the subtleties".

Of the two, one has a high level of physical control, and the other is fully equipped.At this time, it is also a match.

(End of this chapter)

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