Calamity Frontier

Chapter 135 Fighting

Chapter 135 Fighting ([-]rd update)

The scary thing about an assassin is that he can move to the enemy's side in an instant and make a quick cut attack.

If you don't react in time, or if you don't have countermeasures, you may be killed in an instant.The assassin's ability to sneak attack the second person is not comparable to ordinary people.

Obviously, this does not exist for Qiao Yu.

When Snow's sigh fell along the mysterious trajectory.

The Black Flood Dragon Demon-Eating Knife moved, and compared to Xue's sigh following the trajectory, the Black Flood Dragon Demon-Eating Knife controlled the trajectory with a more mysterious force, brazenly meeting Xue's sigh.

The power of the sting once again bloomed ferociously.

This time, Qiao Yu was not repelled, and the power of this ordinary blow was much smaller than that of the charged blow.

"Go away!"

The Black Flood Dragon Demon Devouring Saber glanced at the blade, crossed Xue's sigh, and slashed towards the female assassin's chest.

The female assassin who was still in the air seemed unable to avoid this blow.

At this time, Yuncheng Yueye suddenly reached out with her left hand, and another bronze dagger appeared out of nowhere.

The bronze dagger in his left hand brazenly met Qiao Yu's saber.

At this time, the powerful power of the Black Flood Dragon Demon Devouring Knife bloomed.

There was a clang.

Yuncheng Yueye's figure was forced back by a knife.

"It's so powerful." While retreating, Yuncheng Yueye stared at Qiao Yu's Black Flood Demon Devouring Saber, slightly surprised.

Yuncheng Yueye, who has a rare parry skill, can not only parry heavy swords, but also heavy battle axes, but under the knife in front of her, she was forcibly chopped back.She couldn't stop Qiao Yu's fierce knife.

The strength under his feet suddenly exploded, and Qiao Yu chased and killed him like a missile.


The Black Flood Dragon Demon Devourer Knife was crushed down like a bull, and the power and brutality of the heavy weapon were revealed at this moment.


The Black Flood Dragon Demon Devouring Knife tore off with one blow.

A branch with a thick bowl mouth was directly cut open by Qiao Yu, and the cut surface was as smooth as a mirror.

The blade turned slightly, skimmed the smooth trajectory, and then swept away towards the cloudy orange and moonlit night again.

Yuncheng Yueye could only retreat or block again.


During the attack, Qiao Yu's saber was like a gust of wind and waves, continuous.


During the block, Yuncheng Yueye could only keep retreating.

"What a ferocious attack." Faced with Qiao Yu's attack, Yuncheng Yueye was secretly startled.

Previously, when observing Qiao Yu fighting with others, she hadn't felt how amazing Qiao Yu's sword was.

At this time, he was on the opposite side of Qiao Yu's blade.

She felt it.

Qiao Yu's knife will hardly be exhausted, like a gust of wind, wave after wave, endlessly.

"The control power of this guy's physical body has obviously entered a very high level of vector static, and this guy has the power of the holy source. According to the book of black consciousness, his power of the holy source endows him with tenacity and durability. It's not good for me to fight for a long time, it seems that if you find the right opportunity to explode, maybe you can kill it."

Yuncheng Yueye who was retreating was not simply retreating, she was also looking for a good opportunity to kill Qiao Yu.


A sharp knife pierced through the air, attacking and killing.

"Good opportunity." Yun Chengyue Ye's eyes narrowed slightly, and a gleam of joy emerged.Its body twisted slightly in the air like a fish, and disappeared instantly.

Then his dagger leisurely pierced through Qiao Yu's shoulder.

The Black Flood Dragon Demon Devourer came swimming like a shark that smelled blood.

"Hmph!" Seeing the Black Flood Dragon Demon Devouring Saber Yuncheng Yueye sneered. "It was just a feint."

The bronze dagger in his left hand moved towards the Black Flood Demon Devourer without fear.

The moment the Black Flood Dragon Demon Devourer and the bronze dagger touched.

Yuncheng Yueye disappeared again in an instant.

Double displacement flash, this is the unique skill of Yuncheng Yueye.

This time, Yuncheng Yueye appeared behind Qiao Yu.

The snow-white silver equipment in his hand, and Xue's sigh, imply a mysterious trajectory towards Qiao Yu's spine.With the power of this silver dagger, it was enough to seriously injure Qiao Yu or even die.

The first teleportation was just to attract Qiao Yu, but this time's attack was the real purpose.

"It's true that there are some tricks, but that's all there is to stop here." At this time, Qiao Yu, who was attacked on his back, thought so in his silent, dark, calm heart.

When Xue's sigh fell, the magic power of the abyss in Qiao Yu's body bloomed wildly.

With a slight step, Qiao Yu's figure twisted rapidly, and at the same time, the Black Flood Dragon Demon Devourer pierced through it at an incredible speed.

"Death to me!"

Feeling that this seemed to be a blow to exchange injuries, Yuncheng Yueye still had no intention of giving up.Even if she was seriously injured, she would kill Qiao Yu.


Xue's sigh, the sharp blade brushed across Qiao Yu's back, leaving a trace of blood.

Then the two of them missed their figures in a blink of an eye.

At this time, the magic armor phantom vine on Qiao Yu's back was torn apart by the sharp blade.A faint bloodstain more than 20 centimeters long appeared, and the blood continued to escape.

"The penetration of the blade is not too deep, and it is harmless." Qiao Yu secretly said, feeling the injury.

With a thought, the magic power of the abyss surged away, and soon the wound stopped bleeding.

"How about beauty, my knife is pretty powerful!" Then Qiao Yu raised his head, with a faint smile on his face, and looked at the cloud orange moon night.

Qiao Yu's injury was irrelevant, but Yun Cheng Yueye's injury was serious.

With that fierce knife just now, Qiao Yu's Black Flood Dragon Devil Devourer directly tore open Yuncheng Yueye's leather armor, and directly opened a bloody wound on his abdomen.

This blow was enough to cause Yuncheng Yueye to lose [-]% to [-]% of her strength.

But at this time, Yuncheng Yueye, with eyes as cold as water, was staring at Qiao Yu's Black Flood Demon Devouring Saber.

"His knife is so powerful."

The power of ordinary sabers only depends on their sharpness, even if it is bronze equipment, it is still the same.However, she felt that Qiao Yu's knife was not only sharp, but also had an indescribable destructive power.

In the counter attack just now, the opponent's saber relied on its extremely high sharpness, coupled with its inexplicable terrifying and destructive power, to injure her so severely.

"Did you feel the power of my saber?"

Qiao Yu stared up and down at this cloudy and moonlit night.

At this time, Yuncheng Yueye was seriously injured, but she didn't feel panicked or anxious. Qiao Yu knew that the other party had a backup.

After all, it's not easy to kill a guy like this who has been given silver-level equipment.

Therefore, Qiao Yu is not in a hurry.In a hurry, he fell into the other party's trap. It's not like this kind of plot has never happened before.

"I can feel that, to you, a weapon is just a weapon, it is dead, it is just a piece of cold metal with attributes in your hand."

"But it's different for me, because—"

Qiao Yu was slightly shocked as he held the Black Flood Dragon Devourer Knife.


A whistling sound resonated leisurely from the blade of the Black Flood Dragon Demon Devourer Saber, and then echoed in the surrounding jungle, lingering endlessly, with great penetrating power.

"Obviously, he's alive, you just haven't noticed it."

Hearing this, Yun Cheng Yueye's heart trembled. Of course she had heard of such a similar argument.All things in nature are creatures.

Only by in-depth perception can we know what it is and why.

"When you deeply feel that the weapon in your hand is alive and wake it up, then it will become a great boost to you, and its power will increase a lot. That's why I can hit you and hurt you .”


Hearing Qiao Yu's in-depth explanation, Yuncheng Yueye instinctively listened carefully.

In an instant, with a sudden step, Qiao Yu's body exploded like a lightning bolt, heading directly towards the cloud orange and moonlit night, at a terrifyingly fast speed.

"You can die!"

The villain died because of talking too much, how could Qiao Yu not know.

Qiao Yu's nonsense, and even took out his own cultivation experience, in order to attract the other party's attention, then launch a sneak attack, and then kill the other party in one fell swoop, this is Qiao Yu's purpose.

"not good!"

Yuncheng Yueye didn't even expect Qiao Yu to speak half of the conversation, and suddenly attacked suddenly, she immediately felt that something was wrong.

Although she is powerful, in terms of experience against the enemy, she is still not as old as Qiao Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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