Calamity Frontier

Chapter 136 Late Night Conversation

Chapter 136 Late Night Conversation (Fourth Change)

"It's broken." Seeing Qiao Yu rushing over, Yuncheng Yueye really panicked at this moment.

Originally, there were powerful guardian scrolls and attack scrolls in her space belt.

She originally wanted to take advantage of Qiao Yu.

But just now Qiao Yu's remarks successfully attracted her attention.

And now, Qiao Yu launched a sneak attack, but she was a little caught off guard.

With his backhand, he had already taken out that powerful protective item.But even if the props are used, there must be a simple trigger time.

And Qiao Yu's saber has swept over.

"Open it quickly." Yuncheng Yueye tried her best to trigger that powerful guardian item.

Between life and death, she couldn't help being slow.

The blade passed by, and a head with a horrified and unwilling expression was thrown away.

The powerful protective props were not opened after all.

"Hehehe..." Qiao Yu, who cut off Yuncheng Yueye's head with a knife, laughed.

Then Qiao Yu looked at the dissipated scroll in Yuncheng Yueye's hand. In the world of disaster missions, equipment, props, etc. cannot be exchanged.Qiao Yu will only get the God of Calamity Coins for killing this Cloud Orange Moon Night, and will not get any other equipment and props.

"Do I really think I'm talking nonsense with you? Will I give you a chance? How naive!" Looking at the dead Yuncheng Yueye, Qiao Yu sneered.

Qiao Yu's strength was already much stronger than this Yuncheng Yueye.Although fighting head-on, Qiao Yu can still destroy this cloud orange moon night, but it is obviously more labor-intensive and time-consuming.

And this sneak attack by Qiao Yu was very effective, successfully solving this problem.

"After solving this problem, it will be easier to deal with those legion fighters in the future."

"But then again, this assassin is wearing a bronze suit and has silver equipment in his hands. The legion camp does have a strong background. At present, I am still not as good as them in terms of equipment."

"Besides this guy, there are several powerful enemies. It seems that I need to be more careful in the future."

Looking at the body of Yuncheng Yueye on the ground, Qiao Yu thought secretly.


In the depths of the alien forest.

Jian Qiushi, who pierced through the heart of a disaster warrior with a blood-red long sword, changed his expression slightly and opened the friend bar.

"Dead?" Jian Qiushi's pupils suddenly shrank slightly.

At this moment, in Jian Qiushi's field of vision, the name of his good friend, Yuncheng Yueye, had already dimmed.

"How did you die? Who killed it, was it someone else, or that Qiao Yu?"

"Hmph!" Jian Qiushi snorted suddenly.

The long sword in his hand swung suddenly.


The powerful crimson long sword cut the legionary soldier and the half-meter-thick ancient tree behind him into two pieces with one stroke of the sword.

"I don't care who killed you. If you die in this world, it's fine. If you don't die, after I go back and find out about you, I will definitely chase you to the ends of the earth." Jian Qiushi roared with killing intent.

When Yuncheng Yueye died, not only Jian Qiushi knew about it immediately.

On the side of the legionnaires, several other masters also knew about it immediately.

"Yuncheng Yueye is dead!"

This piece of news spread quickly in the communication network of the legion soldiers.Those who heard the words were all extremely horrified.

Yuncheng Yueye, that is a very powerful existence, and there are legion masters personally pointing it out.It was the main force who came to chase and kill Qiao Yu this time.But now it's just so dead.

Qiao Yu killed him?Or was it killed by someone else?
If Qiao Yu killed him, then Qiao Yu's strength may not be too terrible.

All of a sudden, there was an undercurrent and turbulent waves in the entire legion fighter communication network.


Before I knew it, the sky darkened, and then it fell into the night.

The mottled moonlight permeated down, bringing the entire Altered Forest into a state of silence.

Deep in the jungle, on a tree trunk.

Qiao Yu is sitting here cross-legged and practicing.

Tempering and polishing his abyssal magic power over and over again, and constantly controlling his physical power in depth, so that his physical body can enter a higher level of "vector static". This is the way and purpose of Qiao Yu's practice all the time.

Under the in-depth control of physical strength, Qiao Yu vaguely felt a higher level of "delicacy" than "vector static".

Being subtle is a very mysterious state.

The meticulous and delicate energy control is combined with the perfect control of physical strength, and the combination of the two will bloom a subtle and mysterious state.

This state alone is useless.

For Qiao Yu, the main thing is that after being subtle, with some special means, he can let the sword bloom - the sword glow!
Attention to detail - knife glow -.

This is what Qiao Yu is after.

After such a long time of submerged cultivation, Qiao Yu finally began to pay off.

Qiao Yu's mouth twitched into a slight smile as he felt the faint and subtle meaning.

"Finally, I feel the state of subtlety, but just feeling it is useless. I have to ponder carefully and experience it with my heart, so that I can enter the state of subtlety."

"After getting into the subtleties, the flesh grows glow, and then the sword glows. At that time, my strength will be greatly improved again. I will be able to survive better in the disaster world." Qiao Yu secretly said.

During the cultivation, time passed quickly, and before one knew it, the night became a bit darker.


Let out a long breath, the breath gathers and does not disperse, flying three or four meters like a horse.

Then Qiao Yu opened his eyes.

"Since you're here, let's come out!"

Qiao Yu's voice sounded slowly, rippling in the surrounding forest.

"Excellent, you really deserve to be a master wanted by the legion." A night ranger walked out of the shadows.

At the same time, a necromancer and a druid warrior came out of two other hidden places.

"What do you want from me?" Qiao Yu stood up and said slowly.

"This time, we are looking for Your Excellency Qiao Yu, and we are here with the sincerity of cooperation." The night ranger said so.

"Sincerity? Cooperation?" Qiao Yu's mouth formed a hint of a smile.

"Your Excellency, do you know the eight gatekeepers in this alien forest?" the night ranger asked in a low voice.

"Of course I know."

"At present, as far as we know, seven of the eight gatekeepers have been eliminated. The last one is in the deepest underground mine in the forest. Now, those legionnaires are occupying the The entrance there, and our disaster fighters are outside, unable to enter."

"So?" Qiao Yu glanced at the three of them and asked indifferently.

"Qiao Yu, we know that your strength is extraordinary, but after all, we are all disaster fighters, and our opponents are legion fighters. Those legion fighters treat us like pigs and dogs, and even enter the world casually to slaughter us. our enemy."

"We can join hands to deal with those legion soldiers. After all, your marksmanship is extraordinary, and our three strong teams have attracted many small teams. It may not be possible to suppress the arrogance of those legion soldiers."

"After all, we will only get the calamity god coins by killing those legion soldiers. If we fight among ourselves, I'm afraid that the legion soldiers will take advantage of them in the end."

It has to be said that the reasons for this night ranger's remarks are reasonable.

"You're very good." Qiao Yu nodded cautiously.

Seeing this, the other three were all slightly happy.

"Actually, as far as I am concerned." Qiao Yu said slowly. "I still prefer that the disaster fighters cooperate with each other to deal with those legion fighters."

"After all, this calamity world is too dangerous, and those legionnaires who claim to be superior don't look down on our legionnaires at all. If the three are really willing to cooperate sincerely, I, Qiao Yu, don't mind cooperating with you."

When the three of them heard the words, their faces were filled with joy.

"The three of us are naturally cooperating sincerely, there is no doubt about it." The night ranger said very firmly.

"Cooperation is of course possible, but it will be time to fight." How much profit you can get depends on your respective abilities.

"This is natural." The night ranger said so.

"If that's the case, what are you waiting for?" Qiao Yu said with a faint smile. Taking advantage of the night, we wiped out all the legion soldiers in one fell swoop.

"Very good!" All three were overjoyed.

(End of this chapter)

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