Calamity Frontier

Chapter 137 Betrayal

Chapter 137 Betrayal (Fifth)

In the dark alien forest, there was a deathly silence.

Deep in the jungle, four people quickly shuttled through the woods.

These four are naturally the captains of the three teams, as well as Qiao Yu.

"Are you there?" Qiao Yu asked in a low voice.

"It's almost there, right ahead."

Qiao Yu raised his head and saw the forest under the mottled silver moonlight. Through the analysis of the forest, Qiao Yu could vaguely see the mountains ahead.

Qiao Yu could feel that the last extremely powerful guardian was in that forest.

"Is it almost there?"

While walking forward, Qiao Yu looked at the three people in front of him, with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth, he reached out to touch the devil's fang, and Qiao Yu held it in his hand.

"Your plan is well designed, but unfortunately, I, Joe, don't like to follow other people's plans. So..."

In the dark heart, Qiao Yu smiled ferociously, and then suddenly pulled the trigger.

Qiao Yu could see that this so-called "cooperation" was actually just a vicious trap.If nothing else, these three disaster fighters are 100% running dogs of the legion fighters.These guys cooperated with the legionnaires, tricked Qiao Yu, and then pretended to lead Qiao Yu to the so-called assembly point.

Qiao Yu saw this, so Qiao Yu took advantage of the opportunity to cooperate with these people, first pretending to deceive the other party's trust, and when he was about to arrive at the destination, he directly tore his face and launched a sneak attack.


The dense shooting of guns instantly broke the silence of the night in the alien forest.


The night ranger who was torn apart from bulletproof props in less than a second was also torn apart by Qiao Yu's Devil's Fang. These weak-defense disaster fighters could not resist the terrifying power of the bronze-level gun Demon's Fang.

Qiao Yu's sudden betrayal caught the three of them off guard.So much so that the night ranger died at the gunpoint of Qiao Yu immediately.

"Not good." The other two felt bad when they heard the gunshots behind them.

The two moved their feet and hurriedly dodged to one side.

However, Qiao Yu's reaction was faster than the two of them imagined.

With a twist of the gun, Qiao Yu aimed directly at the necromancer.

chug chu...

The dense bullets of Devil's Fang roared away.

In less than half a second, the bulletproof props of the necromancer were torn apart and the bullet penetrated the body and head of the necromancer.

These two powerful disaster fighters who were not weak were forcibly killed by Qiao Yu with the bronze-level devil's fang before they had time to react.

If it was an ordinary firearm, neither the rate of fire nor the power would be able to kill these two guys.But Demon Fang can easily do it.

In an instant, two disaster warriors were killed with a gun, and the third druid warrior was already hiding.

"Great master of nature, I am your most sincere believer, please grant me the power of the forest, I am willing..."

The druid warrior was straightforward. Knowing that Qiao Yu had betrayed him, he simply broke his face and prepared to fight Qiao Yu directly.

The druid warrior quickly chanted the ancient spell, and then the violent forest power grew from his body.


With a roar, the druid quickly turned into a five-meter-tall war bear covered in black armor.

"Crazy?" Qiao Yu smiled lightly.


With a deep roar, the Dark War Bear rushed out from behind the hemlock tree where he was hiding, and charged Qiao Yu.

This terrifying five-meter-high war bear, I'm afraid there are really few disaster fighters who can compete with it.

"No matter how crazy you are, it's useless, you'd better die obediently!" Qiao Yu pulled the trigger brazenly.

chug chug...

Dense bullets poured in crazily.

In just an instant, the Dark War Bear felt pain, severe pain, he could feel that these bullets easily tore through his defensive force field, and then continued to tear apart his thick fur defense, and finally drilled into his body and hurt him.

"How is this possible? I'm taking the defensive route. My bullet defense is a full 21 points. How can he break through my defense and cause such a lot of damage to me."

The Druid Dark War Bear in the midst of the impact was full of horror.

A 21-point defense can weaken 40.00% of bullet power and [-] points of joule energy.

But even if so much power is offset, the bullet power of Qiao Yu's Devil Fang can still reach the level of [-] joules, which is comparable to the top Barrett. Such terrifying power is naturally possible Easily deal damage to this dark war bear.

chug chu...

In the dense bullet bombardment, the body of the impacting Dark War Bear was covered with blood.


Suddenly, there was a sharp wail, and the dark war bear that pounced on it fell to the ground.

The impact distance of 40 meters became his way to death.He rushed to Qiao Yu's body, but he also lost his life.


The gasping druid warrior quickly receded from the madness and turned into a human form, with his chest protruding, already torn apart by Qiao Yu's bullets.

"Haha..." The druid gasped, and he laughed.

That pair of eyes stared at Qiao Yu firmly.

"Kill me, and you will die too. It is impossible for you to escape the pursuit of the legion soldiers, hahaha..."


When the gunshot fell, the druid's laughter stopped abruptly.

"When you are someone else's running dog, you can still be honored. Sure enough, some people are just like you. You spill blood like urine with your useless dick, and what remains in your bones is all servility. Really I don’t know if this world has distorted you, or if you have distorted this world.”

"However..." Qiao Yu shrugged his shoulders, "Those are not important anymore, you know, the dead don't have any right to speak.

Then, Qiao Yu raised his head and looked at the forest not far away.

"As soon as the gunfire rang out, those people should know I'm coming! But..." Qiao Yu's expression froze slightly, and bloody killing intent emerged.

"I will bury you all here tonight." Qiao Yu, holding the devil's fang, said fiercely in his heart.

If dealing with a small number of enemies, the effect of using the Black Flood Demon Devourer is much better, but it is obviously more efficient to use a gun now.

There were many enemies ahead, but Qiao Yu did not rush forward rashly.

Hiding in a corner, Qiao Yu started his own summoning.

Level [-] blood-eyed bats flew out one after another.

Mutated Sky Striker Vine also appeared in batches.

A moment later, more than 30 Sky Striker Vines holding rock knives appeared around Qiao Yu.

These Sky Striker magic vines, after all, are mutated creatures, capable of fighting and resisting.And those bullets hit the body, there is no harm at all, unless the body is completely torn, otherwise they are very good assault cannon fodder.

With the blood-eyed bat as the high-altitude vision, and the Sky Striker magic vine as the cannon fodder for charging, Qiao Yu used cover to shoot and kill the enemy. This is undoubtedly a very good combat mode.


After getting ready, Qiao Yu took his small troop and groped towards the forest ahead without making a sound.

(End of this chapter)

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