Calamity Frontier

Chapter 138 Beginning

Chapter 138 Beginning (Sixth)
Under the silent moonlight.





Accompanied by a high-pitched mournful cry, the jungle once again fell into silence.

Behind the bare black boulder on the edge of the entrance to a huge cave at the foot of the mountain.

Ran Yi, holding a folding fan, is hiding here.

"The three of them are dead." At this time, a Calamity Warrior beside him whispered.

Hearing the words, Ran Yi's face was cloudy and uncertain. Although his figure was calm, his palms trembled slightly, and no one noticed that he was still in the night.

"This Qiao Yu is really difficult to deal with. First, Yue Ye fell into his hands, and the three guys volunteered, saying that Stability could fool that Qiao Yu, but Qiao Yu saw through the deception. He was killed by him directly. Even the druid who can go berserk and has a strong defensive ability is dead."

"Then Qiao Yu is in the jungle ahead, and that guy is a sharpshooter, so it's a bit tricky now."

Ran Yi was a little flustered.

Among the legionnaires, not everyone is the kind of person who is not afraid of death. Although Ran Yi has always been calm and steady, it was all established when he was on the strong side.

But at this moment, when he was facing a thug who was extremely powerful and terrifying, and murdered without batting an eyelid, he was afraid.

"Old Gao, how's it going?" Ran Yi then asked the core figure who killed Qiao Yu this time.

"Don't worry." The man called Lao Gao is a 25-year-old short-haired youth.

"This bronze-level 'Extreme Light Barrett' has the ability to ignore bulletproof props. As long as that Qiao Yu dares to rush over, he will be shot down. Even if he has [-] points of defense, that won't work." Short-haired young man Gao, said swearingly.

"And apart from me, my other two brothers are also first-class snipers. The bronze guns in their hands are not weaker than this guy in my hands. The three of us work together to ensure that Qiao Yu will come." No return."

"Besides, some other people also specially prepared a lot of heavy weapons. Then Qiao Yu wouldn't even think about rushing over."

"Yeah!" Listening to Lao Gao's words, Ran Yi relaxed a lot.

Although that Qiao Yu is powerful, he is a body of flesh and blood after all.One shot down, the head is opened, damn it or die.After all, it is an E-level world, and the power of firearms is still great.

The legion side was smart enough to prepare a lot of heavy weapons, especially powerful snipers, and gave them powerful bronze guns.

With such a powerful lineup, not to mention E-level masters, even D-level or even C-level masters, if they dare to rush over, they will still die under these terrifying armed firepower.

Unless the defense reaches forty or fifty, it will be able to attack outrageously.At this stage, it is almost impossible to achieve such a high defense.

It can be said that the legion is well-prepared this time. In order to kill Qiao Yu, it has already used a sledgehammer.

In the silent jungle.

Qiao Yu, who was in a hidden state, looked carefully at the mottled boulders at the foot of the mountain, and what he saw was tranquility.

With a large amount of pure magic power surging in Qiao Yu's eyes, several inadvertently hiding Legionnaires and Calamity Warriors were incorporated into Qiao Yu's eyes.At the same time, the heavy weapons prepared by these people also fell into Qiao Yu's eyes.

"Sure enough, these legionnaires are really well prepared."

After a while, Qiao Yu looked away and began to think carefully.

"First of all, it goes without saying that the last of the eight guardians is in the depths of the cave guarded by these people. According to the consistent characteristics of the calamity world, killing the eighth guardian will definitely leave this alien ghost. Lin's teleportation shortcuts and the like. And there are fifty or sixty of these people, and there are so many heavy firepower. To keep it simple, on the one hand, they kill people, and on the other hand, they completely cut off the shortcuts for everyone. "

"This method is really unique." Qiao Yu secretly said with a smile on his lips.

Then, Qiao Yu looked around again.

At this time, in the scattered mountains and forests around Qiao Yu, there are still many disaster fighters hidden.The number is small, there are 30 people.Most of these disaster fighters are the same as Qiao Yu, they are real disaster fighters.

These calamity fighters are also very smart. They are on guard against each other, fear each other, and do not interfere with each other.

And Qiao Yu didn't have the idea of ​​attacking these disaster fighters at this time. After all, when the battle started, these guys would be the enemy's firepower attraction.

"Okay, let's start the battle!"

With a thought in Qiao Yu's mind, a Sky Striker magic vine in the direction of the entrance of the cave moved.

The Sky Striker Magic Vine seemed to be flying across the jungle towards the battle line of the Legion soldiers at the foot of the mountain.

"There are enemies."

Suddenly, a deep roar pierced the night sky.

Da da da……

chug chu...

The sound of gunfire suddenly sounded.

One guy even fired a rocket at the flying Sky Striker Vine.

Poor Sky Striker Vine, hadn't rushed out 20 meters before it was concentrated by numerous firepower, and then a rocket was launched, directly blasting Sky Striker Vine into pieces.

It has to be said that the Sky Striker Demon Vine is very effective as the fuse of the war.

With just one click, the entire battlefield was detonated.

chug chu...

bang bang...

Da da……




For a while, hiding in the forest, the legion fighters behind the boulder or the disaster fighters opened fire one after another.

The firepower is intertwined, and the flower of death of the metal storm blooms.

In the midst of the flames of war, several blood-eyed bats flew into the sky in disorder, and had a clear insight into everything below.

The blood-eyed bat summoned by Qiao Yu's pure abyssal magic power cannot detect bats at the attribute level with the attribute vision formed by ordinary energy.But at this time, the night is dark, the blood-eyed bats are pitch-black, and the battlefield is chaotic, it is basically impossible to pass through ordinary vision.

"Hey hey..." After some observation, Qiao Yu laughed coldly.

"Bronze sniper rifle, amazing! And there are three of them. They all have the skill of ignoring bulletproof props. If I accidentally show my traces, I'm afraid I will be shot in the head with one shot. This bronze sniper rifle-level weapon , cannot be underestimated."

His gaze swept over the battlefield where the flames of war intertwined.

"Camouflage." With a thought, the magic armor phantom vine became pitch black, like a shadow in the dark night, coupled with Qiao Yu's own ability to restrain you perfectly, those legionnaires couldn't find Qiao Yu's existence at all.

Every step of the way is like a shadow in the dark night, groping cautiously towards the side.

While advancing, Qiao Yu also used the blood-eyed bat to carefully observe the movements of the enemies holding bronze sniper rifles.

Although Qiao Yu is confident, he should and must be on guard against this.If it is really detected by the enemy, it can also be avoided in time.

With the interweaving of firepower, after a while, Qiao Yu came safely behind a very hidden rock on the side.

At this time, on the battlefield, the firepower of both sides was intertwined and entangled.

Although there are fewer people on the side of the Calamity Warriors, all the Calamity Warriors are hidden in the mountains.You can move and retreat at any time.But the legion side stood firm, but could not retreat.Therefore, the fight between the two sides was also in full swing.

"You really are waiting for me." Qiao Yu followed the bat with his bloody eyes, and could clearly see the movements of the three snipers.

Although the battle broke out, the three snipers didn't fire a single shot, apparently looking for Qiao Yu.

"Three people, each with a full bulletproof state of 36 points, my devil's fang, [-] rounds per second. It takes more than a second to kill a person."

"Okay, let's kill one of them first, and let them also throw the mouse."

While thinking, Qiao Yu's Devil Fang aimed at a sniper.

Although the battlefield was full of gunfire, Lao Gao still suppressed his temper and waited for the enemy to appear.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Lao Gao felt that there seemed to be danger coming.

(End of this chapter)

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