Calamity Frontier

Chapter 140 Breaking the Enemy

Chapter 140 Breaking the Enemy (Eighth)

"Speed, attack power, defensive ability, maneuverability, agility are all very good."

"And in actual combat, the effect is excellent." Thinking of this, Qiao Yu nodded slightly.

"It's very valuable to cultivate. I can spend a lot of money to raise them to a rare or even exclusive level. An exclusive level of mutation skills." Thinking of this, Qiao Yu smiled knowingly.

Qiao Yu, who can obtain more calamity coins, has a relatively broad development route for his own strength and his summons.

Although the skill transformation scroll is expensive, this Sky Striker Magic Vine is a mutant skill, which is worth cultivating.


A missile crashed into the boulder behind Qiao Yu.

Suddenly, a terrifying high-decibel explosion sound and shock wave swept over.

Facing the shock wave and the high-scoring explosion, Qiao Yu accepted it calmly. Qiao Yu's resistance became extremely strong with his physical fitness ten times that of ordinary people and the abyssal magic power in his body.

"That guy is still aiming in this direction." Following the attribute vision of the blood-eyed bat, Qiao Yu saw the last sniper holding a bronze gun still aiming at his position.

"Blood-eyed bat."

With a thought, Qiao Yu repeated his old trick.

With a flutter of wings, the blood-eyed bat quickly flew towards the last sniper among the three.

However, this time, the blood-eyed bat did not make any miraculous achievements.

"Peng!" a voice.

When the blood-eyed bat approached the sniper, it encountered a barrier of understanding, and the offensive was interrupted.

"Some kind of guardian scroll, this guy is smart." Qiao Yu secretly said.

"However, do you think this way can stop my attack?" Qiao Yu smiled lightly.

"Sky Striker Vine!"

With a thought, Qiao Yu began to summon the Sky Striker Vine.

Soon, Sky Striker and Demon Vine were summoned one after another.

"Evade this enemy's attack, give it to me."

With the Sky Striker Vine ordered by Qiao Yu, he immediately began to follow Qiao Yu's instructions, gradually hiding behind the rocks and advancing towards the position of the legionary soldiers.

Since Qiao Yu's body can't come out, let Sky Striker and Demon Vine attack.Summoning the auxiliary flow, at this time, the effect began to be highlighted.

"Blood-eyed bat!" Qiao Yu began to summon the blood-eyed bat as the Sky Striker Vine hid and gradually advanced towards the opponent's position.

"Give me all to attack the enemy, and attack with low interference."

With a thought, one after another, the blood-eyed bats acted as death squads and launched a suicide attack on those legionnaires.

Although the blood-eyed bat is not very powerful, it can still cause a little damage to the enemy. It is still effective to attack the enemy's weak parts. More importantly, this blood-eyed bat consumes very little abyss mana. Qiao Yu can The constant call.

After a while, more than 20 blood-eyed bats began to harass frantically.

The harassment of the blood-eyed bat successfully created a good opportunity for Sky Striker and Demon Vine to attack.

"Quickly kill these damn bats."

"These bats may belong to Qiao Yu, that guy will summon these bats, everyone be careful."

"Are all snipers vegetarian? Why haven't we found that Qiao Yu, a bunch of idiots."

After being harassed by these blood-eyed bats, a few grumpy guys among these legionnaires began to scold loudly.


Suddenly someone yelled.


A rocket bomb roared in and shattered a large rock.

A calamity warrior who was hiding behind and serving the legion was also smashed to pieces.

When many people hit Dao Qiaoyu's direction with their firepower, many disaster fighters on the frontal battlefield also began to work hard.

After all, if you kill a legionary soldier, you will get the God of Calamity Coins. At this moment, it is a good time to get rewards. Any calamity warrior is going all out and madly attacking the legionary soldiers with all their might.

"Be careful, those vine warrior summons are about to attack."

With the harassment of the blood-eyed bats, the Sky Striker and Demon Vines quickly pushed forward.


With a distance of more than 30 meters from the opponent, Qiao Yu gave the command to charge without hesitation.

Immediately, more than 20 Sky Striker magic vines surged upwards at the same time.

Da da da……

chug chu...

All of a sudden, firepower intertwined.

Qiao Yu took the opportunity to manipulate a Sky Striker Magic Vine to quickly rush into the camp of the legion soldiers from the weak point of firepower.

However, this Sky Striker Vine didn't attack the soldiers of its legion, but flew towards the hiding sniper stealthily.

In less than three seconds, the extremely fast Sky Striker Magic Vine had already rushed to the side of the sniper.

"It's broken." When he saw the Sky Striker Vine hit his side, the sniper suddenly felt bad.

Of course this Sky Striker Vine is not his opponent, but the enemy hiding behind the stone is the real threat. As long as he draws his hand to deal with this Sky Striker Vine, the enemy will take the opportunity to attack. If he doesn't care about this Sky Striker and Demon Vine, could it be that the opponent breaks through his protective barrier, and then hacks himself to death?

"Hurry up and save me!"

In desperation, the sniper roared loudly.

However, at this moment, the battlefield is full of heat, who has the time to pay attention to him, a sniper hiding in a hidden corner.

The Sky Striker Demon Vine quickly swung his two sharp rock knives, moving his left and right hands at the same time, and the rock knives fell crazily.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

Every time a shot landed, it seemed to slash into the sniper's heart.

"Dodge to the back first, and then destroy this vine summoner." The sniper saw that his protective barrier was getting weaker and weaker, and couldn't help it.

So he rolled and fell backwards.

However, when his body moved.

clang clang...

The dense bullets sounded crazily, and its protective barrier was instantly broken.

The next moment, the edge of the Sky Striker Demon Vine beside him suddenly became sharper.

The rock knife exploded with a sharp and round trajectory.


Just take away the sniper's head with one knife.

The sniper never figured out how this Sky Striker Vine became so powerful in an instant.

"Finally, it's all over."

The three snipers holding bronze sniper rifles all died, and there was no point of mortal threat to Qiao Yu. Qiao Yu began to let go of his hands and slaughter wantonly.

Holding the devil's tooth in his hand, Qiao Yu aimed at a legion soldier from the side.

chug chu...

Dense bullets poured away.
In a second, the legionnaire died in Qiao Yu's hands.

Then the muzzle of Devil's Fang moved slightly, aiming at the next one.


Qiao Yu is like a cold killing machine carrying out its own killing process one after another.

Soon, the second, third, fourth, fifth...

One after another, legionnaires continued to die in Qiao Yu's hands.





(End of this chapter)

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