Calamity Frontier

Chapter 141 Crack Boundary

Chapter 141 Crack Boundary (Ninth)

While harvesting, Qiao Yu counted.

For Qiao Yu, these legionnaires in the E-level world had an average of about twelve basic calamity coins.The actual income is about seventy coins.How could Qiao Yu refuse such a generous benefit.

With Qiao Yu's quick shots, the Legionnaire entered the stage of collapse.They began to quickly retreat towards the huge cave behind, and their defeat was like a mountain. It was true at all.

As far as gun warfare is concerned, a terrifying sharpshooter like Qiao Yu, with a bronze-level firearm, is really too powerful.


chug chu...

"Ah!" A running Legionnaire fell headlong to the ground.


At this time, the soldiers of the legion had already completely evacuated, leaving only corpses on the ground.


At this time, a red-eyed disaster warrior rushed out from the woods roaring.

"Hmph!" Qiao Yu snorted coldly and switched the guns directly.


A thud.

The charging calamity warrior fell directly under Qiao Yu's gun.

This calamity warrior was directly killed by Qiao Yu, and all the other calamity warriors who tried to rush out all of a sudden restrained their pace.

"Qiao Yu, don't be too arrogant, don't think that we are afraid of you."

At this time, a voice came from the depths of the jungle, and this person obviously recognized Qiao Yu.

"Hmph!" Qiao Yu, who jumped on the boulder, sneered.

Devil's Fang aimed at the direction of the jungle in one fell swoop.

"If you have the guts, try to stand up and talk, and see if I can kill you."

Qiao Yu's words directly stunned the more than 20 disaster fighters below.That calamity warrior also had self-knowledge, and didn't run out by himself foolishly.

"With me, Qiao Yu, all of you just stay on the sidelines obediently. You can eat what I have left, but if you dare to grab the head with me, don't blame me for being cruel."

Qiao Yu's words spread throughout the silent forest, and no one dared to refute.

After all, these people have all seen it just now. This Qiao Yu has beaten so many legion soldiers to pieces with his own strength.

His marksmanship is even more superb, aiming at whoever dies.

Its powerful strength can be seen.It's not something they can compete with.

After a simple threat, it was confirmed that these legionnaires did not dare to attack him from behind, Qiao Yu turned around and chased towards the cave.

The benefits of killing legion fighters are far greater than those of disaster fighters. Qiao Yu will not waste his precious time with these disaster fighters.

Using the blood-eyed bat as a visual sentinel and the Sky Striker Vine as cannon fodder, Qiao Yu started his own advancement.

The underground caves are huge.

After passing through the fence entrance at the entrance of the cave, Qiao Yu saw a large number of dead alien creatures.

These creatures are brownish green all over, and their bodies are not tall, only 1.2 meters three, and the tallest ones are only 1.4 meters five.Their heads are bald and sparsely haired, their ears are thick and slender, and their bodies look a bit squishy.

"Is it a hybrid product of half-orcs and goblins? It's a bit like a goblin, but it's not." Looking at these special species on the ground, Qiao Yu thought to himself.

In the disaster world, you can never imagine what kind of strange terrain or some kind of weird creatures will randomly appear in the disaster world.

After crossing this group of corpses, we went seven to eighty meters deep.

The eyes suddenly opened up, and what caught the eye was a wide underground cave.

Many corners of the cave were lit with torches to illuminate the entire huge cave.

At the same time, along the direction of the main passage of the cave, all the way down, there are densely packed corpses of crypt creatures.

Those legionnaires had obviously killed all the way in.

Look in the direction of the passage.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Qiao Yu's expression changed slightly, and then Qiao Yu slowly came to the side of the main passage.

On one side of the main passage, there is a huge bottomless abyss of cracks.

Looking at the dark and deep abyss, Qiao Yu's face moved slightly.

Qiao Yu felt that there was something wonderful deep in the abyss of the cave, and this kind of thing was not the last gatekeeper.As if, some kind of natural and light call.

Only Qiao Yu, who can deeply perceive nature, can clearly feel this mysterious call.

While inspecting his eyes, Qiao Yu caught a glimpse of a small passage leading to the bottom of the abyss not far away.

"Follow that hidden small passage to enter this cracked abyss? Or follow the main passage to chase and kill those legionnaires?"

After thinking about Qiao Yu for a moment, Qiao Yu set his eyes on the crack and abyss.

"Those legionnaires can't run away, so they're not in a hurry." With a step, Qiao Yu rushed towards the hidden small passage.

This small hidden passage is not only steep, but also narrow.

But this is not a problem for Qiao Yu. For the powerful Qiao Yu, this is no different from a smooth journey.

As soon as he moved his steps, Qiao Yu quickly jumped down like a cheetah that had always been nimble.

When falling seven or eight meters, Qiao Yu's foot lightly touched a step, and the speed of the descent suddenly slowed down slightly, and then Qiao Yu continued to jump down.

Falling seven or eight meters, he jumped lightly, one jump of seven or eight meters, one step after another, Qiao Yu's steps were light, and each step of the jump fit a certain mysterious trajectory. Although the falling speed was fast, there was not much danger.

Qiao Yu's landing fell a distance of thousands of meters.

When the surroundings were plunged into darkness, Qiao Yu reached the point of the crack and abyss.

It was cold, damp, and isolated from the rest of the world.

It was Qiao Yu's feeling at the bottom of this cracked abyss at this moment.

After looking around for a while, Qiao Yu slowly closed his eyes, feeling the existence of that mysterious object with his heart.

Da, da, da, da...

A crisp and clear voice sounded slowly.

It was weak at first, then became clearly visible, and then bloomed perfectly around the ear.

Qiao Yu was very familiar with this sound, it was the crisp sound of high heels hitting the smooth floor.

Qiao Yu could even feel that the owner of this knocking sound should be a beautiful woman.Perhaps, a very slender woman can be added in front of the beautiful woman, after all, there are brisk steps in that voice.

Suddenly, Qiao Yu opened his eyes.

The moment Qiao Yu opened his eyes, a white light appeared in front of his eyes, and at the same time, there was a sudden noise.

Between moments.

The world Qiao Yu lives in has changed, it is no longer that cold and dark cracked abyss, but a huge modern indoor pedestrian street.

There are men and women coming and going, talking and laughing in low voices, thousands of loud or small voices, and various colorful and brilliant shop fronts, far or near.

It's all so real, so real.

Feeling all this, listening to the crisp sound of the high-heeled shoes, Qiao Yu smiled happily.

Da, da, the footsteps stopped behind Qiao Yu.

"Qiao Yu." A sweet and quiet voice sounded softly behind Qiao Yu.

"This... is really a suffocating operation." Qiao Yu turned around with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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